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This was not how I wanted to spend my day

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This was not how I wanted to spend my day.

Zach owed me big time for this. We were at the magic shop looking around for the perfect "trick". I looked at the long rope of tied bandanas, wondering if I should just end my misery now. Zach elbowed my hard in the gut, knowing where my train of thought was going.

"If I am suffering, you are suffering as well," Zach hissed and I scowled at him.

"Zachy! Can I get this hat? Please?" Lizzie squealed as she waved the piece of junk around. The brown curly haired girl placed it on her head, looking at her big brother expectantly.

It was a regular 'magician' hat. There was nothing special about it. It looked like something you would find at a lost and found. But I didn't have the heart to tell her that.

Zach had no problem telling her. "Lizzie, I can get you that at the dollar store. Find something else." Zach whined. Zach declared that if he was spending his money for her, the item had to be good quality. I couldn't argue with him on that. Most of this crap is what you could find at a dollar store or a dump.

"No Zachy! The lady told me it has magical powers once I place it on my head!" Lizzie drawled exasperatedly. She looked at a vase, squinting her eyes like she could make it explode.

Zach and I turned to the woman at the cashier. She gave us a deer-caught-in-headlights-look and a sheepish smile. Guess she was looking for an easy sale.

Zach glared at her and turned back to Lizzie.

"Put it back. I am not buying it." Zach ordered.

Lizzie's smile melted into a glare.

"And why not?" Lizzie snapped.

"Because it's ridiculous. We can find that at the dollar store!" Zach snapped back.

After arguing for five minutes, Lizzie went to look for something else. But not without throwing the hat at Zach's face. I laughed at Zach's scowl. Sometimes Lizzie can be a feisty one. But if push came to shove, Zach would do anything for his sister.

Twenty minutes later, I was done standing around the shop. I needed to move around.

"Dude, I'm going to walk around the shopping center. This is taking too long." I told Zach. Before he could protest, I walked out the door.

I wandered around the shopping center, not looking for anything in particular. After walking to the end the shops, I spotted a sign out of the corner of my eye.

Mystic Charms and Signs

I raised my eyebrow but a sense of curiosity raises through. I never saw that sign before. Did this store just open? Maybe it will help Lizzie and we can leave sooner. I made my way to the entrance. As I opened the door, a bell rang, signaling a customer entered- which was me.

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