• Five •

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Sighing I walked out of Luke's grip into the hallway, where the instruments were still standing. The boys followed me, so we could bring them inside our usual classroom. "Are you alright though?" I heard Calum ask me for only me to hear. Nodding I grabbed a microphone and Luke's guitar, walking back and laying everything down. As I walked into the hallway a second time, I saw Luke and Ashton talking, while they glanced over at me every now and then.I furrowed my eyebrows, when Michael appeared next to me. He looked back and forth between me and Ashton and Luke.

"What are they up to?" I asked Michael, turning towards him. Michael shrugged before he started talking. "I don't really know to be honest, but after your phone call yesterday with Luke they had a huge argument." Looking at the two boys, who were a few metres away from Michael and me, my face had still confusion written all over it. "Okay?" I more asked than said and grabbed the rest of the stuff we had to move in the classroom.

Michael, Calum and me began to set up everything so we could rehearse the song a few times. We should perform it in front of my class, that's what our teacher told us. Usually we wouldn't have to rehearse, because I could play all of their songs with ease, but we did it, so my classmates wouldn't suspect anything.

Michael and Calum both tuned their instrument, while I grabbed Luke's guitar. I knew Luke had already tuned it after they played Permanent Vacation, because he was someone who was too lazy to tune it shortly before a 'performance'. Without thinking I started to play 'You're dead wrong' by Mayday Parade and began to sing. Michael and Calum both played along, when they figured which song I was strumming. We all fell silent when Ashton and Luke entered the room, one angrier as the other.

Ashton sat down behind the drums and grabbed his sticks, while Luke came up to me. He stopped when his chest was against my back. "I need to talk to you later." he whispered and I turned to look at him. "Are you okay?" I asked him, with a worried expression on my face. "No." he breathed out heavily and grabbed the microphone in front of me. He took a few steps back and Ashton began to count, soon we were playing Good Girls.

After two more times going through it, we were all okay and decided to wait for the others. The others still had 15 minutes for their rehearsels left, so me and Luke sat down on our teachers desk. The other boys all left to grab something to drink for the five of us.

"Emily I need to talk to you about something." Luke began in a very serious tone. "Alright, go ahead then." I nodded at him and he looked at his hands. "After we ended the phone call yesterday, me and Ashton fought." he stated, his gaze focussing on something outside the window. "So?" my voice coming out somehow scared. What could he possibly tell me? "I want you to know why we fought." he said, now turning to look at me directly. My eyebrows furrowed, but I motioned for him to go on.

"We were fighting because of you." Luke went on sadly and looked back at his hands. "Because of me?" I asked, not believing what I just heard. "Why would you fight beause of me?" my confusion visible in my voice.

"Because of his comment. You know when he said you're the most beautiful girl in the world?" Luke asked me and I nodded, still not getting, why this could be a reason they fight. "Please don't hate me for what I tell you know okay? But I told him I didn't think it was okay and you are my sister after all. Quite a while ago I told all of them that my sister is off limits and after I told him it was not correct, he told me that he is in love with you and I know that you two even kissed once. I was so angry at him and I didn't believe him, but he was sure of what he said...and in the hallway I told him to stay away from you, because he already made another comment when John winked at you." Luke told me so fast that I struggled to get along. Somehow I managed though.

My breath stuck and my heart began beating heavily again. My head turned away from Luke. I wasn't mad at him, there was no way I could be. Just the thing with Ashton caught me off guard.

"Em please tell me that he is wrong. Please tell me that there isn't more going on between you two." Luke asked in a pleading voice but I shook my head. " We did kiss. But only once and we were both drunk. I never thought that he actually has feelings for me, because I don't like him that way, you have to believe me." I explained to Luke and he shut his eyes. "Oh my goodness. We will talk about that later, when we have more time okay?" he asked me, just as the boys stormed in the class again. I nodded and smiled, so the boys wouldn't notice both of our mood.

"And now? We still have some minutes left." Calum said as he handed us a waterbottle each. "I don't know, we could just relax?" Luke suggests and everyone accepted it gladly. The boys sat down on some chairs, while Luke and me remained on the table.

"So you're releasing a new song Junior?" Michael asked as he folded his arms behind his head. "Yup, not that it would be that spectecular." I answered his question. "Maybe not spectacular, but the 30 secs you already released were great though." Michael went on and I smiled at him warmly. "Thanks. But anyways, none of you beside Luke will hear it before it's released." I smirked proudly and looked at Michael. "Well in contrast to curly over there, I already accepted that." Michael said while he nodded his head towards Ashton. Who just shook his head irritaed and looked in a different direction.

Ashton stood up and walked out of the room, without glancing at any of us. As the door was closed, Michael leaned forward. "Okay you gotta tell me what the fuck is going on here Luke." Michael said and Calum also leaned forward. "Curly there is in love with Em. And I don't accept that." Luke stold them and the boys widened their eyes. "Didn't see that coming." Calum answered and looked at me. "And what does our little Em have to say to that?" Calum asked me and I sighed. "Actually I go with Luke's opinion. Sorry I love you boys as brothers, but definitely not in that way!" I stated and Calum nodded understandingly. "But didn't you two like kiss?" Michael asked and me and Luke both nodded in unison. "Strange world we're living in." he said and took a sip of his water.

Cal and Michael sunk into a conversation about some bands right after that. "So besides me no one is allowed to hear your song yeah?" Luke asked me smiling. "Nope. So you wanna hear it?" I asked him shyly. He nodded eagerly and I grabbed my in-ear headphones. I plugged them into my phone and handed him one while I put the other one in my ear. When I finally found it I pressed play and you could say I was really nervous about him hearing it for the first time.

Luke was listening in concentration, you could tell because he was biting his lip and furrowing his brows. He always did that. When the chorus began Luke widened his eyes and looked at me. In the corner of my eye I could see that all of my classmates were entering the room, together with Ashton, Luke and me kept listening to my song though and he was still staring at me with wide eyes.

"Is it that bad?" I asked him. He began to smile really proud. "Oh my god bad? Are you kidding me? This is literally the best I heard so far" he said and Amy and the girls looked at us. "What are you listening to?" Chelsea asked and Luke looked at them. "She showed me some of her guitar play and she's the best girl I heard so far!" he covered up and I smiled. "Thanks." I said and winked at Chelsea.

"So Class, the boys will now perform their song Good Girls together with Emily playing the lead guitar." our teacher announced. "The lead guitar." Michael mocked as we all stood there waiting for our teacher to finish and the girls were laughing at him. "Mike, don't worry, we all know you're the real star here." I said laughing and he rolled his eyes, laughing along with me. "The star, that's what she said." Ashton said a little bit too loud maybe. We all turned around and looked at him and he covered his mouth with his hands while we widened our eyes.

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