Chapter 15

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A few day later, it was Saturday and the first Quidditch match was today. It was Slytherin vs Gryffindor and I obviously thought that Gryffindor would win. It's not like I'm gonna cheer for our rival house even though one of my friends is in that house.

Walking outside to the Quidditch pitch, I walked with all of my friends into the stands. Sitting in between Fred and George, I figured that this will be the best game ever.

I wasn't wrong when I said it would be the best game ever! With it being my first time watching the game, Fred and George exclaimed to me what was happening. As the game continued, I started zoning out of what the twins were saying and focused on the game.

I saw our keeper was a cute Gryffindor whom I learned was named Oliver Wood. It was apparently his first time playing as the keeper. Paying attention to the game again, I watched the players zoom through the air.

Out of no where, a bludger started heading towards the bleacher right where I was sitting. Before I got the chance to move, a beater came and hit the bludger before it hit me. He winked at me before going back to the game.

I watched as the Slytherin team went to make a score but the quaffle was blocked by Wood. The Slytherin captain gave the nastiest look I've ever seen to Wood. The game continued as before.

A couple minutes later, one of the Slytherin beaters hit a bludger towards Wood. Oliver didn't have time to move out of the way as it hit him in the face and he fell.

With no keeper, the Slytherins kept scoring making us fall behind on points and lose. The entire game Oliver Wood was knocked out cold. The poor guy!

As the game progressed, it only got worse and worse. Their was no way for us to win once the Slytherins were already in the 100s with points.

Watching the seeker closely I saw him spot something in the distance before zooming after it. The Slytherin seeker noticed and followed close behind. I cheered along with the rest of the Gryffindors when the seeker was so close to catching the golden snitch. Unfortunately he didn't catch it.

The game continued like before. The weather started getting colder as the day progressed and still nobody caught the snitch. The Gryffindors were slowly catching up to the Slytherins.

With a blink of an eye, the sky turned dark and it started raining. Nobody was prepared for the rain and got soaked to the bone from the freezing water. Just before Madam Hooch called the game over, both seekers zipped through the air.

Hard to see what was happening because of the rain, I saw someone reach out and grab a hold of something. Finally they came into view and it was the Slytherin seeker with the golden snitch.

The Gryffindor team lost after such an eventful game. Now the worst part was to come, telling Wood who won. I heard he was all about Quidditch. So to hear that your team lost after you passed out, must be a terrible way to wake up.

Everyone rushed up to the hospital after the game ended. The Gryffindor team went to the hospital wing to check on Wood, while everyone else went to their common rooms.

Entering the common room, I rushed to my dorm and collapsed on my bed. Only a few more weeks and it would be Christmas break. With the realization, I went into a dreamless sleep.

A week later Oliver Wood was finally awake and he was livid when he heard the news. So I guess I knew who not to cross during Quidditch games.

I know it's a terrible ending to the chapter! Kill me! But I at least got another chapter in and I still need one more just in case I can't write tomorrow. My mother is threatening to turn the Internet off since I apparently spend so much time on my electronics and the Internet.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! -Kady

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