Chapter 21

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"Hey guys are we going to give Kellin a party for his birthday tomorrow?" I asked the guys at lunch. Kellin stayed home today he wasn't feeling well. He's been home for a couple days. I've gone to visit him and spend a couple hours with him. Then I'd go home and feed Mike. Luckily his birthday is on a Saturday. "Well what did you have in mind, Vic?" Jaime asked. "Well Kellin's not one for a surprises so we can't give him a surprise party but it would have to be at his house" I told them. They stayed quiet for a few minutes to think. "Come on guys it's his 16th birthday it has to be special" I said to them. "Well Vic you know him best, what do you think he'd want" Mike stated. I thought for a minute. Kellin wouldn't want a lot of people there only his close friends and his mom. "We could just tell him we invited his friends over to celebrate his birthday, I know he gonna say it's no big deal and we don't have to but I want to" I said to them. "So guys go out and get some stuff to decorate and get to his house early tomorrow. I'm going to his house later and I'll tell him ok" I explained to the guys. I then got up and went over to Hayley and Justin to tell them to come for his birthday. They agreed.

Once I dropped Mike and Tony off at home I came here to Kellin's to see how he's doing. His mom is home today and she let me in, which I thanked her. "Hey ms Quinn, do you think we could have a party here for Kellin's birthday?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "Of course dear, that would be great, I'll get going on making a cake" she stated and then went off into the kitchen. I then made my way up to his room. I knocked on his door, but I wasn't getting a response, so I slowly opened the door, he was laying on his bed with the covers over his whole body, he probably didn't hear me, he looked as though he's sleeping. I walked over to him and gently sat him his bed. But it wasn't until I was next to him that I realized that he wasn't sleeping but he was crying quietly to himself. He still realize I was here so I tried talking to him. "Kellin?" I said quietly. He didn't respond. He can't see me, cause he's under the covers, I tried to tap him and and he moved and stuck his head out. He looked surprised to see me, and he has earbuds in, which explains why he didn't hear me. He took them out and then he wiped his eyes and sat up uncovering himself. "What's wrong Kelli?" I asked him. He then looked away from me.

He didn't say anything. But he did lean over and hugged me really tight and started to cry again. It broke my heart to see him like this, I wish I knew what was wrong, and that he'd tell me. After a while I started to rub his back to comfort him. He finally started to calm down and control himself. He let go of me and leaned back. Then he started talking. "I'm sorry Viccy, it's just...." And he trailed off looking down at his lap. "It's ok Kels, you don't have to be sorry, just tell me why" I told him calmly. He looked up at me, he half smiled, took a deep breath and started to talk again. "'s just, that it's the one year anniversary of my sister dying" he said quietly, I almost missed it. His eyes started to tear again. I leaned forward an wiped his tear. "Oh Kelli, I'm sorry, that's rough" and I hugged him.

After that we just talked for a while. "Hey Kels, I know tomorrows your birthday so I hoping you'd let me throw you a party" I asked him. "I don't know Vic..." He said. "Come on Kels you gave me the best birthday, now I want to give you a great day" I said. "Fine, but not to many people"


I stayed at Kellin's all night to be there for him in case he need me. But I love spending time with him. He's still sleeping, but after a day like yesterday that was emotionally draining on him. I'm going to let him sleep for a while more. There's no rush. I hope he won't mind if I use his shower, but I gently get out bed so I don't wake him and I head over to the bathroom. I didn't bring extra clothes, I'll have to go home and get some later. I undress and get in the shower. I have to be quick. Once I finished I put the clothes I came in back on and went back to Kellin's room. He was still sleeping, and I really didn't want to wake him, but I need clothes. I'll leave him a note.

Happy Birthday love! Good morning too. I went home to get some clean clothes, and get ready. I didn't want to wake you up cause you need sleep. I'll be back in about an hour or two ok. I may bring Mike with me later, just letting you know. I love you so much! -Vic

I wrote is and left it there in his bed so he sees it when he wakes up. I went out to my car and drove home. When I got home my parents were already gone. I wasn't sure if Tony was here or not so I knocked on Mike's door just in case. After a couple minutes Mike opened the door and to my surprise Tony must have gone home. "Why did you knock, you usually just barge in?" I rolled my eyes at his comment. "I wasn't sure if Tony was here or not and I didn't want to be grossed out ok" I stated to Mike. "Whatever, what are you doing here anyway, I thought you were with Kellin?" He asked. "I was but I came home to get some clothes and stuff, ok". And he nodded. "Then why do you need me?" He asked. "Well I wanted to know if you want to back over there with me so you can decorate for his party." I told him. He didn't respond right away. "Oh, yeah.... Ok, we just need to stop and get the stuff, we forgot sorry" he said. I sighed. "Alright, just let me change and you get dressed and let's hurry ok" and we separated. After twenty minutes we were back in my car heading to the store. When we got there, it was overwhelming, there's so much to choose from. After about an hour of looking around we ended up getting some cool things for Kellin. I got a text from him.

Kelli <3: thanks Viccy see you in a bit :)

So I replied to him.

Me: ok, no problem Kels, and Mike's coming too.

Kelli<3: ok

And then Mike and I purchased the items and we left the store, going back into my car and now we're on our way back to Kellin's house. We finally get there and his mom lets us in. "Hey ms Quinn this is my brother Mike" I said to her. "Hi sweetie, Kellin's up in his room" she said to us. "Mike's here to set up for Kellin's birthday" I told her. "Ok, I'll help you out" she said to Mike. And I went to see Kellin. I knocked on his door and slowly opened it. "Hey Kels" I said go into his room. "Hey Vic" he said. He was sitting in his bed, looking at his phone. I sit down on his bed with him, and he came closer to me. Then Kellin's leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. Then after a few minutes I pull out. "Kellin are you ready to go down to the party we set up for you" I asked him. "Yeah I guess so" he said, then we left his room to go downstairs. Mike pretty much had everything set up, and ready to go. Tony and Jaime are even here already. Mike told me that Hayley and Justin are on there way here. that's good, then that would be everyone.

When they got here we were able to get started. Mike and Jaime were in charge of the music. Kellin's mom was in charge of food and making sure no one did anything stupid. I was in charge of keeping Kellin happy at the party. And Tony was in charge of Mike and making sure he stayed sober. Hayley and Justin were here to have fun like Kellin. From my observation Kellin seems to be having fun. It's been a few hours and everything is going well, we are currently gathered at the table for Kellin's cake that his mom insisted on baking. After that we did more talking and listening to music Jaime put on. Mike left after a while, and Tony soon followed, they didn't want to make it to obvious. His mom told everyone o leave at 11. But Kellin asked me to stay the night again. So I did, it's his birthday so how could I not. Now we're just laying here in his bed facing each other. "I love you Viccy" he said. Then kissed my nose. "I love you too Kels" and I kissed his nose as well. Then we just laid there looking and smiling at each other. Until he fell asleep.


Hey everyone I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I apologize if there's any mistakes I didn't look it over, but I will eventually. Anyway comment rate/ vote and you know. =) (1666 words)

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