Chapter 10

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Kellin and I have been dating for a month now, and things have been going well so far. Although I get anxiety about him leaving me because we're at that point when Alex broke up with me. I know Kellin's not moving away, cause he just moved here, but I still get anxious about it. I realized that I truly am in love with Kellin, it's a little scary, I don't know what he thinks or feels. I know he really likes me, otherwise we wouldn't be dating, but I still think it's early for me to feel it so I don't want to freak him out by saying it right away. I wrote him a song about how much he means to me and how much I love him and stuff like that, I'll sing it to him one day but I feel like it's not perfect yet. Anyway, Tony did talk to Jaime and he finally came around after a couple weeks he apologized and he told me that he realized that it wasn't a big deal and that he was just not expecting it and surprised. I finally got to introduce him to Kellin and he was welcoming, and I was so relieved. Mike, lately he's been getting into trouble. I don't know maybe because I'm a bit distracted with having Kellin in my mind 24/7, but I still worry about my brother. Since he's friends with some older students (reminder Mike is in 10th grade and Vic is in 12th) that are my age, they have been getting him drugs and he goes out at lunch to smoke weed and I get really annoyed with him. Cause one day he's going to get caught and they'll suspend him and mom and dad won't like it, I know they ignore us but if we get in trouble at school we won't hear the end of it and they'll just yell at us till they get tired or forget about it.


Now that there's nothing holding us back except one thing and the one thing is that Vic isn't ready to come out to the school so we can't be to close and cute together there, or anyplace that's public, everywhere else is fine, which is only our houses, his car and our friends houses too. But I'm not complaining when he's ready too he will. I did tell Hayley that Vic and I were dating. She was surprised cause she didn't know he was gay, but promised not to say anything for his sake. So we came up with something for lunch, I will sit with Vic twice a week and then with Hayley and Justin three times a week. So that it's not like I completely left them, everyone is cool with it so it works out for all of us. Which I'm happy about. Also that I'll walk home with Hayley twice a week and the rest I'll go home Vic and Mike. I'm still trying to adjust to having all these friends and keeping up with them, and it's a good thing I really like my friends and now I'm becoming friends with Vic's friends and his brother so now there's more people. I like them all but my favorite is Vic, duh. I'm currently sitting in my last period class just waiting for that bell to ring cause I'm going with Vic today and were going to my house after we drop off Mike. Vic has been over a couple of times. Speaking of Vic he has been on my mind all the time (not a surprise) I don't know what it is with me I feel weird when I'm with him, like I always have a smile (genuine) and I get butterflies in my stomach each time we kiss or even laugh at something. I've never felt this before. I don't know if it's love, it's strong but I love my mom and my sister but it's different type of affection when it comes to Vic. I've never been in love before so I don't know if I am or not. I know it's only been a month but I've been like this since we kissed the first time. We just for so perfectly together. Wait maybe if I write him a song and sing it to him he will understand. I don't know how he feels I don't want to scare him away with it being so soon in our relationship. After learning about his past I was surprised and it made me love him more that I know. He has only had two scares since he told me, when he called me in the middle of the night just to talk or listen. I promised him to call whenever and I meant it I will always be there for him. I'm glad he trusted me. Then when I told him about my sister and my father he didn't judge or question and that made me feel better. We got everything out into the open. One thing we promised that we would never keep secrets from each other, and that we should tell each other everything. Finally, the bell rings and I head straight out to Vic's car.

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