Chapter 22

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*Dan's point of view*

      When I woke up, Ann was curled up against me. Her back was pressed up against my chest while my arm was over her waist, pulling her close to me. Her breathing was light and steady. Her hair covered her face, so I took it and gently tucked it behind her ear.

      I stared at how she looked so peaceful while she slept. I kissed her forehead and slipped quietly out of the room.

      I walked into the kitchen and grabbed eggs from the fridge. After I made scrambled eggs, I fried some bacon and made some coffee. I grabbed a plate of food and a cup of coffee and took it back to my room.

      "Morning, beautiful," I said as I walked into the room. Ann's eyes slowly opened. As soon as they opened, she looked at me and smiled. She looked at how tangled her hair was and felt the dried drool near her mouth.

      "Stoooooop," she said as she pulled the covers over her to hide herself.

      "Get out from under there."


      I chuckled. "Then how are you supposed to eat this breakfast if you're under there."

      "I'd rather starve to death than let you see me like this."

       "You're being ridiculous. Here," I lifted the covers off of her and smiled. "You look great."

      "Shut up, Dan."

      "Someone's not a morning person." I chuckled.

      "What did you make for breakfast?"

      "I made bacon and eggs."

       "And you're bringing them to me in bed?"

      "Nothing less for my girl." I smiled at her.

      "You're so sweet. Thank you." She took the plate and took a massive bite of food.

      "Someone's hungry."

      "Shut up," she said with a face full of food.

      I sat on the edge of the bed while she ate her food. Every now and then, she would look at me, and I would smile back. I'm so grateful that I met her.

Smile, DanWhere stories live. Discover now