Chapter 6

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*Dan's point of view*

      After another week in the hospital, I finally got sent home. I made Phil go home after I woke up, so he could have some decent sleep and a shower.

      When I got back home, Phil had a welcome back party planned for me. PJ, Louise, Tyler, and Chris were there. Phil had bought a cake and a balloon for me. After a couple of hours, everyone went back home, and Phil and I were left alone.

      "You didn't have to do this for me, Phil," I said whilst getting ready for bed.

      "I thought it would be nice for you to see that people care about you."

      "Phil... you don't understand."

      "And why wouldn't I? Do I not understand that you're depressed? Do I not understand that you're in pain?"

      "Please Phil... I don't want to talk about it."

      "I want to help you, Dan." Phil came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

      I threw my hands down causing a huge noise. "Go away, Phil," I screamed.

      I didn't even have to look at him to see that tears were welling up in his eyes. "Okay..."

      He left me.

      I tossed and turned all that night. Nothing could help me fall asleep. I couldn't talk to Phil cause he was probably angry at me. I would be too if I was him.

      I got on Twitter to see if anyone was up. Of course no one was. Who would be at this hour?

      As I was scrolling through my feed, I saw another tweet by Ann. It read: There's always a reason to be alive :).

      I clicked on her profile and then on DM. I sent her a message reading: Hey.

      I didn't know why I was going to talk to one of my fans, but it wasn't like there was anyone else to talk to this late at night.

      "Hey Dan," Ann replied.

      "I don't really know why I messaged you."

      "It doesn't bother me. Is everything alright with you? This is the first time you've used social media in weeks."

      "I'm fine."

      "Than where have you been?"

      "That's not important." This was a bad idea messaging a fan.

      "Okay then. I just hope you're okay."


      "Here's something to make you smile." She linked me to a video about people seeing their animals after years.

      After I watched it, I replied, "I needed that."

      "Anytime, Dan."

      "I'm going to go to bed. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight."


      That was the first night in a while that I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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