Chapter 22

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I'm getting ready to go to Vic's graduation which is in about an hour Vic is picking me up with Mike. Vic told me that his parents were going to try and make it. But they are at work and really busy. And when Vic told me he sounded disappointed which is understandable, you want your family there for times like these. And with his parents never around it really bothers him. They weren't there for his birthday, they didn't even say anything to him, they completely ignored him. How can you forget your first borns birthday, then not even try and go to his high school graduation. I never even met them. I've seen pictures of them around the house with Vic and Mike. But I never met them and I don't think I will be able too. Anyway, Vic jus texted me that he's here to get me, so I said bye to my mom and I left the house and went into his car. He was all dressed in his gown and his cap was next to him. Mike was in the back seat letting me sit in the passenger seat next Vic. Mike was also coming for Tony and Jaime their all graduating too. I got in the car leaned over and pecked Vic's lips. "Congrats Viccy" I said to him. He smiled and said "thank you" then he drove off to the place they hold it.

Once we got there he parked and we then met up with Tony and Jaime. I congratulated them, and after Mike and I went inside the venue who wait. An hour later the ceremony finally started. It's your typical graduation, with speeches from the principal, the class president and stuff like that. I didn't really pay attention to any of them. Then they finally started to call names to receive diplomas. I listened very carefully for Vic. Since he was going to be the first one to be called. While Tony and Jaime were in the "P's". We patiently waited them to be called, but there are so many graduating kids, and this is going to take a long time. Vic and Mike's parents never showed up. But they finally got to Vic, and Mike and I cheered for him. "...Victor Fuentes..." And he went up there and shook everyone's hand and then got his diploma, and went back to his seat. Now it's going to take a while to get to Jaime and Tony. After many, many people. They called Tony up. And Mike and I cheered as well. "...Antonio Perry..." Mike giggled at his real name, he alway thought it was funny. He also shook everyone's hand and then sat down, then Jaime wasn't go far after him. "...Jaime Preciado..." And we cheered for him too. He did the same as everyone else and shook hands and sat down. Then we stayed quiet, cause we didn't care about any of the others, after. Once they called everyone there was one last speech from the principal again and then they announced the class of 2016 and everyone cheered and then the ceremony was over. And everyone was in a rush to leave and take pictures outside. Vic realized that his parents never came and he was disappointed, and he tried his best not to let it get to him. I took pictures with Vic and Mike. Then we took a group picture with Jaime and Tony. Oh I forget to say that Tony and Mike told Jaime a week before school let out. And Jaime new now to handle it, this time.

We finished taking pictures and Mike, Vic and I went somewhere to get something to eat. Cause the graduation was so long that we got hungry. We saw a small diner on the way back and we stopped there to eat. It's a nice little place. We all chipped in to pay for our own meals, but Vic ended up paying for Mike's. Anyway, when we were done Vic drove was the rest of they back to his house. I stayed with Vic and Mike for a couple hours after. Then Mike left to go over to Tony's, and hang out with him. Then it was just me and Vic.  I didn't tell Vic this but I wrote him a song and I wanted to share it with him. "Hey Vic, I want to show you something..." I told him. "What?" He asked. "You'll see" and I grabbed his guitar and played it. Then I started to sing.

There's so many things that I could say
But I'm sure it would come out all wrong
You got something that I can't explain,
Still try and try and let you know

That first summer we spent's one we'll never forget,
Looking for any kind of reason to escape all the mess that
We thought was what made us
Ain't it funny now? We can see
We're who we're meant to be

Long Lost Angels- Kellic Where stories live. Discover now