Thirty Four

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Harry slung an arm around my waist and smiled. He pushed lightly and signaled for me to walk inside again. My eyes scanned the crowd in front of us, dancing along to the music.
He held his hand out for me and asked me: "May I have this dance?"
"You may." I smiled as I grabbed his hand. Harry led us onto the dancefloor, were we started to dance along to the slow song. After a few songs, we decided to sit down on a table. As Harry was getting us some bowle, Ashton sat down next to me.
"You happy?" he asked me smiling and I nodded eagerly at his question.
"But why did you..." I started but he cut me off. "Em, I don't want you to be alone on your senior year prom. And adding up to that, he is your boyfriend, it's the least he could do." Ashton answered. My eyes widened. I had never told him that Harry was my boyfriend, how did he know?
"Luke." he suddenly answered my thoughts. "He..he told you that Harry and me are.." I tried to let it sink in. "Don't be mad at him. It's not like no one noticed before he said it." Ash rolled with his eyes. "Thank you Ashton." I smiled at him. "You're welcome. Now enjoy your prom."

The evening went by really fast. Amy got prom queen, whilst John got King. Happily I walked home with all the boys. Everyone was telling about the great evening they had.

When I lay in my bed, I was somehow really nervous. Tomorrow would be my graduation. After that I would be free. I can finally concentrate on my career. I don't know what the future holds. I don't know wether my plans work out or I will fail miserably. All I know, after tomorrow I can do what I want and finally spent more time with my family and friends.

Happily I slept in. The next day I woke up with a stomach ache. I was so nervous my whole body felt sick. As I approached the boys at the breakfast table downstairs, they all smiled at me. "Morning." I mumbled sleepily as everyone greated me in the same unmotivated voice. I placed myself next to Luke and put my forhead against his arm. "Tired?" he asked as he kissed my head softly. " stomach hurts so bad, I'm so nervous." I answered silently. Soon my brothers arms wrapped around my small frame. "Hey, we'll get you through that." he tried to calm me down. 

"You are nervous for your graduation, but are the most chilled person in front of thousnads on stage?" Calum asked from my other side. "I know it's stupid." I answered sadly as I sat up straight. "It's not stupid, you graduate, that's a big thing." Luke smiled from next to me. "Don't worry Junior, we got you, we'll all be there." Michael smiled at me. "And you got your little boyfriend as well." Michael smirked at me as I looked at him confused. My eyes looked  at Luke when I proceeded what Mike had just said. "You, Luke Hemmings, are the reason why I shouldn't share secrets with you boys." I laughed as I pointed my finger at him. "I love you,too." He shrugged it off and continued to eat. 

Right after breakfast I dressed into my graduation robe. We all got in the car and drove to school. Nervous as hell we walked onto the football court, where a few hundred chairs where standing in front of a stage. Everything was decorated in the schools colours. I sat down next to the girls in the front row, while the boys sat down next to the girls parents in the back. Soon the ceremony began. Our headmaster and a few other teachers gave a speech, until my music teacher called me on stage, so I could give a quick speech as well.

Completely surprised by her action I walked onto stage, my heart was beating at the speed of light.

"Alright, so I am actually quite surprised to stand here right now,because I didn't know I was about to give a speech today. So you can probably tell that I am not prepared at all..uhm.." I started off staring at the girls, who gave me thumbs up. My eyes then met Luke's. He stared into mine as he nodded at me smiling. QUickly I pulled myself together. A speech? I had done that a million times, so why be nervous now?

"I want to take this opportunity to actually talk about something that I find very important. In the last few weeks I have often been asked the question: 'Em, what are your plans after you graduate?' You know what my answer was? 'I don't know'." I stated shrugging and everyone began to smile. "And I know that a lot of you also have no idea what to do with their future. And that's okay. Honestly, it is completely alright if you're like that. Because we're only human. We will make mistakes, we will learn from them and we gonna turn out great. That is what I want you to know. Don't worry, don't dream, just do, just create. You will turn out amazing. Of course you will miss opprtunities, you will fail, but stand up and try again. You will turn out great, never forget that. Of course our time is limited and we all know it, but don't waste that time by living someone elses life.Be yourselves, because being yourself, makes you so perfect. Follow your passion. You will turn out great." I said one last time, before everyone stood up and cheered. "Thank you." I said into the mic as I stared into Luke's eyes. He was having tears in his eyes. He smiled as he put a hand on his heart. Smiling back at him I started to walk off the stage.

After my speeach the headmaster began to give us our credentials. When everyone had received theirs, I walked over to the boys. Luke directly grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. "I am so proud of you Emily." He whispered into my ear as I hugged him even tigther. As he let go, the others congratulated me. Harry gave me a kiss as I finally reached him. "You did y great job up there." He complimented me. "Thank you." I said as I kissed him once more. "Get y room." Michael commented and had everyone of us in laughter. 

I said goodbye to the girls, who were at the edge of tears and still telling me how great I did on stage.

After that we all drove home, were our things were already packed up. We'd all go back to London to continue touring, to produce new music and just spend some time together like we did when we were younger.

I had never thought my life would turn around like that. And I ws so happy about everyone and especially Luke in my life. I don't know where I would be without him.

As we stood at the veranda at our house in London, I turned to look at him. 

"You're my favourite though. Ever been, always will be." I smiled at him, not even shy about it."I'm so glad to have you. Love you Em. " He said, smirking, while he looked at me amazed."Love you, too Luke. Love you, too.".


AAaaaand that's the end. I want to thank everyone for reading, commenting and voting! I hope you enjoyed the book, if you did, just let me know by leaving a comment below this chapter :) <3

Also: If you want me to write another book, just let me know!

Thank you for everything <3


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