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Louis was the key to finding all the people left in the school

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Louis was the key to finding all the people left in the school. His senses were ten times stronger than a human. He could sniff them and the hellhounds.

As Louis navigating his way through the school, Nate and I were walking back to back with, searching for any sudden movements. Louis reported that there were multiple hellhounds. It's a miracle we only confronted one so far.

"Have you found anything, Louis?" I whispered, not wanting to gain attention from the creatures.

I can sense the humans are somewhere north. I can smell food in there, Louis reported.

"The cafeteria! That's where they're keeping them." Nate declared.

We quickly made our way there. We slammed the doors open, making a loud noise when they hit the walls. I used my magic to spread light around the room.

The students were unconscious in a strange position. They were all on the back with their arms crossed, like how you would position someone for death rituals. No hellhounds were in the room.

"Why do they all look like that?" Nate said, trying not to sound to panicked.

Louis sniffed the air.

There's no blood on them, but I definitely can smell hell-

Suddenly, a hound tackled Louis to the wall.

"Louis!" I shouted.

The hound was about to strike, but Louis easily dodged it and swiped it with his claws. The hellhound howled in pain as Louis responded with a snarl.

Growls were heard everywhere and red glowing eyes surrounded us. Louis was too busy to defend.

Time to get our hands dirty.

I summoned water to form in my hands.

"Do you know how to fight, Nate?" I rushed.

"Um, I don't-"

"Nate, do you know how?!" I shout.

"I used to do archery until I quit-"


I closed my eyes and formed a bow and arrow for Nate. I tossed it to him

"Shoot and go. The arrow will automatically return to you." I ordered. "I'll try to cover you as much as I can. But be prepared to defend yourself."

Not listening to Nate's protests, I went to face my first hellhound.

I bended the water to my will. As the first hound came toward me, I used the water as a lasso, wrapping it around its waist. I then threw it across the room, where it went down with a thud.

I began to use the water as a whip to keep the hounds at bay. I risked looking around to see how Louis and Nate were doing. Louis was doing fine on his own, using fire to turn some hellhounds into ash.

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