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"How is she?" Kayla said worriedly from my living room

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"How is she?" Kayla said worriedly from my living room.

I opened my bag and showed her the lamp inside. It's been a couple days after the attack and Clarissa was still resting. I can't help but be worried. I told my parents that she went to visit some of her family. My parents and Clarissa had gotten really close the last few months.

Louis said she would be fine and she would recover in a few days since she used so much magic to break the enchantments Marissa created.

Right now, we were all at lunch looking at Clarissa's empty seat.

"I want Clarissa to come back as much as you do, Kayla. We just have to wait until she's ready." I muttered, stroking the lamp before closing my bag. 

"You're probably the person that misses her most, man. I think you beat Kayla by a long shot." Zach said, wrapping an arm around a sad Chloe.

I rubbed my face. "I'm worried and I need to talk to her. Marissa attacked the school. This isn't just her taunting us and trying to scare us. She tried to kill us to get the lamp. Clarissa is the only one who can do magic-"


I looked at Mrs. Riggs, annoyed she interrupted me. 

"I am here to officially announce a date for prom. Due to some scheduling issues and incidents, we are moving prom to next Friday!"

The cafeteria gasped and protests started to be made- mostly we heard shouts from Chloe.

"What the hell!? I only have nine days to prepare! I don't even have a dress!" Chloe shrieked.

"Somethings not right," Tyler said. "First it was two months, now nine days? That's strange don't you think?" Tyler asked seriously.

I couldn't help but agree with him. Strange occurrences changed it? It could have to do with Destiny's rich daddy. He owned half the town. He could easily had the town do anything with the snap of his fingers.

We couldn't jump to conclusions though. The staff here could have just said 'the hell with it' and decided to get it over with. But it seems unlikely. Everything will now be last minute and students will tear the teachers to shreds. Destiny would be one of them. Why would she change the date?

None of this seemed right.

Soon, lunch was over and we all went our separate ways. I stopped at my locker to get my things. I knew I was going to be late to class, and I didn't care. I'd been late to math before and the teacher didn't give a shit.

The hallways were empty in minutes and I shut my locker. After adjusting my backpack, I started walking to class.

As I turned a corner, a saw a form pass by. I stopped behind the corner and looked. Who was playing hooky?

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