Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning and i felt amazing which unusual for me. Then I remembered what happened. I look over at Vic, he is still asleep next to me with is arm draped over my waist. I'm watching him sleep, I know sounds creepy, but he's so cute when he's sleeping and he looks so peaceful. I glance over to my clock to see the time. "Shit!" I yell.  We're gonna be late for school. As much as I hate to I have to wake him up. "Vic..." I say nudging him. He didn't do anything. Ok. "Vic! Wake up!" And he started to wake up. "Hmmm" he moans out. "Get up we're gonna be late for school" I say to him. He sprung up. "What, what time is it?" He asked. "Almost 8" I answered. "Fuck" he mumbled to himself. We quickly got dressed and we went to the bathroom to freshen up. And then we grabbed a quick thing to eat and we went into his car and we drove to school. Every once in a while he would look over at me and smile at me. "So, Kels..." I looked at him and smiled. "Have fun last night?" He asked. I looked down for a minute and blushed. I nodded, but I don't know if he saw, he was driving after all. "Well..." I smiled again and said "yes" then I grabbed his hand and just held it lacing our fingers together. "Good because I did too and one other thing Kels..." He paused and looked at me. "...I love you" and he smiled at me. "I love you too" and I quickly pecked his lips and he continues to drive. Until we arrived at school.

We surprisingly made it on time. "I'll see you later Kels" Vic said. "See ya" and we went to our 1st period classes. When I arrived into the gym I immediately noticed Hayley and Justin. They were talking to someone who looked like Vic but shorter (if it's possible) they never talk to him. Whatever. "hi Hayley, hey Justin" I said to them. "Hey!" They said simultaneously. "Oh Kellin, this is Nick, Nick this is Kellin" hey said introducing us. "Hi" I said quietly. "You know Nick, Kellin here knows your cousins" Justin said to him. "Justin" I said warningly. "Relax Kellin, it's all good" Justin said, trying to be cool, even though he isn't. "Oh, your Kellin, Vic tells me a lot about you" Nick said to me. "Your in our music class right?" I just nodded cause I wasn't sure and I figured he must know so I agreed. It's weird he never mentioned any cousins, oh well. It's no big deal. Anyway, coach came in and told to do laps on the track. I groaned along with my friends. I hate gym so much.

~time skip~

Today I sat with Vic, Tony and Jaime at lunch. I don't know where Mike is though. "Hi guys" I said as I approached their table. "Hey Kellin" Tony and Jaime said to me. "Where's Vic?" I asked them. "Oh he'll be back he went to call Mike, when he noticed that he isn't here" Jaime said. "Oh, ok" and I sat down with them. After about ten minutes Vic did come back but he looked stressed. "Hey Kels" he said when he saw me and he plopped down next to me. "Hi" I said low. He's starting to worry me what happened something with Mike I bet. The he blurted out "I can't believe him" i looked at him curiously. "Who?" I asked him. "Mike, I told him he'd better be in school today and he isn't so you know what that means..." I was catching on. "I knew I shouldn't have let him stay with Oli" he said. I kind of know who Oli is, I know he's a major pot head and guessing that Mike was with him that what they did and Vic is not happy. "What did Mike say?" Tony asked Vic. "All he said was he was sorry and I'll have to deal with him later. But it's whatever" Vic said then sighed. Then he looked over at me and smiled. "I'm sorry Kels, and to you guys too" I looked at him curiously "for what Vic" I asked him. "For kind of ignoring you and for dumping my problems on you guys" he said apologetically. "You don't have to be sorry we're all friends here" Jaime said. And he gave us a shy smile. "Hey Kels still want me to drop you off at home later?" He asked me. "Yeah, of corse" I said. And then the bell rang and we went off to our classes. Vic and It walk to music together since we're in the same class. I was weird we'd usually hold hands when we were walking together. But he's still not ready and that's ok. We just talked the whole time.

~time skip~

I walk over to Vic's car, at the end of the day. I got in and he still looks stressed. "Hey Kels" I can tell he's trying to be happy. "Hey" I say in a quiet voice. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing" I said. "Come on Kels, tell me" and he looked at me with those cute chocolate orbs he had for eyes. "Alright, I don't like seeing you stressed... I know is stupid but-" I was cut off when he kissed me. I was shocked we were still in the school parking lot. But I kissed him back. And boy i need that. I was the first time we kissed all day and I craving it. Then he pulled away. "Kels don't worry I'll be fine I just have to get home and deal with Mike ok" he told me and he started out of the parking lot. We sat in a comfortable silence holding hands, while listening to the radio. He dropped me off at my house and he kissed me bye. "Hey I'm sorry you can't come over today, but I'll text you later on when I'm done with Mike" he explained to me. "It's ok I understand" and he pecked my lips again. And I went into my house, I watched Vic drive down the block.


When I got home from dropping off Kellin I immediately questioned Mike. Our parents are still at work. So Mike was really high and he choose not to go to school. Like if I'm not there to get him to go he most likely won't go to school. "Mike!" Where is he? "What!" He answered, he's in his room why didn't I think of that. Duh. Ok calm down Vic, yelling isn't going to help. Breathe. Ok. I made my way upstairs to his room. I open his door and he's laying on his bed. "Care to explain what happened Mike" I asked him. He sat up from his bed and I sat down. "Ok so I told you I was going to stay with Oli, and believe me I told him I didn't want to do the drugs but he really wanted to and when he started I was really annoyed at him, but I couldn't help it so I joined him. I'm sorry Vic" he told me. I sighed it's not worth arguing over. "Fine just don't let it happen again Mike" and I walked out of his room, into mine. But there was something on my bed. It was a note. "How the fuck did this get here?" I thought mentally. I picked it up and read it.

Hello Vic,
I know your little secret, about you and that Kellin kid. You should be more careful about kissing him at school. Wow Vic, I can't believe you sunk that low dating that fag. But I always had a feeling you were one too. Thanks for proving me right. And you made Mike a total ass to me. Anyway, if you tell anyone about this I'll tell the whole school your secret. See ya around.

I was truly freaked out what the fuck is this. Who ever this is, is blackmailing me and stalking me. I don't know which is creepier. But how could I have been so careless and kiss Kellin at school, I love him and I don't regret it but I didn't know anyone would be watching. Ugh I have to be more careful. Should I distance myself from him. No, I can't do that I love him too much. And it'll hurt him of I do and I can't do that to him. Oh god speaking of Kellin I told him I'd text him. Ugh what do I do, what should I say.

Me: hey love :)

He replies immediately.

Kelli<3: hey babe what's up?

I have to stay calm and not let him know anything is wrong. But that's easier said then done.

Kelli<3: how'd things go with Mike??

Me: everything is fine he got high with Oli and didn't show up to school but it's whatever

Kelli<3: ok, so what are you doing now?

Ugh now I have to lie to him, I'm gonna hate myself for this. Wait but if I tell him over text, then the person won't know I said anything.

Me: not much just doing homework, you?

I have myself for lying to my boyfriend. Ugh.

Kelli<3: ok, well I have to go my mom made dinner, I love you Viccy

Me: ok, I love you too Kels

Honestly I was kind of glad the had to go. I don't know if I could have handled lying to him any further. And it wasn't a total lie I do have homework but it just wasn't what I was doing. And Kellin is so pure I don't want to hurt him. Why does this have to happen. But who could this be I have no idea but I probably is someone I hate. Fuck my life.


Ok people I hope your all enjoying the story. I'm going to warped tour tomorrow and I'm going to see Kellin and the rest of SWS and other awesome bands, but I'm so excited. I can't wait. Anyway I hope you all keep reading. Rate, comment and whatever =) (1725 words)

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