• Two •

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The rest of the evening I spent at my desk and figured a set list for sunday evening. Normally, this is a task that my manager does for me during the week, but at the moment he was watching after his child which is ill, so I told him to take some time off until his kid was feeling better. After 2 hours of sitting and thinking which order would be the best for the songs, I finally finished and looked at the clock on my wall. It was about 10:25pm. 

Deciding to play a bit of guitar, I grabbed my phone and walked down the hall to our, as we called it "music lounge". When we first came up with that name, we used to make fun of it, because who would call a room full of instruments "music lounge" when you could just call it music room? Anyways me and Luke use to say it so often by now that it somehow became normal for us. So I opened the door and walked in. 

Closing the door quietly behind my back I looked around the room. The room didn't just include some guitars, like you will probably assume now. No, there were guitars, bass', a drum, a piano and a violine. Adding up to that some golds and platnums of Luke and me were hung up upon the wall by my mum. And on the right side of the room was a little, but still a whole recording studio. After me and Luke got signed in each, he used to write and record in there with Michael, Ashton and Calum. For me it had always been a great thing to be with them. The passion, always visible in their amazed eyes. Proud wasn't even enough for what I am of those boys. 

We spent so many nights in the lounge, always figuring new melodies, writing down lyrics, recording everything and rewriting the whole song until all were happy with the outcome. And when the others were passed out on the huge couch on the left of the room, me and Luke used to sit down in the huge studio room behind the glass and he would play the guitar for me softly until I fell asleep. Believe me, these are nights you will never forget. 

But for now, I walked over, grabbed a guitar and sat down on the couch. Softly I started to play the familiar melody of  Amnesia. Smiling to myself my fingers picked the sides. When it was about the time where the chorus shall be, I sang along quietly. As I reached the bridge, my phone started to ring. I put the guitar back into the holder and accepted the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah?" I asked calmly. "Hey Em." a voice said and I didn't recognize it to be honest. "Uhm hi?" , my reply more of a question. "You again didn't look at the caller ID didn't you?" the male voice on the other end said and I could practically feel that the person was rolling her eyes. "No, I didn't." I admitted laughing. "Hahaha Em, you should start doing it..I have no time to always tell you who is calling. This is Luke." my brother chuckled. "Sorry bro, but you were disturbing me from my guitar play. So you better be lucky that I even bothered to pick up." I sarcastically snapped at him. "I love you, too. Which song was I disturbing?" he said and I could hear him lay down somewhere. "Amnesia. That song will always be my number one song of yours." the words escaped my lips.

"So how's my sister doing back at home?" he went on and I sighed. "Wow that didn't sound like party and all fun and stuff." he claimed. "Well why should I? Tomorrows your birthday and I'm trapped here! I haven't seen you in over a year!" I whined at his comment in frustration. "And my friends talking about you and your birthday all the time aren't a great help at that though." My feet brought me back to the sofa, were I sat down and stared at the ceiling. My ears examined a silent sigh Luke breathed out. "You know, some day they will find out about you, about us, about everything." he said now becoming very serious. "I know Luke, and I'm already feeling guilty and sad for not telling them over all these years but until the day they find out about everything, school will long be finished. And I will probably live back in London, Los Angeles or even Sydney." There I sat, upset again about the whole situation. "You're probably right with that." my brother sighed. "Anyways, how are you and how's tour going so far?" myself tried to distract him. "I'm more or less fine and tour is crazy so far! London was the best crowd until now! But I think you'll experience that yourself on sunday." he answered sounding sad in the beginning but getting happier in the end. I knew he was feeling down aswell because we wouldn't see each other tomorrow, but what can I say? "Sounds great! Japan is next right?" I went on. "Em seriously. We both know you're just trying to distract me." He suddenly said, which caught me off guard. "Well what do you want me to say? You know the situation as good as I do." "Yes I do and it freaking sucks!" he said suddenly getting angry. "Calm down Lukey, yelling won't help! I'll try everything to come along with you boys on tour as soon as possible, I promise!" I told him, meaning it. 

"Hopefuly that will be very soon! By the way, the boys are standing right in front of me almost threatening. They want me to tell you to text them back." Luke said laughing at the end.  

"Hey that's a serious situation here Hemmings! You're sitting there, talking to the most beautiful girl in the world and I can't even get a text back." I heard Ashton yell in the background and even though he couldn't see me, I burried my face in the pillows next to me, probably crimson red. 

"Mate that's my sister you're talking about,you better watch your language." Luke said dead serious, pretending that I wasn't on the phone anymore. "Just telling the truth and we both know it." Ashton said. "Ew." Luke responded to him a little bit too loud.  "Hey dumbass I'm not ew." I yelled in the phone laughing. "Oh my god you heard that?" Luke laughed. "Yes! I did! And tell the boys if they would call me like you always do, they wouldn't have to wait until I text back, because they do know I hate texting." "You heard her. I put you on speaker love." Luke said. "She's got a point there Ash!" Michael said and I heard Ashton groan in response. "Anyways, you better fly your ass over here tomorrow Junior!" Michael yelled. "Dude she's in school and mum won't let her. She won't come." Luke said sadly. "And I'm really freaking sorry about that!" I said upset. "I'll send you pictures to see what you're missing out!" Cal said triumphant. 

"Thanks Calum, that makes everything soooo much better, seriously." Rolling my eyes, I gazed at the clock hanging on the wall next to me. It was already 11:30pm. "I know right. He's a genius." Luke said sarcastically. "Luke, I gotta go to sleep now, I have school until 5pm tomorrow. I wanna wish you a very very very amazing day with the boys and all your party guests! Enjoy your birthday and I love you loads!" I said and he was silent.  "I love you,too and thank you. Sleep well Em." Luke said. "Thanks, you also! Bye." I said. "Wait hold up!" Luke suddenly yelled in the phone. "What's the matter?" "Be safe and don't let them bring you down tomorrow, because they'll probably talk about me in music class tomorrow." He said and just hung up. 

Why would they talk about him in music class? They always talk about him, in every class! Well, whatever. I stood up from my spot on the couch and walked out of the lounge and down the hallway to my room. After I made myself ready for bed, I lay down and closed my eyes. Please let tomorrow be over fast.


Hey guys :)

 So I hope you like it so far! If you do, I would be really thankful for a vote and maybe a comment?

 Thank you evry much for reading :) 

Lots of love, princesslxn

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