Chapter 17

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"Ok guys Vic's birthday is in a few days what are we going to do?" I asked Tony, Jaime and Mike. Vic had to make up something during lunch today so I took that as an opportunity to try and see what we can do. "Hmmm..." Jaime started thinking. "Do you want it to be a surprise?" Tony asked. I thought about it. "It's a possibility" I said back. "We can have it at our house and you can surprise Vic, take him somewhere and bring him over after." Mike suggested to me. "Yeah, we can pretend that you, Mike are going to have a party and we go out and then I bring him back and it's a surprise party for him. I like that" I said to them. They all nodded and agreed. "Hey guys" Vic said coming closer. I smiled at him. Ever since he came out to the school we've been able to be more open and less worried about things. Like he kisses me at lunch and in the halls, it's great, people stare and some make comments and Vic just flips them off. Since then he's gotten more  carefree and less stressed out too. It's great to see him like this. "Hey Vic" I say to him and he sits down next to me. "What were you guys talking about?" He asked. "Oh it's nothing, how are you?" I said to him pecking his lips. "Alright" he said and that was all we could say before the bell rang. And we walked to our next class together.
It's now Vic's birthday and I told him were going to go on a special date since he doesn't want a party, even though he's getting one anyway, Mike told him to stay out for a while cause he's 'having a party' Vic didn't think anything of it, which is good that way he won't know it's for him. Even though I can't drive I gave him the directions telling him where we're going. So he picked me up and we're off. It's a fancy restaurant my mom gave me her debit card so I can pay for it. "Kels is that it?" I smiled at him. "Yep, it is" I said and I hurried him out of the car after he parked. "But it's so-" I cut him off. "Shhhhh" and I put my finger to his mouth to stop him from talking. "It's your 18th birthday and I'm going to make it special" I said to Vic then I winked. I took him into the restaurant, I made us a reservation yesterday. We walked up to the waiter. "Two for Quinn" I said to them and they took us right away and sat us down. "Order anything you want" I told him. "Are you sure?" He asked with concern. "Of course it's your day so you can have anything" I said. He smiled and looked at he menu. Eventually the waiter came back took our orders. "So Vic I have two surprises for you when we're done here" I told him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" He asked. "If I tell you then it's not a surprise" I said to him. And he pouted. The waiter eventually came back with our food.

"Ok Vic ready to go" I asked. He nodded yes, and we went back to his car and started to drive home. "Thank you so much Kelli, so am I driving you home?" He asked me. "No, I'm going to hang out with you a while longer, we can just go back to your house" I said to him then I took out my phone and texted Mike that we're on our way back. "Who you texting?" He asked. "Aw is Viccy jealous..." I teased him, and he pouted. "...Relax its only Mike, he asked me a question" and he calmed down and as he continued driving. Once we arrived at his house, Vic parked his car and we got out. "You know if I could drive I would have drove us" I commented to him. "I know Kels..." Han he grabbed my hand and laced out fingered together and we started to walk up to the front door. "... Huh, looks like Mike's party is over early, it's only 8" he asked. "I wonder why" I said trying to sound non suspicious. Vic opened the door and then we walked in.


"SURPRISE!!!" People yelled as I walked into my house and the lights went on. "Happy Birthday Vic!!" Is what they all said next. Then I looked over to Kellin and he smiling and going along with everyone else. "You knew about this?" I asked Kellin. He nodded and then kissed me. Mike had Jaime and Tony here. Along with Kellin's friends like Hayley, Justin and Austin. Then Mike had a couple of his friends here too like Oli and Andy. Then there were a few others who I didn't exactly know but that's ok. And  just as I guessed my parents aren't here, there probably still at work and don't care it's my birthday, and why would they they don't care about me. But I have room full of people here who care and that good enough for me. Who cares what they think anymore.

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