Chapter 8

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So the last couple days have been amazing. After each day at school I hang out with Vic, and since Mike is with him I've started to talk too him more. He's a nice guy, and he is like Vic, but they are into different things so. Vic told Mike and right now Mike is the only one who knows. Vic hasn't come out to the rest of the school or his friends yet, he isn't ready and I understand that. So we keep it pretty low-key for know. It is difficult in school especially in music class that we have together. Oh, and by the way the song we wrote got an A. Ms Simms really liked it. Ok anyway, also lunch has been difficult because we sit so far apart and with different people. So it doesn't look to obvious,
even though he asked me to sit with him but I didn't want to just leave my friends over there and it would look to obvious, so he agreed, and as soon as he soon tells his friends and He lets me tell mine then I will. I sit with Hayley, Justin and I found out that the other kids name its Austin (He's really tall). Vic sits with is friends, Tony and Jaime, he's told me a lot about them and they seem like cool people, but I haven't met them yet and he says he wants to wait a bit before I meet them. But he also said that he feels he needs to tell them first. I don't care, as long as he's ready too then it's ok with me. I heard the bell ring and that pulled me from my thoughts. In all honesty I forgot I was in class. Time for lunch.

As I made my way to the cafeteria passed Vic. He asked me to keep a eye on my phone. I didn't know what he meant but I smiled and said "ok" and I went to sit with my friends. It's still weird to have friends and a boyfriend. I've never had either back in Michigan. But it feels good too have these people. Perhaps my mom was right, we had to get away from everything to get better. But I'll never forget. "Hey Kellin" the bubbly red head said. "Hi Hayley, hi guys" I said. And I sat down and started to eat my lunch (which was only an orange). I looked over at Vic's table and he was talking to his friends about something. I wish I was there so I can hear his voice. "Kellin stop!" I mentally yell to myself. I was pull out of that thought when my phone buzzed. I look down at it, and it was Vic. I smiled when I saw his name pop up on the screen.

Vic <3: Hey want to come over after school I need to tell you something

Me: I'd love too

Vic<3: Great! Would you mind if Jamie and Tony come, I want you to meet them

Me: I don't mind I can't wait :D

Vic<3: meet me at my car after school and we'll go to my house. They'll show up a little later

Me: ok, but what if they don't like me and I don't do well in large social situations

Vic<3: they'll like you their my friends, it's only going to be the five of us. No need to worry Kels.

Me: Ok fine can't wait

Vic<3: I would kiss you bye I can't so look up.

I look up and see him blowing me a kiss. So I do the same luckily no one noticed. And we smiled at each other.

Me: thank you! See you next period

Vic<3: your welcome, see ya!

And with that the bell rang and I was off to music class. To meet up with Vic in our usual spots in the back of the class.

~time skip~

I was waiting outside the school for Vic. He finally showed up with Mike and they came over to me. "They'll meet us at my house later" Vic said pointing to them getting into I assume Jaime's car since he was in the drivers seat. And we got into Vic's car and drove off. Mike let me sit in the passenger seat. It was my first time next to him while he was driving. He was really focused and was biting on his bottom lip, which I found really cute. Vic grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together while he was driving. I think I blushed a little but no one noticed. I looked down at our hands and the contrast between our skin tones was really nice to see, he has tanned skin while mine is pale. Its hard to tell with Vic you only see his hands, he always has a long sleeved shirt on or sweatshirt. No one really talked on the way there we sat in a comfortable silence while listening to the radio. It didn't take us long to get to his house (like usual). Mike left the car as soon as we got there. I didn't mind. Vic parked the car and looks over at me and smiled, still holding my hand. "Are you sure your ok with this?" He asked. "Yes, are you?" He nodded at me, then leaned over the middle and kissed me. Then we head into his house.

"Vic, mom and dad are going away for a few days?" Mike said was we walked in. "Ok..." Vic said back to his brother. "They left a note over there" Mike responded. Vic walked over to the kitchen and picked up the note. Shrugged, and took me up stairs to his room.


Take a breath Vic, everything with go fine, Jaime and Tony are your best friends they'll understand, I mentally tell myself. I sit here on my bed with my beautiful boyfriend, Kellin. What do I say, he's awesome. Just say something Vic. "Ok, Kellin..." I grab his hands and and lace our fingers together (I like to do this a lot). He gave me a reassuring smile. "... I asked you to come here because I wanted to come out to my friends and I wanted you to be here with me" I told him. "Awe Viccy, that's awesome..." He cooed. "...I'm so proud of you I know it's a hard decision to make" he said to me.I reached out and just hugged him. He hugged me back and then he lightly kissed me. I the door bell rang and Mike let them in. "VIC!!" I hear Mike call for me. "Coming!!" I yell back at him. "Ok Kellin, I want you to stay here and wait for me to call you, I'm going to tell them alone with Mike by my side. Once we're done I call for you and you can meet them. Ok" I explain to him. He nodded and I pecked his lips again and I left him there in my room. Ahhhhh hhuuuuhh, I sigh. And breathe. I see them sitting on the couch talking with Mike. Mike looked at me and came over and stood next to me. "Hey Vic..." Jaime started sounding excited " there something wrong?" Tony finished sounding concerned. "Ok I wanted to tell you guys something, it was a hard decision to make and you guys know that I don't do things like this often..." I was suddenly just cut off. "Dude just say it" Jaime said. "...ok ok," I sigh, I look at Mike and he smiles and nods for me to go for it. I close my eyes so I don't have to see them when I first say it. "I'm gay" I blurt out. Then I open my eyes slowly. I sigh again, and my heart is racing.

I look at them and I can't tell what they think and I'm getting nervous. "Say something" I say quickly. The first one to talk was Tony. "Dude, it's cool, and I'm glad you finally said something. It's cool right Hime?" He said gritting his teeth at the last part. "WHAT!! No Tony it's not. VIC WHAT THE FUCK!" Jaime yelled. I was freaking out, my heart was racing no this can't be happening. "Jaime come on..." Tony said. "What Tony!" Jaime said. "I mean listen, obviously it took Vic a lot to say it to us, because he trusted us as friends to understand..." Tony started to yell at Jaime but was distracted when footsteps came down. Shit I almost forgot about Kellin. He was coming down the stairs then Jaime stormed out of my house and left. I freaked out and ran up into my room. There's only one thing to do at a time like this.


I know Vic told me to stay here but there's yelling and I don't know that's going on. Maybe if I just walk out and stay at the top of the stairs I can get an idea of what's going on. Then I hear someone freak out and scream to someone else. I can see Vic trying not to freak out and take offense to anything. I slowly walk down the stairs to get a better view to the situation. Then everything goes silent for a minute and Vic freaked out and and ran up the stairs passed me and slammed his door shut. And the front door opened and shut too. Next thing I know I'm standing in a room with Mike and one of Vic's friends. "Um... Kellin this is Tony, Tony this is Kellin" Mike said trying to break the awkwardness. I just stood there and so did he. "We have to figure something out" Mike said again. But I didn't know what was going on. "I'll go check on Vic" I said in a low voice and then I went back up to his room. I opened his door and I swear I didn't believe my eyes. There was blood all over him and he was crying while holding something but from where I was to where he was I couldn't see what it was. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I was so fricken confused. He didn't hear me come in. "Vic?" I said in a low but concerning voice, I didn't want to startle him. His eyes shot up to mine and be started breathing heavier. He was nervous.

Ok again I'm going to split up the chapter. Sorry it took me a while I was busy. Anyway enjoy! (1776 words)

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