Chapter 3

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I'm just sitting here in my music class not really paying all that much attention to Ms. Simms, so I've been here for about a week now and the only people I talk to is Hayley and Justin. There's a couple of people who I found out we're seniors, that have tried to make fun of me cause I'm new but Hayley took care of them and so did Justin, he's more intimidating that Hayley so. They don't say anything to me anymore but they do give me dirty looks and that I can deal with more then the taunting but it's still unnerving. Although I still get nightmares from the bullies back in Michigan. And it sometimes takes over my thoughts and I lay in my bed and cry because of that. Don't think about that, anyway, I found out that the kid that sits next to me in this class, his name is Vic and that he's a senior. He's really cute and he seems nice and I noticed that (from observation) that he likes the same music I do. I've never talked to him yet, because I'm scared too. I know sounds stupid but what can I say I'm really shy and I don't want any rejection, cause what if he doesn't want to talk to me then I'll be there feeling stupid. Ok so I have a small crush on him. But he's popular and hangs with the other popular kids. Also why I don't want to talk to him.
"... And we'll be working in groups of two..." I hear Ms Simms say pulling me out of my thoughts and to pay attention. What! We're doing a project I mentally say. Fuck, I should have been paying attention. Ms Simms is reading of the names of the groups. "... Josh and Tyler, Gabe and Nick, Andy and Ashley..." And Ms Simms goes on listing names. "... Vic and Kellin..." She says. My eyes widen in shock and I glance at him and he's looking at me and I don't know what to say. "... You will have one week to finish this project and hand it in to me. Ok class the remainder of the period you will meet with your partner and discuss." Ms Simms finishes. I look over to him and smile (kind of). I don't know what's he's thinking and I don't know what we have to do. Shit. He's going to hate me because of this. "Ok, I guess we're working together..." I hear him say. I've never heard his voice and it's really nice, he should talk more often, I could get used to it. "No! Bad Kellin" I say mentally to myself. "Yeah, I guess so..." I say back quietly. "So, what part do you want to start with?" He asks. I'm so confused, I think what do we have to do. "Um... Can you explain what we have to do again?" I quietly ask. I hope he's won't hate me for that. "Sure, all we have to do is write and record a song and hand it to her. Or we can sing any song that we know and we still have to hand it to her." He explains to me calmly. Phew, I'm glad he wasn't annoyed, at least I hope he wasn't. "Thanks" I say. "So what do you want to do?" He asks again. I forget to answer the original questions "oh, um... What would you rather do?" I counter ask. He hesitates for a few minutes. "Um, personally I'd rather write a song but it would take me more than a week. Do you know how to write a song?" He asks to me. I nod, to answer his question. "Ok, so you can help me with it right?" I again nod to answer the question. Then the bell rings. "We'll start tomorrow" he says and walks out of the room. "Ok..." I say as he leaves. Then I leave and head to the next class.

~Time skip~

I walked home with Hayley, I found out that she lives on my block so we now walk home together after school. 
Since I'm home and moms still at work and won't be home till really late (again) it's just me. She leaves me some food in case I get hungry but I only eat maybe a fruit and leave it at that. I don't get too hungry often. I get nervous around large amounts of food. I know it sounds bad but I'm not like that I just don't like to eat a lot. Which is why I stay pretty thin. Sigh, I should be doing my homework but I'll do it later, as the thought of Vic come into my head. "Kellin stop!", but I can't. "He had a nice voice, he should talk more, I wonder what he sounds like singing?" I think to myself and smile a little. "No bad, no! Don't think that Kellin he's not gay" I mentally fight with myself. "But I can't help it". Then I hear my phone ring. I cock an eyebrow. Who's that? I think. I get off of my bed and get my phone, I don't know the number so I ignore it. My phone rings again, the same number shows up. Again I ignore it if it so important then they'll leave a message. And with that logic I go to the kitchen and get an apple to eat and I head back to my room. I look at my phone again. Nothing. Whatever. Sigh I hate being home alone for hours. It makes me feel like my moms not coming home ever.

At times like this I start to think about my dad and Kati, my sister who died a while ago. Dad left a month after she died and I haven't heard from him since. He always favored her more, and he would call me names when I did something wrong. Then that month before he left after she died he started hitting me and blaming me for her death. Mom was always overprotective of her, then she transferred that to me when she died and after I told her what dad would do to me. Kati was my older sister (only by a year) I loved her and looked up to her and she was more distant to me as she got older, but when we were younger we were close. She died five months ago from a car accident, she was driving and I was in the passenger seat. She was picking me up from school. And she was hit in the drivers side from a car that ran a red light. She was killed instantly. I was sent to the hospital but I didn't have any major issues. She may have distanced herself from me a bit, but she was still always willing to help me and talk to me and drive me places.
Deep down I think it was dad who told her to do that but I have no proof. She still loved me. I was devastated when she died, I still am. When I went to school kids would taunt me because she died and beat me up because I can't fight back. It kept getting worse. Soon my mom found out and that was the last straw. She found a job here and here I am. I'm still that depressed mess of a person that I've been for a couple years, but worsened once all that happened.


I was quietly sitting in music class, I have a bad habit of daydreaming, and I then get lost in my thoughts. Like now I can't help but take glances at Kellin, he's really cute and (from observation) he likes the same music that I do. He's been in my thoughts a lot lately and frankly I don't like it, it means that I might be crushing on him and I'm scared. Suddenly I hear Ms. Simms announce were doing a project. "Ugh, projects are annoying" I mentally say. Not because I don't like them and because of the groups I don't have a problem with anyone its just I don't like being forced to talk to people. I don't like talking. As she's announcing partners I start getting nervous. Then the moment of truth she announces my partner. "...Vic and Kellin..." She says. My heart starts racing, and I have to try and keep my cool so he doesn't suspect anything I glance over at him and he seems shocked. I noticed that he looks at me too. Finally I have a reason to talk to him. I was always scared to cause I didn't know what to say to him. And now I do. Once she's done talking I take that opportunity to talk to him, or least start the project. I look at him again taking in his beauty. He smiles at me, not a real smile just a half smile but it's still a nice smile. "I guess we're working together.." I hear myself say out loud to him. Duh, of course idiot she said that didn't she. I fight with myself, he probably thinks I'm stupid for saying that. "Yeah, I guess so.." He says. I've never heard his voice cause he's always so quiet, he has a nice voice a bit high for a guy, but it suits him. I could get used to it. Then we go into talking about the project. All of a sudden the bell rings and we didn't start. "We'll start tomorrow" I say then leave. I hear him say "ok" and I internally smile and keep going to my class.

~time skip~

I wait for Mike in my car, I sit here with the radio on and casually singing along. I see Kellin walking with Hayley. And my heart sinks a little, this is the fourth day in a row. What I'm not  keeping track..., ok I am. I figured as much he's not gay and that's for sure. They talk and laugh to each other. I hate being jealous we aren't even friends (yet, I plan on changing that), we had one conversation. I shouldn't be jealous, yet I am. It's weird. Lately I've been thinking a lot about him, I always notice his outfits and I've even tried to get him to notice mine. I hope he has I actually try now. But it's no use he's not even gay. I don't know why I try anymore, ughhhhhh, I sigh. "Man, you've got it bad..." I hear a voice. Wait that's Mike. How long has he been here. My eyes widen when I hear him. "H-How long have you been sitting there?" I ask. I didn't even hear him come in. "Long enough to know that you're crushing on Kellin." He smirks at me. I feel myself blush, but thankfully it doesn't show because of my tanned skin tone. "No I'm not! " I say defensively. He sighs. "I was sitting here for ten minutes and you didn't even acknowledge that I was here you were so deep in thought you didn't even hear me talk to you. And I saw you staring at Kellin. You have no way of denying it." He says back to me. "Whatever" is all I say and I shift the car into drive and we go home.

I hope whoever reads this likes it anyway enjoy the new chapter, thanks for reading! (1923 words)

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