Chapter 16

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I'm really getting worried about about Vic, Mike said that our plan was a success and he actually got Vic to talk to him. I am mad at him for not saying anything to me about it but I'll try and get it out of him at some point when I see him next. Vic tried to call me last night but I was to busy crying and being worried to answer and I didn't want to answer with him knowing that this is what I do. He also texted me after the calls. I didn't answer that as well cause I didn't know what to say to him. I was also shocked he was trying to talk to me after days of not. He said he'll fix this and I don't know what he means he's going to do but I hope it's soon. Cause I don't want to have to brake up with him because of this, I love him to much but this is not right. And it's a real consideration I might have to do. Mike hasn't told us what Vic said to him and I'm starting to get annoyed with him cause he knows what we all want to know: what's wrong with Vic. He knows and won't tell us. Each time I ask he says the same thing and that is "just wait and see, Vic loves you" and it's getting my anxiety really high, cause I don't know what he's planning to do to fix us and me.

Mike is being really stubborn about this whole knowing about Vic thing and it bothers me. I know Vic loves me, at least I hope he still does. But I want to know too. I hate being at school knowing that he's not here too. I have lunch next period and I'm thinking of sitting with Hayley and Justin today cause Mike is pissing me off about this, and Vic isn't here so. I am friends with Tony and Jaime but Mike will be over there and I don't need him telling me the same thing he did in English class, and every other time I asked. I don't know nor care what the teacher is saying up there cause its in Spanish and I suck at this language. This is the class I have right before lunch, I'm getting really nervous. Maybe next time I see Vic I'll just ignore him like he did with me.


I can't believe I'm going to do this. I'm not really going to school I'm only going to lunch and I'm going to come out to the school and I hope Kellin will ditch the rest of the day so we can talk. I'm going to do this at lunch for a couple reasons, one: most of the school will be there, and two: so will Ronnie and it will piss him off so much cause he won't get the satisfaction of doing it. And I'm really hoping everything goes right. All I need to do this is Kellin. Mike doesn't know I'm doing this either, all I told him was to make sure that Kellin was there. He gave me a curious look as to why, but he didn't question it and nodded. I'm so nervous about this. What are people going to say? What will people think? But all that doesn't matter, what matters is Kellin.

I get in my car and head to school and I'm going to do this, I have to.


The bell rings and I head down to the cafeteria. I decided to sit with Hayley, Justin and Austin. I forget about Austin a lot but he doesn't say much. Anyway, Mike as been eying me and I don't know why. I get to the table and put my stuff down. "Hey guys" I said to them. "Hi" "hey Kellin" is what I got back from them. "Did you guys buy yet?" I asked. "I didn't" said Hayley. "But they did" she said also. Then Hayley and I go to stand on the lunch line I usually get water and a bag of chips or something like that. Hayley bought first. Then as I'm heading back to the table I hear a familiar voice yell my name from down the hall. "Kellin!"

I turn around to see Vic coming down the hall straight towards me. I literally froze when I saw him. "Vic?" I whispered. I didn't know what to do or to say. Then once the initial shock was over seeing him I was mad, but by this point he caught up to me. "Kellin can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. I didn't answer him. "Come on Kels, I'm sorry" I still didn't answer him. "Kels" he was pleading. "What Vic?" I said getting annoyed. "Hey your talking to me" he said trying to be funny. "Look Vic I don't have the time for you to be funny ok" I said getting pissed. "Alright, look, I'm really sorry about what happened, and I have to make it up to you ok, but there was a lot going on ok-" I cut him off. "Save it Vic, you had me worried sick about you for days because I didn't know what the hell was going on. I tried to be the best I could and I guess it's not enough for you" I said. "No no you are the best, and I really do love you" he whispered to me. "I love you to but I can't do this if you can't trust me....And I know I won't be able to get over this but.... Bye Vic" with that I walk away from him. But as I walk back into the cafeteria he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him and next thing I know he kisses me right in the middle of the cafeteria. Holy shit he just came out to the whole school. Was the first thing on my mind. How can I stay mad at him after this.

After a few seconds he pulls away and we look at each other and smile then we remember where we are and everyone is staring at us. Cause most people know Vic as this kind of popular enigma that's really quiet about things, and they know me as the weird new kid. I notice Vic looking back at someone and smiles again. I look over at Mike and our friends and they're over there smiling and there the only ones clapping which is really awkward it was so quiet it was as if there was no one there. Then Vic decides to make it more awkward. "I love you Kellin Quinn" I stared at him for a minute. Trying to register what he was saying. He's said so many times before to me but this was different, it was in front of people. Then smiled at him. "And I love you Victor Fuentes" Then he pulls me back to the table with Mike and friends and people go back to talking but it's about us now. Vic kisses me again at the table. I don't give a shit. "Vic I can't believe you just did that" I tried to say calmly. "I did it to show you how much care about you I couldn't just let you get away, you are the best thing that has happened to me. And I have to tell you and them (pointing to Jaime and Tony) what was going on and after Mike talked to me yesterday and told what was going on with you, and he said that I should get over my fear so that's what I was going to do, so I came down here to come out to everyone, and I stopped giving a fuck about there opinion" Vic said to me. I just remembered I left my stuff at the other table. "Can you hold that thought for a minute, I need to get my stuff at the other table. Be right back" I stood up walked back to the other table. People stared but didn't say anything. I grabbed my things and went back over. Then Vic started to explain what happened.


When Kellin was going to say goodbye, I couldn't let him get away he's the best thing ever that happened to me so I just went after him and grabbed his arm I kissed him. I can't believe I did that but I'm glad I did. He didn't kiss back but I did surprise him and it didn't last long enough. People just stared at us. I looked up and over at Ronnie and he looked pissed off as if he was about his someone. I just smiled and looked back at Kellin. It was awkward but I'm making it more awkward and I have to make sure he knows how much I love him. I have to announce it to the whole world. "I Love you Kellin Quinn" and he stares at me like what the hell are you doing. But he smiles at me and says "and I love you too Victor Fuentes" and then I take him to our table and I have to explain what was going on. So that's what I did. I have never felt better in all my life and confident that I was able to do that. Fuck everyone else's opinion.


Ok so I repeated some parts so you could see it from both pov's and what they were thinking at the time. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this chapter. So comment, rate/vote and everything else. FYI I read the comments so please don't hesitate to I love to see what others are thinking about parts of the story. I'm done now ✌️ =)  (1644 words)

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