Chapter 25

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I woke up before Kellin did, I didn't expect him to be up first. So I quietly slip out of the bed, I head to the bathroom, when I ran into Mike. I'll have to hell him sometime. "Hey, Vic" he said cheerfully. Which made me sad at the fact that I have to tell him this bad news. "Hi" I said quiet and in a sad way. Mike noticed. "You alright?" He asked. "Is everything ok, I heard Kellin crying last night, so somethings going on" he said after. "Umm, can I tell you in a minute" then I pointed to the bathroom. And he nodded. I then left Mike there and went to the bathroom. And I thought about what I'd say to Mike. Once I was done I went to Mike's room, which is right across from mine so I leave the doors open I can Kellin sleeping, and then I'll know when he's awake. So that's what I do. "So tell me what's going on" Mike said but it sounded more like a demand. "Just keep your voice down" and he nodded. And I took another look over to my room and Kellin's sleeping form. I then looked at Mike again. Then lastly at the floor. And I was ready to speak.

"Ok so last night while Kellin and I were on our date, he got a call from someone and they said that his mom was in a serious car accident..." Mike cut me off. "What!!" He said. "Shhh.... Yes, and then Kellin was freaking out and we quickly drove to the hospital, and that's where they hold him that his mom, um....died" I said to him. Mike's eyes widened and he dropped his jaw. "Holy shit" he said. I didn't know what to say after that. "So what now, who's he going to live with?" Mike asked. I just shrugged. And I noticed Kellin starting to wake up so i got up and went back into my room leaving Mike, to be with him. I have to put on a brave face for him. I sat down on my bed and I then grabbed my phone and looked at it. "Hey Vic" Kellin said. Which almost confused me. "Hey" I said back to him. Did he forget, no he couldn't have forgotten. "Vic can you take me home to get some clothes" he asked. Shit what do I say to him. "Um, Kellin I don't think that's such a good idea" is all I said. "What do you mean it's not, I need clothes" he stated to me. "I know, you can just borrow some of mine" I told him. "Vic, as much as I love your clothes, I don't think they'd fit me very well" fuck he as a point. I took a deep sigh and gave in. "Alright, you win I'll take you to your house to get clothes, but are you sure?" I asked him. "Yes, now let's go" and I got up and changed my own clothes. And we headed out the door. We passed Mike in the kitchen. He was about to say something but I did before him. And he got the idea and let it go, but he gave a sympathetic look to us, as we left the house.

We got into my car and I drove toward his house. And just as I was going to pull up Kellin asked me a question. "Vic, why didn't you want to take me home to get... clothes...." And he drifted off. When we did get to his house. And I parked my car in front and I looked at him. He was staring out the window at his house. I think it sunk in what happened. "Kellin?"  I said to him. He looked at me and then to the floor. "Oh yeah..." And that's when it hit him. I noticed there was a car in the driveway, which I thought was odd. But Kellin got out of the car and walked up toward the house. I got out and followed, but not to close. He opened the door and went inside, it didn't have the same feeling it did before. He went up to his room, the whole time since he walked in he didn't say a word. I think everything was just coming back to him, he wiped his eyes again, so he was starting to cry. "Kellin?" A voice said from behind us. I quickly turned around to see who it was. Kellin then spoke. "Mr. McKinnon?...." Kellin said.

I was confused on who this guy was. He was a average height guy, in a suit  he had a beard but he was well groomed he also had a briefcase. "...What are you doing here?" Kellin then asked. "Kellin will you come with me, please" they guy said. I was skeptical but Kellin followed. But before he left I asked him who he was. "Kellin who is that?" Kellin then told me. "Relax Vic, he's my moms lawyer" I realized that this couldn't be good. Kellin continued to follow the guy, and so did I. The guy stopped in the living room and asked Kellin to sit next to him. And he set the briefcase on the little coffee table there. "Kellin we have some things to discuss, I was going to do this yesterday but I couldn't find you, but I need your friend here to leave so we can talk" he said to Kellin. "Oh, Mr. McKinnon, this is my boyfriend Vic" Kellin said. And I gave him a little wave. "Well I still need him to leave ok" the guy said. And then Kellin gave me the sympathy look, like sorry but leave. "I'm sorry Vic" Kels said. "It's ok I'll wait for you in my car" I said awkwardly, and Kellin nodded and I left to go in my car.

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