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How do I convince Mom to let her stay with us?

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How do I convince Mom to let her stay with us?

What was I supposed to say, 'Mom, I received a magic lamp from Betty White and discovered a genie was living there. I have three wishes, but I don't know what to do...so can she stay here?'

I would instantly get sent to a mental institution for that.

I turned to Clarissa.

"Do you have any ideas on how to get my mom to let you stay?"

"Uh...", she muttered. She looked like she was thinking then beamed.

"I got it!" she said excitedly.

"Follow my lead."

She walked into the kitchen to my parents. Was Dad home early? That hasn't happened in months.

"Hey Honey, who's your little friend?" Mom asked as she smiled at Clarissa.

Clarissa all the sudden started sobbing, startling all of us. My mom instantly rushed to her aid and tried to comfort her. I looked with wide eyes in surprise and confusion.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"Mom said concerned.

"M-my parents left a few days ago and haven't returned. I can't run the home by myself. I don't know where to go anymore! Ma- Nate inviting me so he could assist me." Clarissa spoke softly, tears streaming down her face.

Mom continued to soothe her while I gawked at the scene. Man, she's a good actress.

"Sweetie, how about you stay here until you get back on your feet? I'm sure no one will mind you staying here, right Ralph?" she turned to Dad.

Dad cleared his throat and nodded.

"I don't w-want to intrude" Clarissa sniffled.

"Oh don't be silly. It's perfectly alright. There's a guest room down the hall. Nate, would you show her the guest room please?"

I nodded and put my hand on the small of Clarissa's back. I felt warmth go through me, but I brushed it off. Probably a shock. I led her to the guest room.

Once we got to the room, I turned to her impressed.

"Now that was amazing."

She giggled, wiping her eyes.

"Thank you, Master Nate."

"Um, it's just Nate. No need to call me master." I waved awkwardly.

She frowned at that but nodded. Seeing that the room was getting darker, I moved to turn on the lights. As I flipped the switch, Clarissa squealed in fear. I jumped and my heart started beating faster at her cry. Why did she-

She looked at the lamp in terror.

"H-How did you do that? I didn't know that you had magic." Clarissa squeaked.

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