Chapter 23

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I'm on my way over to Kellin's I'm surprising him with a date. Now that it's summer we spend a lot more time together, when I'm not working. Well, I have to pay for college somehow, right my parents won't do it. I work at the cd retail part of Barnes and Noble, and I work at least thirty hours a week, so I make a good amount of money. I've been working there all year so I'll have enough money. Anyway going back to Kellin and I's date. I set up a picnic type date in our secret place, I set up a blanket with candles and I just want to make it special cause it'll be our 10 month anniversary. I'm going to try and be romantic. I stopped at a florist and got a cheap bouquet of roses. There are only about six flowers, but who cares. After that I stopped at another store to get a few things that I'd need for the date. I needed new clothes, basically. So after that I quickly went home to change into the clothes. And now I'm rushing to get to his house. I finally arrive at his house.

I park my car in front of this house and I walk up to the front door. I knock on the door and wait. After a couple of minutes his mom answers the door. "Hi, Vic" she said very sweetly. "Hi Ms. Quinn, where's Kellin?" I asked her. "He's him his room, you can go up and get him" she said. "Thanks" I said to her, and I did just that. I knocked him his door and waited to see if he'd open it. "It's open" he said loudly. So I took that as my cue to go in. So I went in, and saw Kellin sitting in the floor staring out his window. He heard the door open and then close cause he spoke. "You know mom I want to be alone" I thought curiously. "Well, I'm not your mom, but if your sure" I said back to him. And he turned around fast and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Why, you don't want me here?" I counter asked teasing him. "No, I do it's jus-" I cut him off. "Shhh, relax Kels, I'm only kidding" I said. He sighed, and relaxed. "I just meant you didn't text me that you were coming" he said to me. "I just wanted to surprise you, and maybe take you on a special date later" I told him. "Oh ok, when" he said. "I'll be back in an hour, so get changed and get ready, ok love" I said to him sweetly. He smiled at me. "Ok" he said perking up. "Hey, one thing before I leave..." I started out. "Hmmm" he responded. "How come you thought I was you mom and that you wanted to be alone?" I asked him. He looked away. I placed my finger under his chin and pushed he's head back up so he'd look at me. "I just thought you'd text me that it's our anniversary and... I thought you forgot so I was upset and wanted to be alone" he told me. "How could I forget Kelli" I told him. And I kissed him. "Now get ready, I'll be back in an hour ok" and I walked out of his room and then out the front door, "see you soon Ms. Quinn" I said as is was leaving "ok sweetie" and I left. I went out to the car and drove around the neighborhood to kill time. I didn't know what to do. So I got gas and then continued to kill time. I already got the flowers for him.

The hour finally passed and I went back to Kellin's to pick him up. I held the roses in my hand and I walked up to the front door and I knocked again. And this time Kellin answered the door and I smiled at him. And he looked shocked. "Here you go" and I handed him the roses. And he took them and kissed me. "Thanks Viccy, this really sweet of you, but different. You never like the romantic stuff" he said. "Anything for you love, and I really want today to be special for us" I said. He smiled at me. "So you ready?" I asked him. "Yep, let's go... Bye mom" he said. "Have fun sweetie" she said back to him.

Kellin and I got into my car and I drove us to the place I had all set up. As we got closer I told him to close his eyes and to not peek. "Ok Kels close your eyes now, and don't peek or I'll take us back to your house and we won't go" I teased him. He pouted and tried to protest. But he eventually gave in. So I can now continue on our way. I finally get there and I park. Then I get out and I open the passenger side door to let Kellin out. "Can I look now?" He asked. I lead him out of the car and over closer to the spot. "Ok now" and I stood in front of him, so I can see his face when he saw it. And the look on his face was priceless. "Do you like it?" I asked him. "No, Vic, I love it, like I love you" and he hugged me so tight. "I love you to Kelli, so much" I said. So we sat down and started to eat and talk about nonsense stuff.

Kellin and I are having a great time, we've been here for two hours. Once we were done eating. Leaned over and kissed Kellin on his cheek. "Dude you missed" and I looked at him weird. "No I meant to-" and I was cut off when he kissed my lips. But hey I wasn't complaining I love the way he tastes. We started to make out, and it was escalating quickly. But it was just then when Kellin phone started to ring. He pulled away for a minute to answer. "Come kels, you don't have to answer it" I told him. "Oh, be patient, one minute" and he answered the phone. So I listened a little to the conversation. "Yes this is he....yes.... what..." And his eyes bugged out and he dropped the phone on the ground and started crying. I was confused. And even though I didn't know what was going on I knew it wasn't good, cause he wouldn't just start crying like that. So I hugged him, and he responded to it and cried harder into my arm. I assumed the person hung up. I try and ask Kellin, but it wasn't working. Then once what ever it was sunk in he got up really quickly and ran heading to my car so I went after him. The started talking frantically. "We have to go now!.... Come on... Drive" and I opened the car and he got in and kept saying random things to himself. "Kels, since I'm driving can you at least tell me where I'm going?" I asked. "The hospital" he stated. I slammed on the brakes. "What! Why?" I asked frantically. I stared at him waiting for the answer. And he noticed and i wasn't driving until I knew. He looked away and then spoke. "Mom was in a serious car accident."


So there's two chapters left and I'm still debating about a sequel. If I think people will read it then I might do it. But it wouldn't be right away. Ok that's that, anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote comment and rate. =) (1300 words)

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