J - Jelly Goes With Peanut Butter

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Vic's pov

'Wakey wakey Victor!' I got woken up to my best friend Kellin shouting at me.

'Jeez Kells you scared me.' I groaned and threw my head back under my sheets.

'Nu uh mister it's the first day of senior year. Get your butt outta bed.' Kellin scolded and I felt hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me from the bed.

'Hey hey do not man handle the goods.' I said and gestured to my body.

'The goods? Heh.' Kellin scoffed and started throwing clothes at me.

'I'll have you know I worked hard on these babies.' I stated and kissed my biceps proudly then stroked my abs. I saw Kellin falter for a bit as he took in my muscles but then he shook his head and sat on my bed facing away from me as I got changed.

'What's with you?' I asked curiously.

'Um nothing.' Kellin muttered.

'Something's up. You usually don't turn around when I get changed. C'mon Kell we've seen each other naked before. You did spend a whole month here once and we shared my bed.' I said, starting to get worried about my best friend.

'Everything's fine Vic. Just get ready, please.' Kellin pleaded then walked out of my room leaving me to get changed alone. I shook his weirdness off and got dressed. I'd find out later what was up with him.

'Let's go.' I said when I found Kellin waiting by my car. We got in and began our usual journey to school. As I went to turn on the radio Kellin did too and our hands brushed. Normally this would mean nothing and we'd just laugh but today was different. When Kellin's hand touched mine I got tingles through my skin. It felt hot and I shivered and moved my hand back. If only he knew how I'd been feeling about him lately. Every time I saw him I just wanted to be close to him and touch him. In a non creepy way of course. Yep, total movie like cliche. I had a crush on my best friend.

'You choose Kells.' I said awkwardly and Kellin put on a song. I relaxed as we got closer to the school and tried to be my normal self.

'Vic, Kells my favorite couple!' Mike shouted when we walked towards the school entrance.

'Shut up Mike.' I grumbled and rolled my eyes. Everyone was always going around thinking Kellin and I were a couple. But we weren't and sometimes I think I wouldn't quite mind if we were.

'Ooh someone didn't put out last night.' Nick smirked and looked at Kellin. Kellin scowled and turned to me.

'Victor why does your family think we're a couple?' Kellin huffed.

'Well you see Kells those two fell from the stupid tree. The rest of my family including myself are quite intelligent.' I said in a posh accent.

'Hey!' Mike and Nick both shouted. Kellin and I just burst into a fit of laughter. Well I laughed and Kellin giggled. He had such a cute, girly giggle and I couldn't get enough of it.


'No way.' Tony smirked.

'Oh my god.' Jaime laughed. Kellin and I just looked at each other and then at Tony and Jaime.

'What?' Kellin asked.

'Your sandwiches.' Mike said and started laughing. We were sitting at lunch and everything had been fine until Kellin and I had pulled out our sandwiches. I looked at mine which was peanut butter then I looked at Kellin's which was jelly and it clicked. I laughed and nudged Kellin.

'Peanut butter jelly.' I exclaimed and threw my sandwich on top of Kellin's. Everyone started laughing but Kellin just looked confused.

'Our sandwiches Kells. Peanut butter jelly, get it?' I asked and chuckled. Kellin's face changed to a look of realisation and he giggled and blushed.

'Oh haha you guys are hilarious. Now please remove your sandwich from mine Victor.' Kellin laughed and pushed our sandwiches towards me so I could take mine.

'But Kellybear jelly goes with peanut butter.' I smirked and Kellin just scowled. Nick, Mike and Jaime all burst into laughter.

'Man you guys are like a real couple.' Mike laughed and received scowls from both Kellin and I. But secretly I wouldn't complain about being Kellin's boyfriend. He was my best friend. We knew everything about each other. Why not add a little kissing to our relationship?

'I'm hungry.' Kellin growled and reached over to take his sandwich back. His leg pressed against mine on the bench we were sitting on and when he didn't move away I had to stop myself from smiling. Just having our legs touching was giving me butterflies.

'So are you guys going to that party tonight?' Kellin asked and I was thankful for the change of conversation

'Hell yeah! Thank god they let us start the first day of school on a Friday. Jesse's back to school parties are always cool.' Jaime said excitedly. Hmm maybe if I got drunk enough I'd have the courage to just kiss Kellin like I'd been wanting to do for a while now. Heh good one Victor. Like that's ever going to happen.


'Vic!' Kellin shouted and stumbled towards me.

'Heyyyy Kells.' I slurred. We'd been at Jesse's party for a couple hours now and everyone was at least somewhat intoxicated. Most people were very drunk like Kellin and I. But hey, that's what party's are for.

'Hmff.' Kellin huffed as he suddenly fell to the floor.

'Oh my god!' I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Kellin. One second he was there and the next he was in a heap on the floor.

'Don't laugh Vic. Help me up!' Kellin whined and stuck his hand out for me to help him. I chuckled and grabbed his hand to pull him up but as I tried to get Kellin to his feet he toppled over again and took me tumbling with him. I landed on top of him so our bodies were pressed together and my arms were on either side of his head from where I'd put my arms out to protect myself. I almost forgot we were at a party as we laughed and I stared into Kellin's eyes. He stared back and smiled as I took up the courage and gently swept his fringe away from his eyes. He put his hand on mine and kept it there. I probably would've kissed him right there and then if someone hadn't smashed a glass and brought us back to reality.

'Oh erm we should probably get up.' I laughed awkwardly. I pulled Kellin to his feet and he stared at me looking dazed.

'Vic can we go somewhere quiet? I have something to tell you.' Kellin said nervously.

'Yeah sure Kells. C'mon.' I wrapped an arm around him and we walked outside to the front of the house where it was quiet. Kellin turned to look at me and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

'Okay so I'm just gonna say this fast like ripping off a bandaid and if it hurts it hurts but I just gotta tell you because it's all I can think about. And if you don't like it then please just forget it and pretend it never happened.' Kellin rambled.

'Kells, breathe.' I soothed and rested my hands on his shoulders. I wasn't ready for his next words but it didn't mean I didn't love hearing them.

'I like you.' Kellin blurted out quickly then blushed. I smiled in disbelief and pulled him into a tight hug.

'I like you too.' I said quickly, not quite believing that this morning I thought I'd never confess my feelings to Kellin and now here we were telling each other we liked one another.

'Really?' Kellin asked happily.

'Yes really now c'mere.' I said and put my hand on the back of his head. I pulled him to me and gave him a soft, gentle kiss. We pulled away and looked into each other's eyes happily.

'Kells?' I asked.

'Yeah?' Kellin replied curiously.

'Will you let me be the peanut butter to your jelly?' I asked.

'Yes Vic, I will.' Kellin giggled and we spent the rest of the night making out and finally snuggling up in my bed together in the early hours of the morning.

Posted on Saturday December 10th
Tomorrow's fic will be called Kellin Me Softly In The Kitchen
Thank you for reading

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