Chapter 6

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I look over at Kellin getting ready to sing as I'm tuning my guitar, Mike is going to record it for us. "Are you guy ready yet?" Mike whines at us. "I am, if he is" I said. Kellin just nodded. "Ok let's get this over with" Mike said. I started to strum my guitar and we started singing our parts. (I'm not putting the lyrics cause we all know them). Once we finished we listened to it to make sure that it sounded ok without any mistakes. And it was fine on the first take which I was thankful for. And by looking at Kellin I think he was too.

Once that was done Mike left and went back to his room. "Well that was quick" I heard Kellin say low.
"Yeah" he was fidgeting and looking at everything in my room except me. "You have a nice room" he said quick.
"Thanks, but it's nothing special" I said trying to be casual about it. He didn't say anything after that. We fell into an awkward silence. He's still looking at everything else as if he's nervous about something. "You want to sit down?" I ask as I sit on my bed.
"Oh... I... I think I should go" he said. I looked at him confused. "I thought you didn't like being home alone?"
He finally looked at me when I said that. "I don't, but we finished so why over stay" he explained to me. I don't mind him being here, it's nice to have someone over once in a while, the only ones who have been here are Jaime and Tony and even they don't come that often. "It's not a problem, we can just talk for a while, if you want?" I asked him. He seemed nervous about that. But he sat down carefully on the opposite end of the bed. "So..." He said really quiet. I wonder why he doesn't talk all that much and why when he does he's really quiet about it. "So, you said you moved here from Michigan, why did you move?" I asked him cause that was something I was really curious about. "I don't want to talk about it sorry" he said as if he was about to cry. "it's ok, you don't have to, I was just curious" I said. Ok maybe he'll tell me another time. He nodded. After a few minutes he asks me a question. "So what do you do around here?" I didn't know what to say, it was a weird question cause I don't do anything. "Um, I don't do much... But I stay in my room and write and play songs, that's about it" I just made something up even though it's actually what I do. He nodded again. He does that a lot too, doesn't his neck hurt from doing that all the time. "You don't talk much do you?" I asked. "No not really, it's just a long story about why" he said in a low voice. "Well I got time if you want to explain" I said cause I wanted to know things about him. But I get a sense that he doesn't want people to know things about him. "Um... It's just... I don't like people knowing a lot about me... Cause they usually use it against me" he said to me I had to think about that for a minute. I knew it he doesn't like people knowing, but I didn't get the last part. "What do you mean" now I'm just playing with words to get him to talk and it seems to work so far. "Well... People used to make fun of me for things that have happened and..." I got him to talk but I think he's catching on to what I'm doing, cause he stopped talking. "I see what your doing, but I can't talk about things" he caught on. Oh well so much for that. So he used to be bullied, I know how that feels.

"I don't know if this will help, but I want to think of us as friends and I won't tell anyone anything, and I won't, because I know what it's like, people used to make fun of me" I explained to him. He just looked at me as if he was shocked and he then moved closer to me like a lot. "I'm sorry to hear that Vic, but now as not a good time, maybe another time. And I'd like to..." He suddenly stopped talking, and the next thing I know is that his lips were connected to mine he kissed me. What the hell. I must be dreaming. It was about a couple seconds later when he realized and pulled away. I smiled a little to myself.

"I'm sorry I have to go... Bye" he said and ran out of my room and out the door and the smile disappeared like him. "What the hell happened?" Mike said coming into my room. "Why'd he run off?" I just take a heavy sigh. And I stare at Mike. "Ohh,..." He said. He knew exactly what happened and I didn't have to say anything, I like that about us it's like we can read each other's mind. "Who started it" he asks. I pretend nothing happened by ignoring his question. "Come on Vic, tell me, it was you wasn't it" I look at him like he's crazy. "No!" I said loudly back to him. "So Kellin started it?"he asked a bit shocked. I nodded back. "Then why'd he run away?" Mike asked confused. I shrugged "I guess he was embarrassed?" I said to Mike. "Ok. Can we get food now?" He asked. I roll my eyes and we go out of my room to get some but I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I'm going to write him a song so he knows how I feel.

Sorry it is short but it is a continuation of the other chapter so I hope that makers up for it being short. Anyway enjoy!! (1019 words)

Long Lost Angels- Kellic Where stories live. Discover now