Chapter 12

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Was Kellin being serious, does he actually like- no- Love me? Could this be happening. "Wait Kellin, did you say that you love me?" I asked him. My heart is racing. He pulled away from our hug and looked away from me, is he embarrassed he said that. "Yeah, I did, and I meant it, it's just you weren't supposed to hear that I didn't want to freak you out, by saying that, I'm sorry" he turned away so I walked up behind him and grabbed him by the waist and kissed the back of his head, and he looked at me again, I gave him a reassuring smile. "You have thing to be sorry for Kels, because I, I Love You too" I said to him and hesitated for a second as if he didn't believe me. But as soon as it registered with him he wasted no time and kissed me with so much passion and lust. And I didn't even care that Mike was still the room. Once we pulled away, Kellin looked at me and smiled, a smile so big I have never seen on his face before. "But don't you think we're to young to know it's love?" Kellin asked as the smile started to go away. I thought that was a odd question. "Kellin there's so such thing as to young, we feel it so it's true" and his smile reappears. And that line I just said gave me an idea. I have write him a song. But I'll work on that later. "So Kels, how was school today?" I asked him. As soon as I changed the subject Mike got up and left, and I thought he'd leave sooner. "It was boring with out you there... But on the bright side of that I my have wrote you a song during the day" I got excited I have to hear it. "Really Kelly, can you sing it for me?" I asked him. "Ok but can I borrow your guitar for it?" He asked me. "Of course you can" and I kissed the top of his head and we went up to my room.

I handed him my guitar and he started strumming. "Ok I'm not the best guitar player so bare with me ok" I nodded at him in response. "And I don't have a name for the song yet but I want it to be along the lines of James Dean and Audrey Hepburn themed ok" he said to me. "That's odd to have for a song title" I said back. "Shh, just listen..." And with that he started singing.

Stay for the night
If you want to
I can show you
What my dreams are made of
As I'm dreaming of your face
I've been away for a long time
Such a long time
And I miss you there
And I can't imagine being anywhere else
I can't imagine being anywhere else but here

How the hell did you ever pick me?
Honestly, I could sing you a song
But I don't think that words could express your beauty
It's singing to me
How the hell did we end up like this?
You bring out the beast in me
I fell in love from the moment we kissed
Since then we've been history

They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me...

"And that's all I have so far but it will be longer, I just have to finish it" he said. "I love it Kels, it's beautiful" I kissed him again before he could say anything else.


Ok the last few days have been weird and amazing at the same time. When Mike first called me in the middle of the night, when Vic had that innocent a couple days ago. I was freaked out and so I went over there in the middle of the night to see him. He was completely out. Mike was crying when I arrived and I don't blame him, they're bothers and their so close. When I saw the condition Vic was in, it absolutely broke me, because I confirmed that I love him, but wasn't going to say anything yet, (it didn't work out so well). Mike and I were talking for a while, I had to calm him down, but eventually we both were crying. Mike asked me things about Vic, like the cuts he has, I told him to ask Vic about it cause it wasn't my place to say. He understood and dropped the topic. Then he asked me if I loved Vic, I was surprised at his question. But I answered honestly. And he told me the Vic loves me, and never shuts up about me, which made me smile a bit, but I had to hear it from Vic to prove it. Which happened later on and I was never so happy in my entire life.

But since then we have never been so happy, Vic told me we wrote a song for and I want to hear it really bad but he says I have to wait until he's ready to show me, but I know Vic and he has something up his sleeve and I don't know what though. But it's Vic so how bad could it be. As long as I'm with him I don't care what we do. He recently said that he was going to take me on a date again and I'm so excited for it. But for now I have school.

Vic told me this morning that it's the day he's taking me on the date. And we're heading there now. He brought his guitar so I assume I'm going to hear the song he wrote, I can't wait I love when he sings. I look over at my handsome boyfriend and I still can't believe how lucky I am. He recently let me tell my mother and she was so happy for me. We finally arrived at the destination and I look out and it was the same place as last time. Vic rushed me out of the car, and he sat me down then he got his guitar out of the car and sat down beside me and started to strum. "Kels I don't know if you know how much I love you so I hope this clears it up, I call this Kissing in Cars..."

As we wake up in your room,
Your face is the first thing I see
The first time I've seen love,
And the last I'll ever need

You remind him that your future would be nothing without him
Never lose him, I'm afraid
Better think of something good to say

But it's all been done, more then once so
I'll keep on trying
Oh god don't let me be the only one who says

No! at the of our lungs
There's no, no such thing as to young
When second chances won't leave you alone
There's faith in love

He was always the one,
I'll repeat it again, the one
No such thing as too young
Red lights flash in cars we're kissing in
Call me crazy

I've always tried to remind him that the futures
Just a few heartbeats away from disaster
I'm afraid that I've thrown it all away

No! at the top of our lungs
There's no, no such thing as to young
Second chances won't leave you alone
(Won't leave you alone)

No at the top of our lungs
There no, no such thing as to young
Second chances won't leave you alone

I'll repeat it again
There's no, no such thing as to young
Second chances won't leave you alone
Cause there's faith in...

If I kiss you goodnight
I'll know, everything is alright
Second chances won't leave you alone
Won't leave us alone
Cause there's faith in love...

And he finished the song, I was in tears. "That was beautiful Vic" and I leaned over and kissed him. I love this man soo fucking much.


Ok so this is probably the only time I'll put the lyrics to the songs, I only put them cause I felt it added to the plot and the story so. And yes I changed all the she's to he's but it's only for the story. Anyway I hope you all are enjoying the story. Keep on reading :) comment, rate and whatever else. <3 (1437 words)

Long Lost Angels- Kellic Where stories live. Discover now