O - Oh Brother

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Don't read if you don't want to. And this is purely fiction. I wouldn't accept this in real life.

Kellin's pov

'Tonyyyyyyyy' I whined and threw the fry I had picked up back into the basket with the others.

'Kelllllyyyyyy.' Tony imitated back and shoved a handful of fries into his mouth, laughing.

'I tried to get Vic to let me top again but he still won't have it.' I pouted and crossed my arms.

'Hmm same with Mike. He won't budge either.' Tony grumbled.

'I don't understand why they're like that. I've topped Vic before and you've topped Mike.' I said and looked up in time to see Vic and Mike walking towards us with their own trays of food. Tony and I had met half an hour ago at the mall and headed straight for the food court. Vic and Mike joined us as soon as they finished at the club they both owned. The club that we all worked at. The BDSM club. The club we had sex in. In front of others.

'They obviously think they're too masculine to be bottoms.' Tony said and blushed when Mike plopped down onto the seat next to him and Vic took a seat next to me.

'Are you two still talking about this?' Vic rolled his eyes but wrapped an arm around me anyway.

'Too right we are mister. Now if you'll excuse us, Tony and I have some shopping to do.' I huffed and pulled Tony out of the food court.

'But we just met you guys.' Mike shouted.

'Sucks for you, losers.' I called back and Tony and I burst into a fit of giggles.

'Erm Kellin where are we going?' Tony asked curiously.

'Victoria's Secret.' I smirked and Tony blushed.

'Um why?' He asked.

'We both know that those two can't resist a bit of lace here and there. If we dress up super sexy we'll intimidate the hell out of them and maybe then they'll let us top.' I grinned evilly and dragged Tony into Victoria's Secret.

'That's actually a really good idea Kell but fuck this is embarrassing.' Tony blushed and tried to hide behind a mannequin.

'Just pick out something you like and that will make you look super hot. Like this. You'd look great in it.' I said and held a set out to him. Tony took the red lacy slip and matching thong and ran his fingers across the material.

'Wow this is really nice. Thanks Kellybear. I'm gonna go buy this and wait outside for you so we don't look a bit weird going up to the till together.' Tony smiled and rushed off to pay for the lingerie. I looked through the other lingerie to find something for me and ended up picking out the same lingerie as Tony but mine was in black.

'What ya get Kells?' Tony asked when I left the shop.

'Same as you but in black.' I said and showed him.

'You're such an emo and I love it.' Tony laughed and I just scowled playfully.

'Anywhosies c'mon. We need to get makeup and heels. We're gonna intimidate these boys so much they'll be whimpering messes begging for us to fuck them.' I smirked and walked off towards the makeup store.

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