Chapter 26

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*Dan's point of view*

      I just stood there, paralyzed. What had happened to Ann? Why did she just leave so sudden? Did I do something wrong?

      I clenched my fists and sighed. I didn't know what to do. Do I text her? Do I let her text me first? All I wanted to do is talk to her to let her know that she has no reason to hurt herself because she has me to talk to.

      I paced around the room, thoughts swirling like a whirlpool of disaster. Tears that threatened to fall burned my eyes. I could feel my emotions boil inside of me, wanting to spew out.

      "Fuck emotions," I thought. "I just need to feel something." 

      I walked out of my room and into Phil's room. He was still in his pajamas and glasses.

      "Hey Dan. Everything alright?" Phil asked, looking up from his laptop.

      "Everything will be fine soon enough." I moved to him, took his laptop, and set it on his dresser.

      "Dan, what are you doing?" He raised his eyebrow

      "Nothing that we haven't done before." I gave him a cheeky smile.

      Phil stood up. "Are you sure everything's okay?"

     "Shh." I put a finger on his lips. "Less talking and more kissing." I pressed my lips on his, and my reflexes took over.

      My body craved for his taste and touch. I began to kiss him deeper and deeper. At first, Phil was holding back, but then, he gave over to his old habits. I grabbed him and pulled him even closer, kissing him. My hands reached for his shirt and pulled it off. My lips carried kisses down his face to his neck. I heard him let out a small moan. I stopped kissing him, so I could take my shirt off.

      "Why'd you stop? You know how impatient I am," Phil whispered, seductively. 

      "Would you rather me keep my shirt on?" I answered.

      "Off. Now," Phil demanded.

      "Yes sir." I pulled my shirt off, and immediately, Phil was kissing me. He was so forceful that he pushed me up against the wall. 

      "Remember how much you liked this?" Phil asked.

      "I'd love to like it again." 

      Phil pinned me against the wall and started kissing me deeply. My body longed and craved for his touch. He began kissing my neck, and I let out a small moan. His finger traced my spine, and electricity shot through my entire body.

      "Let's continue this on the bed," Phil said, and I nodded.

*Ann's point of view*

      As soon as I entered my house, my dad yelled, "Where the fuck have you been Ann?"

      I sighed. "I was spending the night at my friend's house."

      "Don't you tell me that. You have no friends. Now where the hell were you?" I could see the anger boiling in his blue eyes.

      "I was with my friend," I said with a calm voice.

      "What's this 'friend's' name?" He said in a mocking tone.

     I bit my lip. If he didn't kill me for staying out all night, he'd kill me for staying at a guy's house. I didn't know which punishment would be better. 

      "Are you going to answer me, Ann? What is their name?"


      "I see." He started walking away from me, and I sighed, thankful I got off the hook. I turned and walked to the stairs.

      "Bring this Samantha to dinner tonight. I'd love to meet her. She must be a peculiar girl if she wants to be your friend," my dad said before he closed the door to his bedroom.

      I ran up the stairs and shut my door. I flung myself onto my bed and began to silently cry. How the heck was I supposed to have someone over to dinner if they didn't exist?

     I grabbed the picture of my mom and I. She was so happy, and her smile shone as bright as a million suns. I held it close to my chest and began to sob. Why did she have to be taken from this world? Why her and not me?

      I flipped the picture over. The small silver object glinted in my eye. I grabbed it and went over to the bathtub. I took my pants off to reveal my bare legs. Previous scars on my legs had completely healed and were barely visible.

      I glided the silver over my bare thigh. The crimson blood welled up to the surface. I sighed. I was all ready feeling better. I glided the silver over another spot on my thigh. I was relieved again. Another cut and less pain. Soon, three cuts turned to four..




      The blood had began to create a pool in the bathtub. My vision began to go blurry which happens before I pass out, so I grabbed my phone and opened text messages. I clicked on Dan and sent him a text saying, "Goodbye, Dan."

      Instantly, Dan replied saying, "Ann, what are you doing? Where are you?"

      We texted for a while, but I stopped replying after a while. Dan continued to blow up my phone with text messages. I sat my phone down and sighed. This was it.

      I took the small silver object and made two long vertical cuts on both arms. I watched the blood from both the two new cuts and the cuts on my thighs spill onto the bathtub.

      That was the last thing I remembered...


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