Chapter 20

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*Two months later*

I hate sitting in school when it's this hot outside. Ugh, why can't they instal air conditioning. I don't know how these people do it. Then again I'm from Michigan, and doesn't usually get this hot. It's almost the end of the year and as excited I am schools almost over it also means that Vic goes off to college. I know he's going to a community college to do a couple years there, until I get out of high school and then we plan on going to the same college after that. I'll miss having him in the same school though. It's almost lunch time and I can't wait cause I get to see Vic. The last couple months went by smoothly, nothing major happened, which is good. There's one minute till that bell rings. My Spanish teacher is just finishing up passing out homework. Not that I do it.  3.... 2.... 1 I count down, and the bell rings. And I shoot out of the room and go right to the cafeteria.

I finally get to the cafeteria and no one is here yet. Bummer. Well I did leave right away, so they should be here soon. I sit down with that in mind and wait patiently (but anxiously) for everyone to show up. Mike was first, besides me, and he sat down and he looked concerned. "Mike? Is something wrong?" I ask him. He doesn't answer right away.  "Um..... Yeah but I don't know what yet" he said. I was confused. "Then how do you know?" I asked him.  "Because Kellin I can tell when something isn't right ok" he stated. And I left him alone while Vic, Tony and Jaime came in, and sat with us. Like usual Vic sat next to me and Tony and Jaime sat across from us. "Hey Kels" Vic said then kissing me. "Hi" I say back to him. Vic noticed the same thing with Mike. "Mike you ok?" He asked. "Yes, now leave me alone" he snapped at his brother. "Fine" and then Vic rolled his eyes. Looked back at me, and smiled.

Lunch was going fine, other then Mike's tension. When one of Mike's friends come running over to him and whispered something in his ear. "I KNEW IT!!" Mike said loudly. Tony looked at him concerned. And he got up and left with his friend. I think that was Oli. "What was that all about?" I asked to Vic confused. "I don't know" and he was just as confused as I was. Vic tried and text Mike what was going on. But he wasn't getting a response. But lunch is over now so, Vic and I go to music class and go to our usual seats in the back.

When we relished Ms. Simms isn't here. We shrug it off every teacher takes off every now and then. The substitute came in. Once the bell rang she did all the usual sub stuff. Like attendance and tell us what our assignment is for the day and all that stupid shit. This maybe the only class Vic and I care about but it's still a class and the only one we have together so we spent the time taking about nonsense. But right in the middle of our conversation Mike texted Vic back.

To Vic from Mike: Ms. Simms got fired and Andy was expelled from school

I read that on his phone and I was in shock. Vic texted him back.

To Mike from Vic: WTF! what happened???????

And we were glued to looking at Vic's phone to see what Mike would say next.

To Vic from Mike: they got caught. They have been seeing each other for a long time now apparently

Vic and I just stared at each other like we didn't believe what he said to us.

To Mike from Vic: WHAT!!!

But now when I look back and think ms Simms always favored Andy in class and kept him after. Now we know why.

To Vic from Mike: yeah, they were dating for months and no one knew cause it's illegal for student- teacher relationships. I'm just as shocked as you are, Andy was one of my friends

And Vic didn't know what to say to Mike anymore so he didn't reply. It's not really our business to do anything. But Vic just wants to talk to Mike about it later.

Long Lost Angels- Kellic Where stories live. Discover now