• Fourteen •

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After Breakfast the boys said their goodbyes and went home, which was good for me. I had to be in the arena at 2PM for the soundcheck. And right now it was 1:30PM.
My dad grabbed his keys as I still sat on the couch procrastinating about next weeks concert.
"Come on Em, we gotta go." He said casually and I grabbed my things.

As we came to the back of the arena, hundreds of fans were already forming a huge crowd. To my advantage, they all didn't know that I was Emily Hemmings, otherwise they probably wouldn't have let us pass. 

We parked and got out of the car. "Sometimes I'm glad that you're having a secret." my dad said as he scanned the crowd. A security guard came up to us and welcomed us. "Hello Miss. Shawn is already waiting inside for you." the man whispered in my ear and I nodded. "Alright, thank you." I said and walked inside the arena. Shawn was already on stage, having his sound check. 

I watched him finish his song and put his guitar away, until I walked up to him. I haven't met him yet, so he didn't know that I actually was Emily Hemmings. But he had signed a contract in order to keep things to himself. 

"Mr. Mendes?" I asked as he turned around and looked at me. "That would be me." he said smiling. I held out my hand for him to shake. "Hemmings. But you can call me Emily." I said as he shook my hand. "So this is the person behind all the dress up?" he asked me and I nodded. "Actually. How was your flight? I hope everything went decent." My eyes focussing on someone behind him. "My flight was pretty good, thanks for asking and a massive thank you that you are having me as an opening act." he replied. My eyes met his again and I smiled. "My pleasure.  You're really talented." I said. 

The lights went off and a spot on, onto the middle of the stage. "Mrs Hemmings, would you please go, stand in the spot and start soundcheck and lightcheck?" a technician asked and I nodded. I got a microphone and walked in the spot. We went through a few songs and finished 2 hours before the concert should start. My dad took the micro from me and nodded. "Soundcheck was good said the technicians, are you feeling alright and ready for tonight?" He went on and I nodded. "I'm feeling fine, thanks."

Leaving my dad standing there, I walked in direction of my dressing room. My make up artist crossed my ways as I was about to open the door. "Hey Em! Just wanted to tell you that everything is set up, I'll come in an hour and then we'll get you ready." The girl named Jane said. "Thank you Jane! See you in an hour!"

After replying to her information I opened the door to find four people back facing me, while playing fifa on the playstation in my dressing room. It were the One Direction boys, obviously following my invitation of coming to my concert. I cleared my throat. They all turned around, looking at me guilty.
"You could've at least waited until I was here." I said laughing and my eyes fell on Louis.
"Louis!! Hey!!" I said as I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Hey Em, how are you?" He smiled as he hugged back. "I'm fine and I'm glad you are all here. I actually didn't think you'd all come along to visit." I mentioned as Louis swayed the both of us back and forth. Harry looked at the two of us somehow strange. As he noticed me staring he looked away. Liam and I locked eyes and he raised his eyebrows quickly. Louis whispered something in my ear.
"He's jealous." He said for only me to hear and I looked at Louis weirdly. "You sure? Why would he?" I whispered back and he just laughed it off shaking his head.
We let go of each other and I sat down between Niall and Harry.

"Everything set princess?" Niall asked me and I could feel Harry tensing next to me. "Yup, everything's ready for later. " I responded.  We played fifa the rest of the time until I had to go on stage. Shawn did a great job and soon wished me luck for my concert. 

Quickly I ran on stage and started the first three songs. After them I had a quick break of five minutes where my drummer had a solo he would perform. I ran backstage to drink something and the boys were all standing there, watching my concert on a screen. "You're awesome so far." Liam said and I smiled. "As if it was something new." I joked and the boys all let out a small laugh. I grabbed a water bottle and stood next to Harry. "Boys you can perform the next song with me if you want. It's 'Cold Water' and you guys sang the background vocals in the studio anyways." I said and the boys all agreed on joining me. They got their micro's while I jumped on stage again.

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