Chapter 8

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Six years have gone by since Lily was born. Six terrible horrible years. A year after Lily was born, her magical powers appeared. Everyone was so pleased. After two years of having all the attention on me, it was put onto Lily. The little brat!

When I was little, everyone was scared of my magical powers. But now they know what's going on, they are happy and excited. It's just not fair! I may be eight, but boy do I know some not nice words.

One time I was sitting in my room with Lily playing Barbies. After awhile of playing, Lily got bored and wanted something to drink. As she concentrated on her glass of milk, it floated towards her. Before she got a chance to grab a hold of it, the door opened and Lily's concentration went out the door. The milk flew everywhere and onto my Barbies. Everything was ruined!

With a few colorful words thrown at my sister, my mother watched in horror. She's never heard someone talk so badly.

After lots of scolding, I was forced to sit in timeout. The entire time, Lily sat on the couch with David smiling at my misfortune, while I glared at her. After ten minutes of sitting in the corner, I was able to leave and play.

That was the absolute worst day of my life.

Some days are better than others though. For example some days I love Lily but others like that terrible day, I can't help but to hate her. It's a typical sibling rivalry.

One day, I was sitting in the kitchen eating my breakfast when a loud scream was heard in the hallway. I quickly looked to see what it was.

Lily was sat on the floor at the bottom of the stairway crying her eyes out. Her arm was bent in a weird way and I rushed to her side. With lots of crying and screaming, I finally got the attention of David coming inside from working in the garden. He quickly rushed to our side and picked up Lily and grabbed my hand.

With a crack, we were at St. Mungos hospital. My sister was rushed to a room and they got started on her arm. After lots of spells, her arm was healed and she had to wear a sling. As we were walking out of the hospital, David said he was gonna take us out for ice cream, I gave Lily the biggest hug ever.

"Never hurt yourself again! You scared me, I could never lose my stupid, crazy, troublesome, six year old sister."

"Ok I think I got your point at stupid... But thanks for staying with me the entire time. I love you sis."

"I'll always be there for you. That's why we are sisters! And I love you too."

Walking hand in hand, we made it to the ice cream shop and got our favorite flavor. Let's just say it turned out to be the best day ever!

I guess it's just the way me and Lily function. We fight but then make up right away. I know I'll be there for her, and she'll be there for me.

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