Chapter 20

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*Dan's point of view*

      It had been a week since Ann and I had our fight if you would even call it that. I had finished editing the video with her and uploaded it when my phone started to ring. I looked down at it to see that Ann was calling me. I immediately picked it up.

      "Hello?" I said.

      "Hey, Dan." Ann's voice was very calm, almost to the point where it sounded like there was no life behind it.

      "What's up?" I asked kind of concerned.

      "I was wondering if I could come over and maybe stay the night. I know, I know. It's kinda weird me asking. I mean, we're not even technically girlfriend/boyfriend, but I've missed you. And I just want to spend some time together."

      I smiled when I heard her say that. "Ann, I'd love to. Would you want to go shopping before you came over though?"

      "Sure. I'll be over at your house as soon as I can. Bye!" She sounded a lot more cheerful now.

      After we hung up, I decided to check Twitter for the comments on the video. The first one read: "Is it just me or does anyone else kind of ship them?!?!" I chuckled at that. I kept looking through the tweets. Most of them were about shipping Ann and I. Obviously, there was hate towards the video saying it wasn't really my "style". 

      Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. As soon as I did, Ann attacked me in a hug. It caught me so off guard that I actually fell backwards causing Ann to fall on top of me. She gave me a big kiss, and then, we started laughing very hard.

      "Wow, Ann. That was something else." I pushed her hair behind her ear so that I could see her face.

       "Sorry. I didn't expect you to fall. I just wanted to make up for that little fight we had."

      "You didn't have to make up for anything."

      "Well, I did anyway." She stood up and held out her hand to help me up as well.

      "I want to show you something." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my room. I opened Twitter and showed her the tweets about the video between the two of us.

      Ann laughed at the tweets. "They have no idea."

      "That's what I thought. Now, are you ready to go?"

      "Of course. Let's go."



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