Chapter 23

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*Phil's point of view*

      I was editing a new video when I heard Dan invite Ann into our apartment. I heard a thump and laughter from down the stairs. I took a deep breath and told myself that I would not let Dan being in another relationship ruin my mood.

      I finished editing and walked down the stairs. I walked past the lounge and saw that they had left some pizza, so I grabbed the rest and brought it to my room. I changed into my pajamas. I grabbed my laptop and watched some YouTube videos. 

      In my recommended tab, a video labeled  "Ultimate Phan Proof!!!!" showed up. The thumbnail was a picture of me kissing Dan's forehead. I swallowed and kept trying to be happy with Dan's choice. I told myself it was his choice, and that I needed to accept it.

      I heard Dan and Ann talking to each other. "I want you to be my girlfriend, so would you want to?" Dan asked. There was a long pause and then Ann said, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

      My hands started trembling and a quiet no slipped out of my mouth. I quickly grabbed my jacket and ran out of the apartment. As I ran down the street, I felt the tears fly off my face. I couldn't feel anything besides the pounding of my heart and the tears on my face. I didn't know where I was going, but my feet were taking me somewhere.

      I reached a park and sat down on a bench. I looked down at my watch. I had been running for 30 minutes. 

      I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves, but it just made me sob even more. I clenched fists. My nails dug deep into my skin, and soon, I felt blood stream down my wrists. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. I just wanted to scream and kick and cry and...

      I just wanted Dan to be mine.

     "Are you okay?" a voice behind me asked.

     I brushed away some tears. "Do you want the answer that will let you leave early or the truth?"

      "The truth."

     "No. I'm not okay."

     "Why is that?"

      "Why do you care? You're a complete stranger. Don't you have something better to do than talk to someone you don't even know?"

      "Well, you don't know me, but I know you."


      "I watch you on YouTube."

     "Forgot I did that for a second." I slightly chuckled.

      "Good job."

     "Why don't you come over here so I don't feel like I'm talking to the Invisible Man."

      A guy about the same age as Dan stepped into my view. He was a couple of inches shorter than me, but in his defense, I am a giant. His hair was dyed green, and his eyes were the color of a brewing storm. His jawline was so defined. It looked like it could cut something. He looked flawless.

      My heart started fluttering, and I felt the blood in my cheeks. It was a good thing it was dark outside, or else he would have seen me blushing.

      "Wow. You're more handsome in real life," the guy said.

      "You look... wow."

      He smiled. "My name's Xander Black, but some people call me Zae."

      "That's a nice name. I like it."

      "Do you want to get a drink? There's a bar not too far from here."

      "I'd like that."

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