Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning feeling really good. I look next to me to see a sleeping Kellin, still cuddled against me, with my arm around him. Since it's a Saturday I'm in no rush to do anything. Maybe I'll ask Kellin to stay a while longer so we can hang out with our friends. There's a couple things about last night that are questionable. One the whole Alex thing and why he came to visit now, I would like to talk to him about this but Kellin would have to be there. And I know he's going to demand to go anyway. And the second thing is the Mike hooking up with Tony? Do they have a thing going on or was it because they were both drunk out of there minds and didn't know what was going on. I want to know but at the same time I don't. I'll ask Mike about that at some point. I wouldn't care if they were together it's actually kind of cute when I think about it. Mike told a while ago that he thinks he's bi, but I don't know about Tony, he doesn't say much about those things but I did notice that he would sometimes just stare at Mike and I wasn't sure why. But why were they in the closet and not in Mike's room? At least in his room they can lock the door and I wouldn't have had to see that. Kellin started to wake up which pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey Kels" I said softly to him. He yawned and then spoke. "Hey Vic" he sat up and he had hair everywhere, it was all over his face so I fixed it and stuck it behind his ear. He's so cute. "So what are we doing today?" He asked? I thought for a minute. "I'm not sure yet want to just hang out with our friends?" I said. "Um Vic, they're probably all hungover so I don't think it's a good idea?" He said. He had a point. I forgot that practically everyone else was drunk. "Yeah, good point, so I don't know then" I told him. I laid back down while he looked at me. "Well why don't we just play it by ear and see what happens today, so can we start it with some breakfast?" He said. I agreed and just as I was going to get up I forgot that we still didn't have clothes on so I had to grab my boxers and sweatpants and so did he. Then we also stuck our shirts back on. Just in case Mike came into the kitchen, don't want to freak him out. And I'm still self conscious about my scars. He head down into the kitchen so I can make us something. "So kels, what do you want?" I asked. He thinks for a minute. "How bout pancakes" he states excitedly. "Ok" so I take out the mix and everything else we need. Once it's all mixed together I take out he pan and start cooking. Kellin is sitting at the table waiting. When I hear footsteps coming down. I already know it's Mike cause I know how he walks. "Hey Mike" I said. Kellin looked up from his phone and said "hi". He didn't say anything he just waved at us. He was holding his head so he's hungover. "What are you looking for?" I asked him cause he was just opening every cabinet. "Uh... Aspirin" he said with his eyes closed. I went to the cabinet where it is, and I opened it and gave him two pills and he got a class of water. "Oh I need two more" he stated. "Why? You only need two?" I questioned. "They're not for me, they're for him" he whined. I looked at him curiously and even Kellin looked at him. "Who?" We questioned him. I think he just realized what he said and tried to cover it up. "Oh, come on Vic just give it to me" he just avoiding the question, I rolled my eyes and handed them to him. "Ok, but we're going to talk about this after breakfast and you can join us if you want to" I said to him and as he as walking away, he gave a thumbs up. And he disappeared to his room, I think.

Mike never did come back down during breakfast. When Kellin and I finished with the pancakes we sat on the couch in the living room to watch some pointless morning tv. "Who do you think Mike was talking about?" Kellin asked. "I think Tony, cause last night I saw him in the closet and the other guy looked like Tony." I told him. "Really? I didn't know they were gay" he said jokingly. "Mike told me that he thinks he's bi, and I don't know about Tony but it doesn't matter" I told Kellin. And we let that go and we decided to wait and see, he has to come down eventually. Kellin leaned his head on my shoulder and we continued to watch tv.

(Mike pov)

I wake up and I have a splitting headache. I hate hangovers. But I also notice extra weight on my bed. I look over and see Tony there. "Oh Shit" I whisper to myself. I don't remember anything, but he doesn't have a shirt on and I don't have pants either so I don't think it could have been good. I get up and put clothes on and then check my phone. It's early, like 8, I head down stairs to get some pain reliever before he gets up. I had to fight Vic for them after i accidentally mentioned someone else but didn't say who. I mean really my heads killing me and I just woke up, so I wasn't thinking straight. Vic's going to kill me when he finds out. Even though I was shit faced last night, I vaguely remember someone walking in on us be we weren't in my room at the time, I don't remember where we were it just wasn't here, and the person looked like Vic, but I don't remember much, it probably wasn't him. Then he would know that it was Tony. Then as I walk back into my room he starts to wake up. "Morning" I said quietly. He looked confused, then shocked, I think he just realized too. "Did we..." And he trailed off, I sighed. "Yeah" I said. He put his head back on the bed. "Here I have aspirin and water" and I placed them on the night stand. "I'll be right back I'm going to go to the bathroom, so you can change or whatever" and I left my room.

When I came back into my room he was dressed and sitting on my bed looking at his phone. I also noticed that he took the aspirin. "Hey" he said quietly. "Hey" this was really awkward. "Look we were both really drunk last night so how bout we forget this ever happened" I suggested. He didn't really put up a fight. "Ok" he looked upset but I didn't question it. "I guess I'll just go home now" he said. I nodded "I walk you out cause Vic and Kellin are down there and they'll question" I said to him. "They are?" He questioned. "Yeaah" I sighed. "Alright let's get this over with" he said. And we head down stairs.


After a while I hard foot steps and I soon saw Mike come down with someone. I recognized those shoes, it was Tony. Kellin looked up from the tv to notice them coming down. Mike was I front of him. "Tony?!" Kellin said. They came down and went right to the front door and almost running. It swung open and then closed. And Mike tied to run back up stairs. "Hold it" and I stood up. "Mike..." And he stopped and turned around. "What?" He whined. "You know what... So what's going on between you guys?" I asked him. "Oh my god, nothing is, we were drunk and just hooked up ok, it won't happen again" he said quickly. "So why did you pick him?" I asked. "I don't know" he said arguing. "Mike you can just say so, if you like him, I won't care" I told him. For some reason I don't believe his reasons I think he likes Tony and just won't admit to it. He rolled his eyes and just as I was going to say something to him there was a knock on the door.

I went over to the door to see who it was. And Mike ran up to his room. I rolled my eyes. "What do y-  Alex?" I said as I opened the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. Kellin has gotten up and is standing next to me. "Well hi to you too" he stated. "Sorry hi, Mike was just pissing me off" I said. "Oh, may I come in?" And I stepped aside so he could come in. I can tell Kellin wasn't to thrilled but I told him he has nothing to worry about and he isn't as tense like yesterday. But Alex sat down on the chair and we sat on the couch. Kellin was staying close to my side. "Kels, don't worry" I reassured him. And he moved over a bit. "So what's up Alex?, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked. "Oh I did text you, but I guess you didn't see it" he said. "Oh sorry, my phone is up stairs, haven't seen it in a while" I said apologetically. "Nah, it's cool man, I can see your a busy guy these days" I rolled my eyes in a playful joking way. "Anyway, I wanted to maybe talk to you, if you have some time to hang out?" He asked. Kellin have me a warning look. "Relax" I told him. "Sure, when?" I asked. "How bout an hour, I'll meet you at the park down the street ok" I nodded and he got up and headed to the door. But stopped and looked back. "Kellin, right..." and Kels looked at him. "...You have nothing to worry about I have a boyfriend, Jack,who's is here as well"
And he left. Well that last part was a bit awkward. Kellin and I went back to my room to get dressed. And I went to drop Kellin of at home. As we got to his house Kellin pulled me in for a really rough kiss and it was long. "What was that for?" I asked him. "He smiled. "Because I love you, but I would tell you to not see Alex later, but your going to anyway, so I want you to be careful, I still don't trust him. But I know he was your friend so I'll temporality put my jealousy to the side so you can JUST talk to him" and he kissed me again and then got out of the car. I rolled the window down. "I love you Kels" and he blew me a kiss and went into his house and I drove off to the park.


I'm going to split the chapter so it's not to long. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to rate/vote, comment and whatever =) (1917 words)

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