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"Why do girls take so long?" Zach groaned

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"Why do girls take so long?" Zach groaned. "Why can't they just throw some clothing on and get out of the room."

"And deal with their insecurities all night? No thank you." Tyler muttered.

I just shrugged, leaning against the wall.

In all honesty, I thought this was both a great and horrible idea. While I enjoyed an occasional party and wanted to relax, we couldn't afford to do something stupid. As much as I didn't want to go, I couldn't leave Clarissa alone. She looked so excited and I couldn't stop her from learning and experiencing the world. 

But with the threat of Marissa and not knowing anything about magic, I felt like a sitting duck waiting to get snagged. 

"We're ready!"

Chloe was dragging Kayla over to us, Clarissa arriving a few moments later. Once I saw her, my eyes widened out of their sockets and my jaw dropped.

She looked...amazing.

Clarissa's hair was curled and swirling over her shoulders and the dress she wore was super tight, showing off her figure. The plunging neckline left little to the imagination. I decided to talk to get my mind off of her body. Who knows what would happen if I didn't stop. I cleared my threat, tearing my eyes away from her.

"Um...you guys look great. Right guys?" I tried to say calmly, nudging Tyler and Zach.

When they didn't respond, I looked in their direction. They were busy eyeing to Chloe and Kayla. I rolled my eyes. This was too cliche for my taste that my best friends were acting like lovesick puppies for her best friends. Unbelievable.


I snapped my eyes back to Clarissa and practically melted under her stare, where she smiled sweetly in my direction. I was such a hypocrite but I didn't give a damn.

"Hmm?" I mumbled.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, with a tilt of her head. She always did that when she was confused or curious. I smiled back and nodded my head.

Let's go to a party.


It's only ten o'clock and it was already crowded.

Riley's mansion on private property on the edge of town. Most of the rich kids lived in this neighborhood. We parked at the end of the block and you can already hear the music, the beat vibrating through the air.

We all got out of our car and were about to walk in until Clarissa grabbed my arm.

"You guys can go inside, we'll be right there." Clarissa said with a smile.

Everyone nodded and made their way to the house.

Clarissa turned to me and gave me a serious look. "Nate," she said. "There's something important I need to tell you. Whatever you do, do not let me drink any alcohol at this party."

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