Chapter 1

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This will be my first kellic story so bare with me ok. I will switch between Vic and Kellin pov. So with that being said please enjoy. Rate, comment and whatever you know what to do. So without further ado. (1933 words)


My mom is moving us all the way across the country to San Diego, California from Michigan. And it's a really long drive. It's just me and her, because my dad left us and Mom thinks we should get away. She's a bit over protective about me. Me, I hate my life, because so many things that are happening that I don't understand why their happening to me and my family, that's for another time. But that wasn't the only reason we are leaving, it was also because I was being bullied by the others at my high school.

"Sweetie" I hear my mothers voice pull me out of my thoughts. I look over to her.
"Hm" I hum to her. I'm clearly not happy about this.
"We're here" she says pulling up to a small house. I drag myself out of the car and my suitcase and go up to the house. I take a long and heavy sigh and follow her into the house. I scope out the house and the rooms, I pick mine out and put my stuff down on the old bed that's here. Since I don't care much about that right now because it's late and mom says I start my new school tomorrow, I go into the shower. Once I'm done I say "goodnight" to my mom and pull out a pillow and a blanket from the suitcase and lay down on the bed and I fall asleep.
"Sweetie, wake up" I hear my moms soft voice say to me. As I wake up i lay here for a few minutes and she leaves the room. I sigh and get up and head to the bathroom to freshen up. I go back to my new room and pick out some clothes from my suitcase, I'll take care of that stuff later, I take out one of my many band t-shirts and black skinny jeans my vans and a beanie to cover up my long messy hair. I go down stairs to the kitchen and I see my mother making something for breakfast.
"Morning mom" I say to her quietly. "Good morning love" she says. My mom is about the only good thing about my life right now. But she has those times where she doesn't care.
She puts a plate of pancakes in front of me. I just listen to her telling me that she's going to drive me to school today because she has to organize the house and she starts the new job tomorrow. I don't say anything to her back. But she knows I don't say much in general so it's not new to her. We head out to the car and she drops me off and heads back home.

I see that the schools called Claremont High. Joy. So I head into the school and I have to find the office to get my schedule. But a bubbly red haired girl comes up to me which I find weird.
"Hey!" The girl says. I try and ignore her. "Are you new here?" She asks me. I just nod my head.  "Ok I'll take you to the office" she said to me so I just follow the girl. I keep my head down and watch her feet move. "Oh, by the way, my name is Hayley" she says to me I pick my head up. "Kellin" I say in a low voice and I continue to follow her. "What was that?" Hayley said. "My names Kellin" I say a bit louder and she smiles and nods. We get to the office and I go in but Hayley has to go to class because the bell just rang.

The older lady at the office comes over and smiles "What can I help you with?" She says. "Um... I'm a new student..." I say. And she nods and goes over to a pile of papers. "Name and grade" She asks. "Kellin... 10th grade" I say not sure if I need my last name. Then she comes back over with a paper and hands it to me. "Thank you" I say quickly and I leave the office not that I know where to go. I look down at the paper and I see that my first class is gym. "Ugh..." I quietly groan to myself. I hate gym. I remember passing the gym on my way here. So I go back the way I came when I was following Hayley.

I go in and see the others in this class and I see the coach. He's a tall and muscular man, kind of attractive but I don't like athletic people. "Kellin stop your gay is showing" I mentally tell myself. I didn't catch the coaches name so I go up to him and basically tell him I'm new. "You must be Kellin" he says. I nod and he tells me to sit with the rest of the class. So I do as I'm told. Then the same bubbly red head I know to be Hayley comes and sit next to me. "Hi Kellin, this is my friend Justin" And she brings a friend who I hear name is Justin. Justin's a tall slender figured guy, he's attractive, but not my type, he seems basic with a sports jersey on and jeans with Nike shoes and a sweatshirt, his hair is pretty short but not to short, shit I'm doing it again. Hayley, on the other hand is a short, slim girl with a black shirt and and grey jeans and boots, I'm not attracted to girls, but she is pretty, and I said before she has red hair. We talk (well I listen) for the remainder of the class. I don't say much cause I don't like people to know a lot about me. But they mostly talk to each other but I don't mind. "Hey Kellin..." I hear her say pulling me out of my thoughts. "Hm.." I respond. "Want to sit with Justin and I at lunch?" She asks. I hesitate for a minute before responding, I've never had someone want to be with me except my mom, but that's a different story, so I think quick. "Ok..." I say and she smiles and tells Justin and he smiles at me too. "Great!" He says. Ok all the smiling is weird I think, but at least there not making fun of me, but I haven't really said much yet about my self. But they could about the way I look, and they haven't yet so that's a good thing right.

~time skip to lunch~

As I find my way to the cafeteria I pass all sorts of kids in this place. No ones really said anything to me and so far the schools not to bad. I go in the cafeteria and I see Hayley and Justin so I make my way over to them and she says hi to me, and so does Justin, I sit down and look around the room. And try to figure out the different cliques in this school. I guess it was obvious what I was doing cause I heard Hayley talk. "Ok Kellin, let me tell you about the people here and who to avoid..." She said so I listened. As she explains she tells stories about different people. And some are funny and some aren't.
One person catches my eye he looks attractive but it's hard to tell because he's at the other end of the room. No one notices and I go back to listening to Hayley explain.
"Ok you got that Kellin" she says to me pulling my eyes back to her. I nod my head, she and Justin have conversations with one other person at this table I didn't catch his name but he's not attractive at all but he seems nice and that's all I care about right now I don't need a boyfriend yet. I need friends, I tell myself. And so far Hayley and Justin seem to want me around I think we're friends, but it's still early to tell. The bell rings taking me back to reality. "What class do you have next?" I hear Justin ask me with Hayley next to him. "Um.." I look down at the paper I got earlier. "... I have music" I say to them, they're  not in my class but they tell me where to go. I nod so they know I understand and I wave bye and they go where they have to, and I go my way.

As I get to that classroom I quietly go in and sit toward the back so I'm not so noticeable. There's a kid sitting next to me not saying anything, just writing things into a notebook. He's cute but I only see the side of his face. He was dressed similarly to me so I think I will like this kid but I'll wait a while before I actually talk to him. Then the music teacher comes in and introduces herself. "Hello class, my name is Ms. Simms..." She says as I tune her out because I don't care about anything else she says. I like music, but what she says is not important to me. I glance over to the kid next to me and he seems to be listening to the teacher. But every once and a while he will doodle on his paper. I look away and to the rest of the class some are listening and some aren't everyone else is not attractive to me so that's going to suck, but not important. "...see you next time class" I hear Ms. Simms say and that class went by fast. Anyway the bell rings and I leave to go to the next one.

~time skip to the end of the day~

I text my mom to pick me up and I wait for her. Hayley finds me and comes over. She tells me that Justin takes the bus and she walks so. She leaves and goes on her way and we say bye. Then I see my mom pull in, I get into the car and immediately she asks all the usual questions. "So sweetie, how was it? Did you met anyone yet?" I answer quickly and simply. "Yes, and school was fine" and I don't say anything else, one thing I like about my mom is that she doesn't pry unless she thinks I'm doing something bad or wrong. She stopped with the questions and we sat in a comfortable silence till we got back to the new house.
Once we got back there, I take a few minutes to organize my stuff, and what I mean by that is that I put my clothes into draws and the closet and my guitar in the corner of my room with my CDs on the top of the dresser. And I put up my posters and I put the sheets and pillows on the bed. I don't have a lot of stuff so it doesn't take to long. One of my pass times is writing songs and playing them on my guitar while singing them. I don't sing well, but only to myself. Once I finish with my stuff I hear my mom calls me down for dinner.

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