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I felt someone shaking me like a maniac

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I felt someone shaking me like a maniac. I tried to lazily swat the person away, but my body was too heavy to move.

Ugh. Five more minutes, Mom.

I heard voices, but they were muffled. If they would just shut up, I could go back to sleep.

"Nate! What the hell is the matter with you? Wake UP!"

I jumped at the shout and groaned. I turned my face and struggled to get up. I opened my eyes and spotted a worried Tyler and Zach surrounding me.

"Why are you guys so close to me?" I mumbled.

Haven't they heard of personal space?

"Zach and I were on our way to your house and spotted Chloe and Kayla-"

I stopped paying attention to Tyler to search for Clarissa. I realized she was in the same state I was, but surrounded by the girls, who looked freaked out.

I turned my attention back to Tyler.

"-and we heard this weird noise come from the house. We barged inside and found the two of you on the floor passed out. It's been two hours and you weren't coming around. We've tried everything to wake you up. We hit you, threw water-"

"You threw water on me?" I looked down and saw my soaked clothes.


"You wouldn't wake up! And there was this giant lizard and it ran away before we could really look at it. It was scary as hell!" Zach claimed.

If only he knew it was his lizard friend, Louis.

"Will someone tell us what the hell is going on!" Chloe screeched. We all covered our ears from her pitch. That girl can scream.

"You used your wish."

We all turned to Clarissa, who was looking at me.

"You have two more left. We just learned the truth and now we have been warned."

Clarissa got up gracefully  and walked over to me, looking down at me.

"And I forgive you. There's nothing to forgive." she said with a shy smile.

I couldn't help the goofy grin and relief that spread across my face. She had forgiven me. Thank the people up above.


Clarissa and I snapped out of our conversation and looked back at our friends, who were huddled together with crossed arms.

"You have some explaining to do," Kayla warned.

I looked at Clarissa, wondering what to do. These were our friends and we told each other everything. While the original rule was to not tell anyone about Clarissa, it was getting harder to explain things. Besides, it's nice having more backup and support.

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