Chapter 11

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"Mike I told you I don't want to go" I sternly said to him. "Come on, it'll be a good change for you to get out and meet people" he says back to me. "I don't need to meet people I have friends and a boyfriend, I don't need anyone else" Mike gives me an unimpressed look. "Just come, the sooner we go the sooner we'll leave, so come on" Ugh, these are the only times I don't like Mike, is when he drags me out to one of this stupid friends dumb parties. "Ugh, fine but don't leave my side I have to keep an eye on you" he nodded, and smiled, I know he's going to ditch me as soon as we get there, he probably only agreed to get me to go. Sometimes I really hate myself cause he can always get his way when it comes to getting me to do things for him, and I can't say no.

So we arrived at his friends house, I think his friend Oli, I don't know really, but all I know about him is that he's my age and British. Anyway, I hate parties, there just not my thing, I don't drink and I don't do drugs so I don't like coming to these things cause I know that's what everyone does. Like I thought, we get here and Mike disappears on me. Now I'm alone here at a party where I don't know anyone. Wait that's Jaime, thank god. I go over to him to talk, it's no use in finding Mike so. "Hey Hime!" I had to yell cause the damn music was so loud. "HEY! What are you doing here!" He asked me. "Mike dragged me here with him!" I told him. "Oh!, want anything to drink?!" He asked. Jaime knows I don't drink, but he probably forgot cause he sounds so drunk already. "No thanks Hime!" I say trying to be polite and not irritate him, cause Jaime drunk he's not the same he gets annoyed at everything. But I continue to talk to Jaime and we talk about pointless things, cause well you can't have much of a conversation with someone who's drunk, and saying random things every few minutes. And right in the middle of our conversation a guy, I hate so much came over to us. Ronnie, he used to bully me in freshmen and sophomore year and he's such an asshole to everyone. (No offense to Ronnie he's awesome) "Sup Vic" emphasizing the C. Oh I forgot to mention he sorta friends with Mike. "What do you want?" I say to him. "Just because your Mikes brother doesn't mean I have to like you..." I tune him out. Ronnie may have tried to quit drinking and doing drugs but he always goes back to it and I think he got Mike into it. "Just leave us alone" hear Jaime slur out. "Fine, but this isn't over Vic" again he emphasizes the C, and walks away. I was getting nervous cause he's probably up to something and he could do anything.

I spotted Mike out in the yard getting high on something, I tell Jaime that I'll be right back so I can get Mike. He nodded and I left him there going to where my brother is. "Mike!" I said through gritted teeth. "Hey, Viccy...." He was so high and drunk he didn't notice my tone, and that I was annoyed at him. He was with Oli, Ronnie and one other guy that I didn't know. But just then Mike got really sick and ran into the house to puke. I rolled my eyes, but Ronnie came back over to me and I was getting really scare again he was large and really drunk. He's intimidating to say the least. He pins me the side of the house and forces a drink down my throat. And he kept doing it so many times, and every time I refused it he hit me. I couldn't even yell for him to stop anymore cause I could tell I was drunk and slurring each time. I couldn't think straight anymore. Then everything went dark. ---

"Ugh" I moan as I wake up. Wait a second I'm in my bed. Well of course your in your bed stupid, I just don't remember getting here. "Vic..." Mike whispers to me. "What" I say moaning in an annoying way. " do you feel, do you remember anything?" He asks me. I ugh I don't know what happened but all I know is I have a splitting headache. I start rubbing my head. "Ugh... Not really, but my head hurts a lot" I said back to Mike. "Here, take this you'll feel better" he hands me two aspirins and glass of water. I took it, and we sat there for a while until the pills kicked in. "So what happened? How did we or I get home?" I asked. I could tell he was getting nervous and that he didn't want to tell me or he was uncomfortable in this situation. "Ok, but stay calm when I tell you, and just so you know as soon as I found out what they did I took us straight home and I stayed here in your room all night on the floor just in case you woke up in the middle of the night..." He stated to me. I was shocked could what they have done be that bad... I nodded and he continued. ".... So last night when I came back out to the yard after I was done throwing up, I felt so much better, I was going to find you so we could go home but I couldn't find you, I starting to get worried, I saw Jaime and I asked him but he didn't know either. So I went back over to Oli and Ronnie go see if they knew, and they just pointed to you over by the house passed out. I immediately went over to you and I could quickly smelled the alcohol on you. I picked you up and i went back over to them and asked them what happened, cause I know you don't drink. And you had bruises so i know you weren't drinking willingly. They finally told me and I was furious at them, apparently they also drugged you but you were so drunk at the time you wouldn't have noticed, so I gently put you down next to me, I was so mad at them I punched them both right in the face, I picked you up again and walked us home. Mom and dad were both asleep so they didn't notice. But I stayed here waiting for you to wake up. I laid you on your bed, I took your shoes off and your sweatshirt so you'd be more comfortable, I pulled to covers over you and just waited..." He explained. I stayed quiet I didn't know what to say or do. I was just trying to resister what he said. "...Oh and I also called Kellin last night from your phone, and he was here for a while... and we talked for a few minutes... Vic, why didn't you tell me?" I was still trying to process everything, but when he mentioned Kellin I got scared for a second. "What?" I said confused. "Last night when I took off your sweatshirt to check for bruises... Why didn't you tell me, I even asked Kellin about it when he was here I was so freaked our Vic " It dawned on me what he was talking about, and I can sense the concerned tone in his voice, he was being serious. I was panicking. He know about the scars now, I have to tell him. "Vic tell me why you would do that to yourself, please" he was pleading. And I looked away in embarrassment. "You wouldn't understand Mike" I quietly told him. "Vic, your my brother for god sakes, we tell each other everything, of course I'll understand but I only can if you tell me why" he whisper shout, if that's an actual thing. "You had me so freaked out yesterday, I, I was actually crying, cause I thought I might lose you, I think the least you could is tell me" he finished. And I just looked at him, he was actually crying about me. I still feel like shit, but I have to tell him. "Ok, Mike fine I'll say, but can I call Kellin first, you said he was here right?" He rolled his eyes at me but he let me call him. And Kellin answered the phone right away. He must have been freaked out too, if Mike was. "Hi Kels" I said. He started crying. "Vic, thank god your ok, Mike told me everything, how are you?" I can tell by this tone and anxiousness he's was scared too. "I'm ok, for now, Mike just told me what happened and he told me you were here so I wanted to call you" he sighed into the phone. "Ok well I have to go to school but I'll come by right after to see you ok Viccy, I'm glad your ok" he said. "Ok see you later, (kiss noise)" and he did it back and we hung up. I guess Mike's not going to school either.

I felt more calm just hearing Kellin's voice, and the headache went away, with the help of the pills. "So... Vic, gonna tell me or what" oh yeah I almost forgot Mike was here. "Alright Mike..." And I started telling him everything. (I'm not typing it out again, I explained it already) Once I finished telling him Mike hugged me and was crying again. "I'm so sorry Vic, that I never noticed this, and I'm sorry for everything like last night..." He was blaming himself for my problems, but none of it was his fault, he didn't know and therefore he has no responsibility for it. "No Mike, don't do that, don't blame your self, it's not your fault ok" I told him. He didn't respond after that. We sat there for a while. After a while Mike made me breakfast and we sat around the house watching tv all day just hanging out together. After a few hours Kellin called me that he said he was on this way over. When he got here, I opened the door and he ran right into my arms and hugged and kissed me. Then he told me something I'll never forget. "Oh, Viccy I was so scared, as soon Mike called me... I Love You".


I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry I took me a while to update I was having writers block and I didn't know what to say, but I finally came up with this so I hope you all like it. (Thanks jay for the idea) Well comment, rate and whatever. Enjoy =) (1840 words)

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