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Anne and Maura came over to them. They brought food and immediately they went into the kitchen and started to prepare a big dinner.

"We can actually do that ." Niall got up. Maura just smiled at him and she shook her head.

"We have realized that we have to come here more often and make sure that our sons are doing well."

Harry stood behind Nialls back and he smiled a little bit.

"We are fine?"

Anne just smiled at them.

"No, you've suffered through a lot and now we'll help you."

Maura agreed.

"And you can go out and take it easy. Take a bath in the pool, talk, play or whatever you want to do."

Harry just laughed a little. He took Nialls hand and took him to the back of the house, to the patio. They slid down the couch, next to each other and the sun shone. Niall looked a bit towards the pool, but he chose not to say anything. Harry couldn't help.

"That pool is worth many dollars."

Niall raised his eyebrows.


Harry nodded happily.

"Yes, it was in that pool as you said yes."

Niall blushed a little bit.

"It feels like it happened a long time ago."

Harry smiled at him and he took his arm around the shoulders Nialls.

"I agree and I'm happy every day as you are here."

Niall frowned and he had reason. His confidence wasn't the same anymore. He felt small and ugly.

"Harry please stop..."

Harry took a hand at Nialls chin and forced him to look into Harry's eyes.

"I tell the truth." he whispered hoarsely. "I love you so much."

Niall swallowed.

"I love you, you know that, but..."

Harry kissed him. He didn't want to talk. He wanted to be close. Niall moaned a little bit, but he chose to just keep up with the kiss. Harry let his tongue slip between his lips and finally he got Niall to follow with a feeling.

Niall wasn't perhaps aware when Harry took his arms around him. He pulled him up on the knees, so that Niall sat with one leg on each side of Harry's thigh. Niall took his arms around Harry's neck and kissed him more desperate. Harry liked it. He took his arms around him and he took away the distance between them. This was the old Niall, this was the man who showed what he felt and who wasn't afraid. Harry wanted to feel him. He let a hand slide down and he was going to take it inside Nialls pants, but immediately ended Niall the kiss.

"No, Harry!"

There was panic in his voice. He remained seated, but he was afraid. Harry opened his eyes. He removed his hand, and he noted that Nialls eyes were big.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled hoarsely. "But I want to touch you."

Niall frowned and he shook his head.

"No, not yet. I'm not ready."

Harry groaned.

"Niall, you know I have a need and I have waited so long."

Niall swallowed.

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