Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of a really annoying alarm clock and fighting. Sounds like my brother and my mother, again. What could they possibly be arguing about now this early. I mean really it's only 7:30am. The fuck. I slowly get out of bed and get to the bathroom to freshen up, it's the first day of school, senior year, thank god I don't know how much more I take of this school anymore. My brothers going to be a sophomore. Ok time to get dressed, I'll just throw on a black t shirt, a flannel over that, my black skinny jeans and my vans. I comb out my hair, it's pretty long and curly. I don't care what I wear, I'm not impressing anyone. I head down to he kitchen where my mom and brother are still arguing about something.

"What the hell are you guys arguing about now? It's only like 7:45am" I ask them even though I don't really care. "Stay out of it Vic" my mom says to me. I roll my eyes and sigh. I grab some food and head out to my car and wait for my brother, Mike. After about five minutes he comes out of the house and gets in my car. I hear him sigh as he sits down in the passenger seat and I debate of I should ask. Fuck it. "What was that about with her?" I ask him. He looks over at me. "Don't worry about it" is all he says. "Ok" I say back dropping the subject. Me and mike have a good bond. He's more popular than me and more talkative and outgoing but we get along. My parents on the other hand neither of us get along with them. Which another reason we have to get along its mostly just us. They either ignore us completely or they argue with you for hours because of something. Theres like no in-between.


I pull up to the school and park, Mike is already like out of the car and going to meet his friends, he has so many I can't keep track of who's who. The only reason people know me is because of him and I know it's usually the other way around but that's not the case with me. I sit with him and his friends at lunch I still don't know all of them. I head to my first period class and try to blend in with others. I get there quickly and head to the back of the room. The teacher is sitting at her desk, waiting. The bell finally rings and she starts talking but I don't care what she says so I tune her out.

~time skip to lunch~

I go over to the usual table when I see my brother and his friends. I see my (only) two friends Tony and Jaime. I sit down with them and we talk for a while. I try and scan the cafeteria for where people are sitting. I notice something, someone new. That's weird because we don't get new people often. "Hey Hime, whose that sitting over there?..." I say pointing to the kid. And he looks over at him. "...Is he new?" I ask. Then Tony looks too. "Oh him, I don't know who he is ask mike, he looks like a sophomore" he says curiously. I poke Mike to get his attention. "What Vic?" He says a bit annoyed. "Who's that kid over there? Is he new?" I ask again. I again point to him. Mike looks. "Oh yeah he's new, he's in my English class, what's his name, it starts with a K... Kevin?... No,... Kellin! That's it Kellin" I look at him, that's an unusual name. Ok whatever. "Why did you want to know?" He asks me. I just shrug and he goes back to talking to the others. I look at the kid again but it's hard to tell what he looks like from here. He's all the way at the other end of the cafeteria. "No! Bad Vic your gay is showing" I mentally fight with myself. No one except Mike knows I'm gay and I want to keep it that way. I only told him cause he's my brother and we are close so I trust him. I have only dated one guy and that was when I was a freshmen and for only a month, then he broke up with me because he moved away, his name was Alex. We keep in touch but not a lot I don't like to be reminded.  He recently told me he's dating this guy Jack that lives there too, where ever he moved too. I hate being reminded of that year and sophomore year for reasons. The bell rings snapping out of thoughts and back to reality. I head to my next class after I say by to my friends and Mike.

I have music, the only class I care about. I sit in the back (like always) and I take out my notebook with the lyrics I wrote. I like writing songs and playing them on my guitar. Next thing I know a kid sits next to me. I look over at them. My eyes widen its that new kid, Mike told me about, once I asked, what was his name? I think for a moment while looking at the teacher, Ms Simms, then I realize he's looking at me. I suddenly feel self conscious and look down at my notebook and doodle. "Kellin!" That's the kids name I say mentally as it finally pops into my head. He's cute, "bad Vic" I say to myself, he's probably not even gay. He doesn't look it so there's no way. I slouch back into my chair and sigh, thankfully no one notices. He is dressed similarly to me. He seems to be tuning out the teacher and he's looking around the room, and at everyone. Finally the bell rings and I leave. Only three more classes then I can go home.

~ time skip to the end of the day~

The bell rings signaling the end of the period. I walk out of the school and to my car I get in and wait for Mike so we can leave. As I'm waiting I see that Kellin kid standing there talking to Hayley. Everyone talks to Hayley, she really a nice girl and always happy and bubbly. I see her walk away from him. I also then see a car pull up in front of him. I hear Mike get in and mumble something to himself. "Hey Mike" I say to him. "Hey" he all he says to me and I pull out and head home.

I pull up to the house and we get out and go to our rooms, we don't say anything to our parents cause like I said they ignore us most of the time. I lay on my bed and try to write this song I've been working on for a while now. I pick up my guitar and strum it hoping it will help with my writers block. Writers block sucks. I don't do much once schools over, I stay in my room unless I'm told otherwise, which in not often. I have a tv, a laptop, my phone and my guitar what else do I need here. Obviously I have a bed, a dresser and a desk. I have posters on my walls too, of bands and other artist I like. I give up on my song for now and start with some homework, maybe that will distract me and help me finish that song (even though I doubt it). After a couple of hours I hear someone knock on my door. "Come in" I say quietly. And I see my little, yet taller brother Mike come in. "Hi Vic..." He starts. "What's up Mike?" He probably wants something to eat that's usually the only reason he comes to my room unless he wants to talk about something serious. But he doesn't seem to want to talk so he's probably just hungry. "What do you want to eat? I'm getting hungry and their not going to feed us." I knew it. And he's right they (my parents) don't make us food often. It's been years since they did everyday. Now it's like once a month. I usually make food for us. Or I drive us somewhere. "I don't care, what do you want?" I ask him. "Hm... How about tacos?" He suggests. I swear he always says that, I mean I know we're half Mexican and all and I like them but he always says that. It's annoying. "Fine..." I say flatly and sigh. "...Do you want me to make them or do you want to go out and get them?" The thinks, "Out" he says. Easier for me. "Ok let's go" I say and we head out to my car and go. 

I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Comment, rate and whatever. <3 (1522 words)

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