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I looked at the night sky on the roof, looking at the stars

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I looked at the night sky on the roof, looking at the stars.

I didn't bother to wiping the tears streaming down my face.

After Clarissa took her last breath, she disappeared into smoke, leaving no evidence of the event that take place. Everything seemed to reset and everyone was settled on their feet before going back to dancing. It was like nothing happened- like Clarissa never existed and saved them from a horrible fate.

I spotted Destiny and Riley, but they looked so confused. I'll never be able to look at them again. Especially Destiny. They looked at each other and shrugged, before going to the dance floor.

I felt the room close around me and I ran out, needing to be alone. I don't know where the others went, but I didn't give a damn.

Was this really what heartbreak and grief felt like? This pain I felt reminded me of a time before Clarissa, when my mother was dying from cancer and my world was falling apart. Somehow it felt worse this time, like my reality was distorted and I didn't know which way was up.

I sat on the roof, sobbing as I listened the teenagers dancing and enjoying their prom.

I heard a whimper and turned around, not caring if anyone saw me cry. Louis crawled over to me, his wings slumped. He wrapped his body around me and continued to whimper. I petted his head, accepting his comfort. This was the first time we weren't on each other's nerves. Instead, we were mourning together.

I thought about her laugh, her smile, and the way her eyes lit up when she learned something new.

Memories of our time together passed through my mind and I cherished them.

I found the one star Clarissa pointed to me once. The star that started everything.

"Please," I whisper. "Clarissa come back to me."

I hesitated and sighed. Technically I'm not breaking my promise anymore, making my heart clench at the reminder. I was wishing on a star.

I closed my eyes and laid on Louis' warm body.

"I wish you stayed with me Clarissa. I wish you would come back. I wish you won't leave me. I-I would be alive again."

I stopped talking before I had another breakdown.

I got up and fixed my suit. There were rips in it anyway, but I couldn't find it in me to care.

Reluctantly, I tell Louis to go home, not knowing where I was going to go. I felt lost, unable to comprehend what I was supposed to do next, too much in shock.

As I went back inside, I saw how everything looked back to normal.

It may look like it was, but it wasn't. Not at all.

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