Chapter 13

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Kellin and I are currently sitting on my bed playing a video game with Tony and Mike, Jaime is at his job, but said he'll drop by later. We're well, they are playing a Star Wars game, I don't particularly like video games. But I like to watch them play it. So far from what I can tell Tony is winning, and Mike is in second, my poor Kellin isn't doing so well. He isn't one for games like that either. But he agreed to play with them. So it's kind of his fault but whatever. "Oh, Shit! I died again!" Kellin said. "Sucks for you" Mike said to him. Tony, well he's to involved and he didn't notice. Tony is like one big nerd when I comes to Star Wars, but when ever we all hang out its always him and Mike fighting about what to watch. Tony always wants Star Wars and Mike always wants Harry Potter. So it's a stupid argument but that's what they do, Jaime and I don't care what to watch as long as it's good and entertaining and not a horror movie I hate those. Since Kellin has starting hanging around with us he doesn't care either, also because we'll all start watching the movie then me and Kellin will either leave or we start making out right in front of them and then they yell at us to leave, Jaime pretty much lives on his phone the whole time, and debating on who won the movie selection, Mike will be quoting the movie and paying full attention to it or he won't pay any attention to it at all, Tony if he wins he'll pay full attention and react to it or he will not and bother the rest of us until the movies over.

Anyway, "YES! I win" Tony says. And going back to what's going on now. Mike got pissed and Kellin well he had no chance, but it didn't bother him. Jaime texted me and he said that he was coming over, we went down into the kitchen and to try and make somethings to eat. It was starting o get late and we wanted food. We decided on something simple to eat and that was pasta, Mike like always wanted tacos but we all protested against it since we have them all the time. Kellin didn't say anything about it so I don't know what he wanted, it's the first time he's eating over, weird I know but that's ok. So Jaime finally arrived and we're all here. He was just in time to the pasta is ready. Kellin gave a weird look when I handed him some. Everyone else dove right in and ate. "Something wrong Kels?" I asked him quietly. He was just staring at it. "Hmm.... Oh no, fine" he said in a daze sort of. "Well your not eating it, do you not like pasta?" I asked him. They're to busy talking and eating really loud so they aren't going to notice. "No I like it...." He trailed off. "Then what is it?" I asked concerned. "Can we talk about it later" is all he said then getting up and grabbing a piece of fruit and went into the other room. What is up with him. Something is wrong and I don't get why he won't tell me. I'm not going to lie when he got up and left it kind of hurt. "Where did he go?" Mike asked noticing that Kellin left. "He went into the other room" I said to him. "Why?" He asked. I just shrugged and I got up and left too see if he was ok. Mike went back to his conversation with the other two.

I saw Kellin sitting on the couch just looking down at his lap and cautiously taking bites of the fruit he took. "Kellin?" I said in a low voice. He looked at me, I noticed when he looked up he was crying. I was really confused. So I went over to sit next to him and I started to rub his back. "What's wrong Kelli?" I asked sympathetically. "If I have to tell you can we go somewhere else, I don't them to hear" he said in a low voice. "Ok" I got up and I took his hand and I lead him into my room. He sat down and rubbed his eyes to dry them. He wasn't sobbing just tearing. "Kels tell me ,what's wrong?" By this time I was pleading and begging. "Ok..." He looked up at me and our eyes met and I know he's going to tell the truth. I can sense it by his body language. He grabbed my hands and started again. "Well don't get paranoid, and stay clam please..." I nodded and he continued. "Well I don't like to eat large amounts of food, in fact I actually get really anxious around food. Look I know it sounds bad but I'm not like that, ok. I usually only eat fruits and vegetables with the occasional snack bag and sandwich. It's probably why I stay so thin, but I just don't have much of an appetite and I can't help it. I'm sorry, but when you guys were talking about food and then putting in front of me like that I was getting anxious and it was just a lot of food. And I'm sorry for leaving like that I didn't mean to hurt you or leave you hanging, but I just didn't know what to do" he explained to me. It actually made sense. "Ok, Kels I was just I bit confused when you didn't eat like the others, I'll ask you next time and be more aware" I told him also giving a reassuring smile. "Just one thing Kels" he looked at me. "Hmm" was his response. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" I asked him. "Well it never really came up and I didn't think much of it before so it didn't really cross my mind to mention it, sorry" he told me. I nodded in response, I guess it never really did this was the first time I cooked when he was here. "No need to be sorry. It's okay" I then kissed his cheek. He looked at me and he grabbed the side of my face and he gently kissed me on the lips. After a couple minutes we pulled away needing air. "I love you Viccy" he said low but sweetly. "I love you too Kels"

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