Chapter 7

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*Dan's point of view*

      Over the next week, Ann and I had some great chats. She never pressed to talk about how I was feeling or doing unless I wanted to. She just had such a way with words, and she knew exactly what to say.

      I was eating cereal in the lounge with Phil when my phone went off. I picked it up to see a message from Ann.

      "If you're free, want to meet up for some coffee or tea?"

      "Sounds good." This would be the first ever time we would meet in real life, and I was a bit nervous.

      "Meet me there in an hour." She sent me a location attached to the message.

      I got up and put my bowl in the sink. I got dressed and straitened my hair. For some strange reason, I decided to put on some new cologne. I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out.

      I got on the train to head to the coffee shop. I sat down and pulled out my phone. 

      "Dan, where did you go?" Phil asked.

      "I went to go get coffee with Ann," I replied.


      "I'll be back in an hour or two. Don't die :)"

      "I'll try XD."

      I put my phone up and waited for my stop to come up. I got off the train and headed to the coffee shop. Ann texted me and told me that she was already there, and I told her that I would be there soon.

      I walked into the coffee shop. I lifted my head from my phone screen and made eye contact with Ann. Instantly, a genuine smile crept across my face. She gave me a sweet smile back. She looked even cuter in person.

      Her eyes were so dark and mysterious. Her hair was beautiful in every possible way, but nothing could beat her smile. It just glowed, and there was no other way to describe it. 

      I slid into the booth she was sitting at. "Hey," I said.


      "Do I detect an American accent?"

       "You do. I'm from Nashville to be exact."

      "That's really cool. Anyways, how are you doing?" I asked.

      "Pretty good. Oh by the way, I ordered all ready. I was just really tired and needed coffee."

      "I don't blame you." I ordered a latte.

*Ann's point of view*

      It was so great being here with Dan. He was even nicer and sweeter than I could ever imagine. He was so easy to talk to even more in person.

       Whenever his coffee arrived, the waiter put it in front of me, thinking it was for me.

      "Looks like it's mine now, Dan. Sorry," I laughed.

      "Aw. I was really looking forward to drinking that." He chuckled.

      "I guess I'll let you have it." I pushed it towards him. As he went to grab it, his hand brushed against mine, and I swear I felt electricity shoot through my entire body.

*Dan's point of view*

      When I reached to get my latte from Ann, my hand brushed against hers. Electricity shot through my entire body. It was such a weird feeling that I had never experienced before, but I've read tons of times in books and fan fictions.

      The next thing I knew it had been two hours. I was brought back to real time when Phil texted me asking where I was.

      "Ann, this was really fun. I hope we can do it again or maybe something else."

      "Course we can. I got nothing else to do except sit at home on the Internet."

      "Same." She laughed.

      I embraced her. She was so nice to hug, but if I stayed in this hug any longer, it would mean a lot more than just a friendly hug. Even though I wanted it to be more, I had to let go because I didn't know how she felt about it.

*Ann's point of view*

      When Dan pulled me into a hug, I just wanted to melt into his arms. He gave one of the best people to hug, maybe the best. He was just so warm, and I loved it. I wanted him to keep hugging me, but I didn't know if he just wanted to stay friends. When he pulled away from the hug, I was sadden and relieved at the same time.

*Dan's point of view*

      "Before I leave, can I get your actual phone number, so I don't have to DM you," I asked.

      "Sure." She gave me her phone number, and I gave her mine.

      "I'll text you tonight, but we seriously need to hang out again soon. I had so much fun."

      "I did too."

      "I'll see you later, Ann."

      "See ya." I turned around and headed out the door smiling and happy. 

      That was the first time I was happy in a long while.

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