Chapter 2

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*Dan's point of view*

      I threw on his black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. I slipped on his shoes and slid my phone into my pocket. I looked into the mirror to see that I had my hobbit hair. I really didn't have time to straighten it, and I didn't really care. I just wanted to get out of the apartment for once.

      I checked to make sure I had everything before I left. I had my phone, wallet, and keys. Everything seemed alright. I opened the door and headed into the streets of London.

      Outside, the sky was gloomy. When was it not gloomy to be honest? It matched my mood recently: bland and depressing. I looked around to see that everyone looked just like the sky. Today was defiantly the day to take a walk. 

      I hopped on the Underground and took a train to Green Park. The train was full of the usual weirdos: the disease man, the rapist, the alien, and the list goes on and on. I sat down and scrolled through Twitter. All my YouTube friends seem to be doing fine, and I'm glad they are. There was one tweet that caught my eye though.

      It was from a random fan of mine. It read "Dan, I just wanted to say that you saved my life <3". 

      That made me smile. I get tweets like that all the time, but this one stood out. It was from a girl named Ann. She had the darkest eyes I have ever seen. They were like the void you fall into when you have an existential crisis. Her hair was chocolate brown with teal ends. She was so beautiful and looked so happy, and it made me wonder why she would ever want to end her life.

      I reached Green Park and walked around. So many happy couples filled the park. Kids were running around. Everyone was full of joy, while I was just a shell of a person.

      I kept walking and sat down on a bench next to a girl in a black hoodie. I sighed and pulled out my phone. Phil sent a text saying, "I didn't see you leave this morning. Where did you go?". I replied, "I'm at Green Park. I'll be home in an hour or two."

      "Having a bad day?" the girl beside me asks.

      "Yeah," I sighed.

      "Well, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find something that makes you happy. Just, make sure to smile, Dan." She stood up and started walking away.

      "Wh.... how do you know my name?"

      She looked back at me and smiled. "I'm a fan." Then she disappeared into the crowds.

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