Chapter 4

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I really hope people enjoy the story so far. (1285 words)
Now with my mom working all the time and coming home really late everyday, I can pretty much do anything I want and no one would know, although it's not fun, even though I know my mom will be back eventually, I still feel like she'll abandon me like my dad. I don't know what to do anymore with myself. I can't stay here cause if I do my thoughts are going to go right to bad things, or Vic. And either way I know it's a lost cause with him but I still can't shake him from my thoughts. I do know there's a park a couple blocks away, since I walk pass it everyday from school. I've never been there yet. I look at the clock, it's about 6pm and mom won't be home for like another 3 hours. I think I'll go for a walk.

Since it's just starting to get dark I don't expect anyone to be there so it should be fine. It's a ten minute walk. But as I walk there I can't stop thinking about Vic and Kati. But Vic more and honestly it scares me more. Cause I don't know how I could deal with having a relationship with him even if it's just as friends, I know my feelings won't be returned and he won't think of me like that. But when we had that conversation in school yesterday and today, it seemed like he did and he has such a nice voice and I know we only talk about the project and what we have to write for lyrics. I really hope we could eventually have a actual conversation one day. He started writing it before class and he let me read it so I can help, and I got to say that his words are really good and go really well together with such a strong meaning behind them. Ahh, like I suspected no ones here, mentally pulling myself away from the thoughts of Vic. Now that it's pretty dark no one could really see me here.

I head over to the swings, cause who doesn't love swings. Wait there are people over there, fuck. I look at them for a second. Hang on that one looks like Vic, what the hell is he doing here. So shit, are those... But he doesn't look thrilled to be here, he looks more annoyed then anything. I end up staring at him, but who are those people he's with? I recognize one from my English class but I forgot his name. Uh, oh. I think Vic noticed me as I walk by them. "Kellin?" I hear my name whispered. Vic noticed. I turn around and look at them again. He turns and says something to the guy I recognized, then comes over to me. "Vic?" I say low. He seems nervous. "What are you doing here?" He asks me nervously. I'm gonna try and be sassy. "What are you doing here?" I ask back. He gets nervous. "It's not what it looks like..." He says sounding sorry. "What do you mean?" I say confused. "I was forced to come here with my brother Mike..." That's his name! Wait they're brothers? "...I didn't want to come cause I know they were going to do drugs, and I don't like it but he wasn't aloud to leave unless I came and I refused but Mike's relentless and dragged me out here" he explains. I start to relax more knowing he's not into anything like that. I nod to him so he knows I understand. "So, what are you doing here Kellin?" He asks me again. "Um, I was just going for a walk cause I don't like being home alone and like walking at night" I kind of lie. Cause I can't just say that I was walking here so I don't think about him, he would freak out. "Why where you home alone, where's your parents?" He asked. I cringe when he says parents. "Um, moms at work and doesn't get home till late" I say to him hoping he didn't notice. "What does your dad do?" Fuck. I hold back the tears. He just looks at me confused. He noticed. "Sorry" I hear him say softly. I stay silent. "Where are you from? I know you just moved here..." He says ignoring the last question. I look at him again, into those nice brown eyes. "I'm from Michigan" I casually say back. "Cool" he says. I nod. And we fall into an awkward silence. Just sitting on the swings. "Have you always lived here?" I break the silence. Which is unusual for me.
"Yep" he says then sighs. I nod again. "So your friends with Hayley" he says to me. "Yeah, you know her?" He nods. "Everyone knows Hayley" he says and then smiles at me. His smile is nice. I smile back. "How'd you know that" I ask him. He looks away. "I saw you talking to her the other day while I was waiting for Mike" he explains to me. "Oh" I respond. "Are you guys just friends?" He asks. Wait what. Is he hinting at something. No Kellin calm down he's not into you. "Yeahhhh, whyyy?" I say curiously. "Oh just wondering you talk to her all the time" he says I'm so confused right now. "I'm not into girls, I mean she's pretty but I'm not into her." I say back. I'm pretty open about my sexuality so I don't care if he knows I just hope it doesn't scare him off. "Oh" he says more excited i think. "It doesn't bother you right?" I ask cautiously. "No, not at all..." He sighs, "ok don't tell anyone but I'm the same, I'm not into girls either" he says. Well that's a page turner, I'm shocked. No seriously I am. And internally screaming cause I could possibly have a chance. "Really?" I question him trying to stay calm. "Yeah". And we fall into another awkward silence.  "So who are those guys you came with?" I ask really low, I don't even know if he heard me. "There Mikes friends and I don't like them cause there always getting into trouble" he explains. "Oh. I got to go it's getting late and my mom will be home soon, I've got to get home before her" I say as I stand up and head back to my house. "Ok, we'll talk again tomorrow, I guess" he says I can hear the smile on his face in the way he said that. "Ok..." I say back and go home.

I can't believe this is happening. As I get into my house, moms not home yet, this time I'm happy about that because I'm just smiling like a idiot. And Vic is all I can think about now, and I can't believe he's gay, he didn't seem the type at all. But I don't care cause now I have a chance. Maybe things won't be so bad, here after all.


"Come on Vic, we're going out" I hear my brother say just walking into my room not even knocking. "What? No" I refuse. "Yes we are, now come on" he says again. "Mike, who said so? I don't want to go" I rebut. "Me, now let's go" he says again now getting annoyed. "And what if I don't" I say getting annoyed as well. "If you don't I'm going to tell the whole school..." "Alright I'll go, but I'm not doing anything illegal" I say cutting him off. And we're off, going only God knows where.

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