Chapter 24

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I couldn't do anything, I couldn't think, couldn't move, I just broke down and started crying. How could this be happening. I felt bad cause Vic doesn't know why, but I don't care right now, I have get there. When I did speak it was all over the place. "We have to go!" And I got up and ran toward his car. He followed me. "Drive!" I yelled though my sobs. And he stated driving. "Kels, since I'm driving wanna tell me where I'm going?" He asked. And that's when I realized I didn't tell him. And I continued to cry. "The hospital" and the next thing I'm being pulled forward as the car suddenly stops. And I look over at Vic and he's staring at me. "What! Why?" He said. And I don't think he's going to move until I tell him so I have to. And it was a hard thing to say. "Mom was in a serious car accident" But I managed to say it. And Vic then continued to drive.

Once we got there he parked the car and I quickly got out and ran inside and I think Vic's following me. I got to the front desk and I asked the lady  where where my mom is. After a couple minutes Vic came in too. The receptionist finally spoke "she's in emergency which is down stairs" I quickly went to the closest elevator with Vic and we went down. The elevator couldn't get any slower.  Vic and I haven't said a word to each other since we were in the car, cause we were just in shock, and we didn't know what to say. We finally got down there and I went to the person there and asked them. "I'm sorry but they're are letting anyone see her... She just got here and they need to set her up, So just sit and wait" and I was mad, I didn't want to wait or sit, I was too anxious. But Vic got me to at least sit and I held his hand really tight and I was just dreading the new the might come.

It was only about ten minutes later when the nurse or doctor came out to the waiting room. They didn't even say anything yet and I started crying on Vic. "Are you Kellin, Mary Quinn's son?" The person said. And I didn't respond but Vic did. "He is" Vic said. I looked up at them and he looked as he was about to speak. But I cut him off. "Can I see her?" And she didn't say anything for a moment. Then he spoke. "I'm sorry to inform you, but he has passed due to her injuries" and my heart dropped as moment he said that. I collapsed on Vic and started crying. And I couldn't control myself. I heard Vic talk but I wasn't paying attention. I was just a mess.


When the doctor came out and told Kellin his mom died I was crushed, I was about to start crying too, and I felt so bad for him. She was so nice and really sweet. Kellin started crying, to which I don't blame him, but I wanted to know what happened so I can tell him when he's ready. "Doctor do you know what happened?" I asked. "Well don't know a lot, but we were told that it was a hit and run, and she called the paramedics. When she was hit she lost control of the car and went off the road and hit a tree. She was bleeding a lot and then once the ambulance got there and she told them. Then she passed out and was out since and and her injuries were bad" the doctor explained. "What kind of injuries did she have?" I asked. "Well there was trama to her head, a broken leg and arm, two broken ribs, which one we think was the cause of her passing, cause it was so close to her heart" he said.  "Oh my god" I whispered to myself.  Do you know where they found her?" I asked my final question. "The paramedics said that she was just outside the parking lot of the mall... If that's all I should be going, but you are welcome to come in say something to her" he said to us. I looked down at Kellin, who's still crying, but it's slowing down now.

I crouched down so I could try and talk to him. "Kels they're letting us go in and see her, would you like to say something to your mom?" I asked him. He just nodded. "Ok" and he got up and he wouldn't let go of me, which is ok, he needs me right now as a crutch. So that's what I'll be till he's ready for me not to be. And we followed the doctor into the ER and walked to a back room and there she was. "I'll give you some privacy" the doctor said, and walked away. I wasn't sure if Kellin wanted to be alone with her. "Kels would you like to be alone I'll just be outside?" I asked him. "No.... Stay" he said so I stayed with him. After a while of him talking to her I said a quick little something. Then the doctor came back. "I'm sorry but you'll have to leave now" he said to us. And I stood up and so did Kellin, he kissed her hand and then walked out still tearing. I just quietly walked next to him. We went back to my car. And I was just about to pull out when he started talking. "Vic? Can I stay with you?" He asked. "Of course you can" I said to him and be nodded and then stayed quiet the rest of the way.

We got to my house and we went inside, it was really late now, close to midnight. Mike was still up as usual. Kellin and I went right up to my room. And we sat in silence for a while. Kellin's crying was starting to slow down again, and pretty much just laid in my bed till we fell asleep. He was first. I stared at him for a while he slept. Then it pops into my head, who's he going to live with, he's still 16 he needs a legal guardian. What if he has to go back to Michigan, that would destroy him and me. But I always could go up there I am eighteen. I hope he doesn't though.  I talked to him while he was sleeping, I knew he wasn't going to answer but I just whispered to him. "...No matter what happens I will forever love you Kellin Quinn" I kept worrying myself then I fell asleep.  


Hey everyone! So there's one chapter left and it's going to be really long so heads up. I thought about the sequel and depending how I end the next chapter I will do it. I know this chapter's short. Anyway I hope you all  have enjoyed the chapter. Comment rate vote and have a good day. =) (1198 words)

Long Lost Angels- Kellic Where stories live. Discover now