Chapter 19

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((Tony pov))

Was I upset when Mike said to forget about the fact we hooked up: yes, I was cause honestly I do have a crush on him, will I ever tell him that, probably not. I've had a crush on him for a while, I've never told anyone I'm gay so nobody thinks it. Which I don't mind. And it's another reason I was proud and cool with Vic, when he told us. Did I ever like Vic, no, only as a friend. I like guys that are younger then me, which Mike is. But anyway, when I realized we actually did hook up, I was slightly embarrassed, cause I didn't know how Mike would feel about it. And when he realized too he didn't seem thrilled by it. I mean we were drunk so I don't remember, which sucks, but I guess that's probably a good thing. But Vic and Kellin know and it slightly bothers me. They haven't asked me anything about it yet, but they might at school. But the point is that I really like Mike Fuentes. And I really hope this doesn't make things awkward between us.


When I got back to my house from Vic's, mom wasn't home as per usual, she's never home anymore. But I went right into my room and couldn't get anything to calm me down, I was so nervous about Vic. I do trust him to make the right choices, but he's going to see his ex and that makes me uneasy. Since they were so close as friends before Alex moved. Also I hope Alex wasn't lying when he said that his boyfriend was here, I hope that nothing will happen and that he won't take my Vic back. Yes when it comes to Vic I get possessive and very jealous. I texted Vic to see how it was going. And ask him if I can see him when they're done. All he told me was that everything is going fine and we'll see about later. And that freaked me out I was hoping for a definitely yes about later. I even tried to call him he answered but kind of made it a quick thing. I know I told him to go, cause there was no way I could talk him out of it, but this was making me crazy anxious and jealous. Please, let Vic make the right choices, please.


I head over to the park like Alex wanted me to meet him. I was a bit surprised that Kellin allowed me to go without him and all. But this way he won't feel weird about the things that we talk about. I felt bad for him that Alex was there this morning. But I told him that he nothing to worry about, and I vow to keep it that way. I know how Kels can get and that's crazy jealous. Don't get me wrong I love him and all he's great but he has to trust me, I would never do anything to lose him. I was sitting there at the park waiting for him. He was taking his time and he did finally come, but late. I was disappointed cause it was his idea and he came back to see people. And he comes to meet me late. But I put that aside when he did show up and I pretended that it didn't bother me. "Hey, Alex" I said to him trying to be friendly. "Hey Vic" he said back. Then we sat down on the swings, which reminds me of the time I was here with Kellin, I smiled to myself about that. Then Alex and I got into conversations about the past and when we were younger. Just us reminiscing about our childhoods. I remember when we met.


"Mikey!" I yelled out to my baby brother of only five. I was seven at the time, when new people moved in next door. "What?" He whined back to me. "Come on let's go meet the new people" I said to him. "Why?" He asked. "Just come on" and I dragged him outside. And there were three people walking into the house. "Hi" I said go the youngest one. He looked about my age and he had light brown almost a dirty blonde hair color, and he was a bit shy. "Hi" he said back quietly. "I live next door and my name is Vic, this is Mikey my little brother" I said to him. "I'm Alex" he said quietly again, then he smiled and warmed up to us. I smiled back at him, I could tell we would be friends. And that was it we were inseparable since.

High school. I hate it. If it wasn't for Alex I don't know. Alex is hands down my best friend. I met a couple cool guys last year that I found out we're going to our high school too. And they are Tony Perry and Jaime Preciado, they're cool and we all get along. But I have recently felt confused about things. Like I thought I liked girls because I have too. But I find that I like boys more. And I thought it is wrong for being like this. I was going to talk to Alex about this, since we know practically everything about each other. But there was something holding me back form telling him. As freshmen year goes on I get more and more isolated. Then one day Alex pulled me aside and he told me he was gay, and I told him that I felt the same way and that I understand where he's coming from and that's when we tired dating. Everything was going great with it and then he said he was moving and he was going to leave the next day. Right before he left he broke up with me and it was mutual but it still hurt me a lot. I spent the years isolated more. But I did tell Mike about us then.

*end flashback*

I then got a few texts from Kellin asking how this was going. And he also asked me to hang out after.  I really wanted to cause I was starting to miss him. I like Alex and all as a friend but it felt like our time was up and things were just awkward now. "Hey Vic remember when we used to-" he was cut off when his phone started ringing. I listened a little. "Hello?" He said into the phone. "Hey babe what's up?" So this must be his boyfriend on the phone.  I also got a call from Kellin but I made sure ours was short and sweet so I don't offed Alex. But Alex doesn't care and he's talking to him for a long time now. And it's really rude of him I think. We've been here for a few hours now and I was staring to get hungry I need lunch. He finally hung up the phone and I asked him if he wanted to get something to eat. He nodded. And we walked around town, we settled for pizza. "So Vic, how long have you and Kellin been together" he asked me while taking a bite of pizza. "Oh, we've been together for about five months now" I said smiling. "Really that's all, it seems longer" he said. "Well he just moved here from Michigan when they were having family troubles" I said. "Oh..." He said. "What about you, how long have you and..." I forgot his name. "Jack" he said. "...right Jack been together?"  I finished asking. "Oh a couple years" he said. Then we well into a silence for a while as we finished our food.

Once we finished we walked around the town going to our old hangouts and stuff. "So Vic, why Kellin?" That question confused me a bit. "Why Kellin what?" I asked. "Why are you dating him, I mean not to be rude but he is really annoying?" He stated. I was taken back. "Why, what makes him annoying?" I asked defensively. I was very curious now. "Come on Vic, he's super clingy, gets really jealous and he's overprotective" he said. "Alex, you don't know anything about him. And as a matter of fact I don't care if he's those things it shows he cares about me" I stated defending my boyfriend. "If Jack were any of those things I'd have to brake up with him, it's not right, Vic" he retorted. "You can't be serious Alex" I asked him. "Yeah I'm serious, if he got really clingy and jealous.... I don't know it's not right" he said. "Vic,..." He sighed. "... Are you dating him to fill an empty void with your parents?" That's it. I was done. "Bye Alex" I said and stood up. "Wait Vic..." He called out to me. "I was kidding" that pissed me off more cause now he's trying to cover his tracks. "Yeah right you were kidding, you seemed pretty serious and you were making fun of my boyfriend, to whom I love very much..." I said getting really upset with him. "... You know I didn't say anything bad about Jack or you, so you know what, stay way from my friends, and me and go back to your uncaring boyfriend" and I just left him there not waiting for his response and walked the rest of my way home. Just as I got to my house I broke down and started to cry. I quickly went right up to my room and did the stupidest thing ever. When I finally sank in what was going on I quickly called Kellin to come over to help me in this situation. I couldn't contain my crying and sobbing when he answered the phone.


Just as I was going to call Vic as see how things were going. When he called me. "Hey Vic!" I said excitedly into my phone. "H-Hey" he said he sounded like he was crying. "Viccy what's wrong?" Changing my mood to concern. "Can you j-just come o-over now? Please?" And that was all he had to say and sprinted out of my house and over to his. I stayed on the phone with him just listening to his crying. "Ok Viccy I'm here I'm going to hang up now see you I a sec" I said to him. "O-ok, Mike is down t-there he'll let y-you in" he said. "Ok babe" and I hung up the phone. I quickly knocked and surely Mike opened he door. "Hey thanks man" and I ran up to Vic's room. I knocked just to let him know I was here and I slowly opened the door and there he was sitting on the floor leaning against his bed and just crying. I came in and just wrapped my arms around him and just held him, and I quietly said "I love you" several times to him until he stopped. He eventually did. "I love you too Kellin so much" he kissed me lightly, and that's when I asked him what happened. And he told me.


Hey sorry it's been a while since I last updated, there have been some major family issues going on and I didn't have the time to write. So with that I'm sorry if this chapter isn't very good. And if it's not Vic or Kellin pov I'll make sure to say so. But anyway I hope you all enjoy. Oh and don't forget to comment, rate/vote and whatever. <3 =) (1941 words).

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