· Twenty Eight ·

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Harry walked out of the room, nodding at my teacher in the process. "Alright guys. So first things first." My teacher smiled as she clapped in her hands. Her gaze fell on me and she gestured towards me. "Welcome, Miss Hemmings." she laughed and I burried my face in my shirt. This was more ebarassing than I thought it would be. "Hello Mrs." I answered her uneasy. "Please just call me Em, like always, please." I begged her and she started laughing. "Don't worry Emily." she grinned. "So that's why 5 Seconds of Summer where here a couple o' weeks ago? And why Harry Styles is here today?" Megan bitched around. Her eyes darted onto me in disgust. "Hey, she brought them because they can actually help us getting ready for our concert Megan." Hailey fought back instantly. "Oh look, the celebrity herelf needs her fans to defend herself, how cute." Megan bragged on. "Leave it Hailey. She's not worth your anger." I told my friend as I stared at Megan, who just huffed. "I actually think it is great that Emily gives us the opportunity to work with people who earn their daily bread by singing. The experience they have can help us a lot to get ourselves improving . So thank you Emily." John intervined and smiled over at me,winking . 

Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, I smiled at him quickly - turning back to my teacher right after. "Megan I'm sorry, but John is right. And by the way, congratulations to your sort of ' coming out' if you can even call it that." my teacher mentioned towards our class. "But in which way did Emily help the class to get better over the year? I mean sure, I'll give it to you that these boys helped us to improve, but she definitely didn't." Megan started to argue again. "Excuse me Megan, who did ALL the instrumental stuff together with John?" Hannah exclaimed and Megan just rolled her eyes. "If you're done arguing then, I'd like to see all of you again. This is the last but one chance you'll have." My teacher announced. John and I walked up to the front, to stand next to our teacher.

She quickly told us which instruments we needed and when. We both set everything up real quick and after about ten minutes we were ready to start. John and me played guitar and piano alog to the first two small groups. Then it was the girls' turn, just as Harry and Chelsea walked into the room again. She didn't dare to look at us, but I knew that she'd been crying. Her eyes were all red and puffy. While Harry sat down in my seat with an emotionless expression, Chelsea walked over to our group. She stood next to Amy. Nodding at Hannah, I started to play the melody of my song Don't let me Down. Soon we were halfway through the song and it was Chelsea's solo coming up. She managed to hit the notes, even though her voice was hoarse and cracking every now and then. I played the last note. My teacher started clapping. "That was really good. Thank you girls, you may sit down." 

Chelsea walked past Harry, without glancing at him. I remained in my seat at the piano as the next group walked up to the front. My eyes locked with Harry's, who looked away immidiately. What was that about? I wonder if the talk went well, because I really doubt that right now. We played through the last few groups and soon I was allowed to sit down, when Harry was asked to stand in the front. 

I sat down and sunk deeper immidiately. My stomach felt strange and my mind was racing. He finally dared to look at me. Shyly he smiled at me, nodding. Had he succeeded with Chelsea? "Okay class, you'll now get the chance to ask him some question. Just go ahead." my teacher said and sat down on her desk. 

"Is there a chance that One Direction will be back one day?" a girl from the back asked and Harry shurgged. "To be honest, I don't know. We decided to do this break, but as we all got solo contracts by now, I'm unsure wether we'll making another album or tour all together." he answered honestly. "But you are still friends with the other boys?" the same girl wanted to know. "Oh yeah we are, we just met up at a concert in London." Harry smiled proudly. "Bet it was the looser's concert." Megan said disgusted. "Sorry, I don't know any loosers here." Harry bitched back at her and left her speechless. The girls and me all giggled. 

"To finally bring it to the question everyone's asking themselves. Are you and Emily dating or not?" Chelsea suddenly yelled at Harry angrily. He looked at her shocked, as my eyes widened at the question. What would he say? "What makes you think they're dating? Can't girls and boys be just friends?" Hannah asked Chelsea. Chelsea scoffed. "Please, look at them. Why would he fly from London here, just so he can see his friend?"she shouted, putting quotation marks at the word friends. "There's another reason I flew here Chelsea." Harry suddenly interrupted. He was now very serious. My mouth got really dry, while my heart was beating a thousand times faster than usual. How would this end?

"Are you or are you NOT dating?" Chelsea asked serious through gritted teeth. Please Harry, don't mess this up. "We are not dating, but it is none of your business anyways."  Harry stated calm. Relief filled my veins. Chelsea crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Whatever." she huffed and looked out of the window. The rest of the lesson went by really fast. Soon the classroom was empty and it was just Harry, the girls and me. "Alright so now signing?" Harry laughed at us and we nodded our heads. All together we walked in front of the school gate. Harry was directly surrounded by what felt a hundred girls. The girls and me sat down on the small wall, just like yesterday. An hour later he was finally done and we could leave. 

"So how was your day in general?" Harry asked as he put his arm on my shoulder. "Well it was quite okay I guess? Yours?" I replied. He sighed loudly and looked at me. "I'll tell you later." Confused I stared at the pavement to my feet. "Was it that bad?" I asked him. "It was okay, didn't quite turn out the way I wanted, but well." he tried to answer my question, but failed. We turned into my driveway, when we saw Chelsea sitting on the stairs to my front porch. Harry still his arm around my shoulder looked at me confused. Chelsea stared at me nervously. 

"Go in, please." I said to Harry as we were standing in front of her. "Okay." he siad, gave my shoulder a squeeze and hurried inside. Chelsea stood up so she was on my eye level. Awaiting I looked into her eyes, she sighed and her head dropped. "Em, I am sorry." she managed to say. "It's fine. I forgive you." I smiled at her, as she looked at me in disbelief. "How could you forgive me just like that? After I treated you so bad?" she replied and I shrugged. "It's against my priorities to fight with someone. And people make mistakes, that's what makes us human, you know." She smiled lightly at my words. "You were right all the time. I was just jealous of you." Chelsea finally admitted as we sat down on the stairs together this time. "But why didn't you just talk to me?" I asked her. "I didn't know how. Suddenly everything was so different. You're having the life I've always been dying to have. You are frineds and even related to people I would love to frineds with. You're having a bond with Harry..the one I've been loving for years." she went on talking, trembling by now. "Chelsea, you could be friends with them, too. I would love to take you and the girls with me more often ad spent time with us." "Thank you for that, it's just I didin't know how hard everything was and still is for you until Harry told me. He's been talking about you with so much love in his eyes Emily. You should keep him forever. Together or not, but I wish you the best." She smiled at me. I snug an arm around her and hugged her sideways. 

We heard the door open behind us, Harry looked at us guilty. "I don't want to interrupt you two, but Emily, we have to get going, otherwise we won't catch our flight." Harry informed me, staring at Chelsea. Chelsea looked at Harry and back at me. She smiled warmly as she pulled me into a hug. My eyes wandered over to Harry. I didn't know how to react properly. Harry shrugged from behind me as I hugged Chelsea back hesitating at first.

She pulled away shortly after and left Harry and me on the front porch - alone, staring after her until she was out of sight.

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