Chapter 15

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It's been three days since Vic was in school, he was here Monday. But I haven't seen him since and it's starting worry me. He won't even answer my texts or calls, he's scaring me and I don't know what to do about it. I've tried to ask Mike what's going on and he doesn't know either. Apparently, from Mike's point of view, Vic has locked himself in his room and won't talk to anyone, he only leaves to go to the bathroom. Mike had tired talk to him before he goes back into his room but he didn't say anything although he looks as if he hasn't slept in about a hundred days, when it's only been about three or four days. I wish I knew what's going on with him, I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid, I love him so much and I wish he'd talk to me and I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

Lately this senior has been calling me names like fag and other names that that have to do with being gay, Mike told me to ignore him and not let it get to me. Mike also told me that his name is name is Ronnie and that he is is an asshole. I've tried calling Vic to tell him that this Ronnie guy was calling me names and once I left a voice mail on Vic's phone of me crying about this guy and Vic not being here and that I miss him so much and that I wish he would tell me or at least Mike, so Mike can tell me. He didn't call me back but I hope he heard it. I'm so worried about him. Mike did tell me that he went into Vic's room yesterday while Vic was in the shower to see what was going on. All he found that was out of the ordinary were a bunch of crumpled papers on his desk and in his garbage. He opened a couple to see why it was thrown away, and he told me that he thinks Vic is being blackmailed by someone in school but he isn't sure. And he also says that Vic has been writing a lot, meaning songs. I asked Mike why he thinks Vic is being blackmailed and from what Mike says, the note he found had some threat that this person would tell the whole school Vic is gay, as long as he keeps his mouth shut about the note. Which makes sense only I told Mike that not a lot of people know, only Tony, Jaime, Hayley and Justin and us know so I didn't know how anyone else found out. He doesn't know either. And we can't do anything unless he have real proof from Vic. 

I'm currently at lunch with Mike, Jaime and Tony, and we're trying to figure out what's going on with Vic. So far Mike is our only hope because they live together and Vic won't answer any of us. Mike said that Vic has only locked himself in his room one other time for two days and that was because he was suicidal and didn't like lying to anyone. And that was years ago. "Hey fags" Ronnie said walking past us. I just rolled my eyes and let it go. Mike just flipped him off. Then Jaime got an idea. "Guys!!..." He said. "What!!" The rest of us said. "...Kellin, Ronnie has only been calling you these names for a couple of days right..." He asked me. I nodded yes. "So" I sad. "...well did you tell him you were gay..." I nodded no. "Then how did he find out? I think he must have saw you and Vic at some point and knows, so I think he might be the one whose doing this..." And we all give him a questioned look and we all look at each other. "Maybe but we can't be sure, I mean we know he's an asshole and hates Vic but would he really do something like this, and torture Vic" Mike said.  "That's absolutely why first he drugs Vic and makes him pass out at a party and know he's torturing him by threatening him" Jaime said. "But how did he find out?" I asked. And we shrug. I got a realization on how and it scares me.  "I think I know how" I said and they all looked at me. "Last Friday, right before Vic took me out an our date he kissed me in his car while we were still in the school parking lot, we didn't think anyone would me watching, but I guess it's possible" I said to them. "That has be it" Mike said. And that's all we say cause the bell rang. "We'll meet up again at my car and we'll go to my house and discuss this further ok" Jaime said and we all nodded and went to our next class. Mine is music and I miss Vic in that class with me.


It's been days since I left my room and went to school, but I don't care. I can't go cause if I do then I'll be questioned and I can't lie, I hate lying, especially to Kellin. Because we swore that we'd never lie and keep secrets and this is killing me. That's why I haven't left I just don't know what I'd say to people. The other day I got a call from Kellin and I swear it broke my heart not to answer. He left a voicemail and that broke me even more I play a lot so I can hear his voice even if he's crying. It says:
Vic, I don't know what's going on, and I wish you'd tell me, we promised not to keep secrets, and I miss you so much baby. Also there's his senior guy, Ronnie that keeps calling me names, Vic I miss you and I love you so much please call me back if you can't tell me then at least tell Mike. Ok baby, I love you so much Viccy, bye"

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