Chapter 5

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The next day at school I could barely focus on anything. I was for once feeling a little happy, which was strange for me. But there was one thing I didn't get. And that was how are Mike and Vic brothers. I thought about this for hours. They're so... Like opposite of each other. Granted I've never talked to Mike before even though he's in my English class and we're the same age. But even from observation I can tell they're opposite, like Vic is into bands and music and he's quiet and not as talkative and Mike is loud, into drugs and trouble and he has as a lot of tattoos, which I don't get. Although they do have some similarities, like they both have long brown hair, they have piercings, (Vic only a nose ring, Mike has two lip piercings), they have the same skin tone (well duh, kellin), they look similar (again duh), I don't know the rest unless I actually talk to Mike. Which again is weird that I know his older brother. Then I think about it, and how is Vic the older one when clearly Mike seems to be controlling Vic more then the other way around, and Mike looks older too? Which I find a bit confusing as well. But that doesn't matter when I did find out amazing news that Vic is not straight and I still have a chance, unless he has boyfriend. Shit I never thought about that. No don't think like that Kellin. Ok, so I let myself like him more since I know. It's not that bad. All I could think about was Vic. I didn't care about anything that my teacher was saying up there in the front of class. For all I know should she could be talking in a different language and I wouldn't notice, which is ironic since I'm in my foreign language class.

The only thing I was excited for was my music class cause that was the only class that I had with Vic. And we were still working on our song project. So we get to do that. The song is all written and now we are just rehearsing it and we have to record it. I found out that Vic has an amazing singing voice, and if I wasn't obsessed with his normal talking, I'm now obsessed with his singing. I'm not a strong singer but I can, a little. I get pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rings and I go right to lunch, then music. Again I get distracted well Hayley comes up to me and we talk and go into the cafeteria. We head over to our usual table where Justin is already and that other kid who I still don't know his name.


When Mike and I got back home from the park last night there was something that was different about me. It's like even though mom and dad where yelling at us for being out so late, it didn't phase me like it usually would. I went right into the bathroom to take a shower and try and sort out my feelings and thoughts. As I take off my sweatshirt and shirt I stare down at my body and arms that's covered in scars, I then take off my jeans and go in. I can't help but to think now about this. What would Kellin think if he knew, what I do? What would he think about me? Would he like me if he knew? I had to push those thoughts away. The shower did help me relax for a while, but Kellin was still on my mind. And I know Mike saw me talking to Kellin, on the way home he shocked me by saying something that caught me off guard.

*Flashback to last night*
I was still sitting on the swings when Kellin left. Mike came over to me, just him. "Come on Vic lets go home". I nod in response. I stayed quiet. We had to walk home since we walked here. And I was tired so it seemed longer. "You know, Vic,...." Mike started saying. "....I think you should go for it.... With Kellin." I couldn't believe my ears. He was being serious cause it was the calmness and tone of his voice. "And why would I do that Mike?" I try to defend myself. "Cause, I saw you talking to him a few minutes ago and I could have sworn I saw a genuine smile on your face and I haven't seen that in a long time" he explained. I stayed quiet. "Your my big brother I want you to be happy, no matter what". I almost started crying, cause Mike doesn't say things like that usually so I was shocked. "Thanks Mike" is all I said back to him.
*end flashback*

That moment inspired me to write a song for Mike, and I was still working out the finishing touches on the one I wrote with Kellin. We decided to call it King For A Day. And I'm going to play my acoustic guitar while we sing it. But it has to be recorded. I found out while rehearsing the song that Kellin has a really good singing voice, and that kid can hit some high notes which is amazing. Sitting in class is boring so I work on the song for Mike. I don't know what to call it yet, but it'll have a title eventually.

Since I found out that Kellin, doesn't like Hayley, and that he's gay so there could be a chance for us. Which got me a bit excited. I can't wait for music class, but I have lunch next period.
The bell rang and I go to the cafeteria. I see my friends sitting at the usual table in the back. "Hey dude!" Jaime says giving me a high five. "Hi" I say back. "S'up Vic?" Tony says as I'm sitting down. "Not much, how about you guys, what's going on?" I ask them. "Nothing" they say in unison. Then they look at each other like that shouldn't have happened. But quickly get over it and are immersed in conversation. Mike came over and sat next to me and said hi to us. But thankfully he didn't bring anything about yesterday up. I didn't exactly want to talk about it, cause I didn't know what I wanted yet. I haven't sorted that out yet. Sure I like him... A lot. But does that mean I can handle it. I kept questioning everything. I just need some time to figure out what I want. I can't just throw myself into something like that. It needs time to develop, and I have to make sure that he likes me.

~time skip~

I was waiting in my car for Mike like I do at the end of everyday, when Kellin came over. "Hey..." He sounded scared. "Hi" I said. "So, um... When did you want to record the song for class?" He asked me. I thought for a minute. "We could either do it tomorrow in class or you could come over now and we could" I said to him. I saw the look on his face as if he didn't know, or he was scared. "We could do it now if you want" he said. And I swear my heart was pounding and doing flips when he said that. I was hoping that was his answer. Ok Vic stay calm. "Yeah, it's no big deal". Then Mike comes over and gets in. "Well what's going on here?" He said then winked at me. I was getting nervous and a bit annoyed at Mike for saying that. "Nothing Kellin was asking me about the project we're doing in class" I said to Mike. Mike gave me a questioned look as if he didn't believe me. "Ok" he said. "So what are we doing?" Kellin asked while looking at the ground and in a low voice. "Oh, yeah, you can get in and we'll go record it" he nodded and got in the backseat. Mike looked at me again and was about to say something but he stopped. Thankfully. I didn't need to be embarrassed. And we sat in silence with only the radio to listen to, which I didn't mind.


Ok so I'm splitting this chapter into two so it's not too long. But I think it's for the best so there's more focus on the next part. Anyway hope you enjoy. (1431 words)

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