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"Nice shot, Clarissa

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"Nice shot, Clarissa. You should join the football team!"

"Glad you hurt that bitch."

"Someone taught her a lesson."

"We have a badass over here."

"Damn, you should've seen her. That was hot."

As Kayla, Chloe, and I forced our way to the lunchroom, students have been trying to make conversations with me or just cheering me on. You practically heard the whispered conversations because they were so loud. I didn't know breaking someone's nose was a big deal.

Kayla and Chloe managed to get me out of the crowd and to the lunch line. After a few minutes, we were able to sit at our lunch table. I hid my face in my arms. I don't like all of this attention on me. Everyone has been staring at me. Why won't they just go away?!

"Hey Clarissa! I heard you broke Destiny's nose! I wish I was there for that. Sounds hot." I heard Tyler say dreamily.

I just groaned into my arms.

"Come on now. Be proud. You're going to be known as one of the hottest bad girls in school. You should be happy," Zach said and I peeked up to see a little grin on his face. I looked around the lunch table and Nate wasn't there.

"Where's Nate?" I asked curiously to the boys.

The boys looked at each other, silently communicating.

"He had to go somewhere," they muttered. I just gave them a confused look.

Where was Nate?

Lunch soon came to an end. I never saw Nate for the rest of the day. This had me worried. What if he was in danger? My protective instincts went into overdrive. I decided to transport back to Nate's home, to see if he left early. I made my way to a janitor's closet to hide myself from everyone. I don't want people to see this or they will freak out. I opened the door and my eyes widened.

I looked at the sight in shock.

Nate and a brunette girl were in each other's arms. I couldn't see the brunette's face, but the rest of her body was revealed. The girl had no clothes on and Nate was only wearing undergarments.

I backed away and felt my heart hurt a little. Why was I feeling like this? I shouldn't care about seeing the affair. I had seen past masters have lovers before.

But why did this hurt?

Nate's eyes widened once he saw me and pushed the brunette away.

"Clarissa! I-I uh-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Nate. I'm going to the house now. You may continue." I stated, hoping I sounded perfectly calm compared to the storm inside me.

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