Chapter 29

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*Ann's point of view*

      Before I opened my eyes, I could tell I was at the hospital. The beeping monitor was so loud that I was surprised that it wasn't the reason I woke up. I heard Dan talking to someone.

      "When will she wake up?" Dan asked the person.

      "It's hard to say. She lost a lot of blood," the person responded.

      "Can you do anything to wake her up?"

      "I'm sorry, but that's beyond modern medicine."

      "Damn it."

      "Wait a second, her heart rate has gone up. She's trying to wake up."

      I felt Dan hold one of my hands in his two hands. "Come on, Ann. I know you can do it. Please come back to me."

      I tried to open my eyes, but they weren't opening. I tried to hold Dan's hand back, but my hand wouldn't move. I wanted to speak, but no words came out.

      "Take your time Ann. Don't push yourself." He kissed my forehead.

      Even though I couldn't move my muscles, I was smiling, and I think he could tell because he squeezed me hand. "That's my Ann. You're a fighter." I just wanted him to kiss me so badly because I wouldn't be able to once I was fully awake.

      He came closer to my face, and I could smell his cologne. If I could move my muscles, I would have started kissing him with everything I had. 

      He ran his fingers through my hair and stared straight at me. I was undone by his touch. I was helpless.

      He brushed his lips against mine. I melted at his touch. He gave me a deep but quick kiss and pulled away.

      "Doctor, if she wakes up, let me know. I'm going to go call my roommate to let him know where I am."

      "Of course."

      I tried to tell Dan to stay, but as soon as he left the room, I was finally managed to let out a small moan. I focused all my strength on opening my eyes, and they finally submitted to my will.

      I looked around the room and saw the doctor.

      "Ah, you're finally awake."

      "W-w-what day i-is it?" I stumbled out.

      "It's Monday." That meant I had been in a coma for six days. "Now, I must go and inform the gentleman that brought you in that you've woken up."

      I sighed and nodded. It was time to face Dan.

      "Ann?" Dan poked his head in.

      I lifted my hand and waved at him.

      He ran to me and pulled me into an embrace. I hugged him back. I could feel his tears fall onto my back.

      "I thought that I had lost you," Dan sobbed.

      I rubbed his back. "D-d-don't worry. I-I-I'm staying alive."

      "I don't know what I would have done if you'd die.

      "You w-w-won't have to worry a-a-about me dying, but you will have t-to deal with l-l-life without... m-m-me."

      He pulled away. "What do you mean?"

      "We're s-s-still done."

      "Oh. I see."

      "I-I don't want you to t-t-talk to me anymore. Y-y-y-you're b-b-better off w-w-without... me..."

      "Ann, please. You know that's not true. Let me prove it."


      His tears no longer were a trickle but a full on river. "P-p-please don't do this."


      He stared at me and nodded. He gave me one last kiss and walked out.

      I felt a sob coming on and choked on it. I'd just lost such an amazing person, but it was the best thing I could do for him.

      I had let go of Dan forever.


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