Chapter 7

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It's been about three days since the kiss and Kellin hasn't been in school. All I can do is think about him. They way he looks, like the messy dark hair that tends to fall into his face, his beautiful greenish/blue eyes, his plump pinkish lips, that felt so nice when he kissed me and the way he dresses. Our project was due yesterday and so I had to hand it in alone. I wonder what is up with him, was he really that embarrassed. I don't know about him but I really liked the kiss and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. And I even wrote a song about how I felt and I call it The Balcony Scene and I was planning on singing it to him. I finally sorted out my feelings and I even talked to Mike about it. Mike really thinks I should go for it but I have to get Kellin to talk to me about it first. Then I'll go for it. I wish Kellin was in school so that I could have asked him about it, or so I could get an idea of how he feels if he doesn't talk. But I know it's not going to be easy to get him to talk about it. But I know I have to and if he doesn't come to school then I'll have to find out where he lives. I hope he doesn't think it's weird. I also finished the song that I wrote for Mike I call it Tangled in the Great Escape I hope he likes it and I'll eventually sing it for him. But I have to focus on try to get Kellin now. I really am starting to like him a lot and I want this to work so I have to out of the focus that I have into asking him. Please let this be easy.


I don't know what came over me I just kissed Vic. What was I thinking. That's the problem I wasn't thinking. And now he probably hates me. But I liked the kiss and I don't regret it but I just feel really embarrassed about it. We aren't even like that close so I don't know why I did that. And I feel bad that I just left like that, I shouldn't have just run off. It was just really random. I haven't been in school because I don't know what I would say to Vic if he asked or looks at me. So I've been trying figure out my emotions and feelings. I know I like Vic, but can I sustain a relationship? Did he even like it. Maybe I should have gone to school and talk to him about it. Maybe I should just go to his house so we can talk about it. "Ok Kellin, breathe, it will be fine." I mentally tell myself. I know we'll have to talk about it eventually so we might as well get this over with. And who knows maybe it will be a good thing.

As I make my way down the stairs I hear my mom call for me. "Sweetie! There's someone to see you". What? Who? I question myself on who it is. So I proceed to the door and who do I see, behold Vic Fuentes. And I start to getting nervous. Maybe it'll be harder then I thought. How did he know where I live? "Hi?" I say to him quietly. "Hey..." he said back. "...Could we talk for a few minutes?" He asked me. "Sure lets go talk... I'll be right back mom" and I don't wait for her response. I close the door and we go and talk. "Ok breathe maybe it won't go so bad." I mentally say again. Stay some what positive. "Firstly Vic, how did you know where I live?" I asked him. "Oh I asked Hayley in school, sorry I hope it's not wired" he said. I nodded. "So, I know what you want to talk about, and again I'm sorry about it, I don't know what came over me..." I said to him. And I really was sorry. "It's ok, and just so you know I did like it and you have no reason to feel embarrassed" he said that shocked me and I was getting excited. "So you liked the kiss?" I asked again with caution. "Yeah, and I like you" he said. I look back at him quickly as if I didn't believe him. "You do?" I stare at him. He nodded at me. I smiled back. "I like you too" and he smiled at me. "Hey can you come over for a minute I want to show you something?" He asked me so I followed him.

We headed up to his room and we passed his brother Mike along the way, he winked at Vic, I don't know what that was supposed to mean but it was something. "Ok so there's something I to show you then I'll ask you about it ok" he asked. "Ok". And then he grabbed his guitar and started singing a song. (Play/Listen to The Balcony Scene acoustic, I'm not typing out the lyrics sorry) I didn't know it so I assumed that he wrote it, but anyway I loved it so much. His voice is amazing and the lyrics sounded so heartfelt and beautiful along with the guitar. He is a true performer. And he plays with all his heart. "So Kellin what did you think?" He asked me when he finished singing. "I really loved the song" I responded. "So, does that mean you, Kellin, will be my boyfriend?" He asked. Shock. That's what washed over me I've never dated anyone before. Respond Kellin, he's going to get annoyed. "Yes Vic, I will" I say while smiling at him. And it's a genuine smile. And he smiled back at me and we he kissed me this time, except this time it was longer. Not just a peck, a full on kiss. "Did you write it?" I asked. "Yeah, I wrote it for you" and we smiled at each other. "Oh, just so you know I named this song The Balcony Scene, like from Romeo and Juliet" he said to me. I just continued to look into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

After that we are just sitting on his bed talking about things that we like. We decided to just talk about things we like and not get personal yet. We are going to watch a movie too, I let Vic pick the movie cause I like most movies except horror ones because they scare me and then I don't sleep for a while. And he doesn't like them either so I don't have to worry about that anymore. He picked an old movie that I have never heard of it's called Wayne's World. But he says it's funny so I think I'll like it. I think this will go well. I look over at him and smile and stare, he's so cute and sweet.

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